
Southeast Coast Network News July 2018

Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Cape Lookout National Seashore, Congaree National Park, Timucuan Ecological & Historic Preserve

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Intern riding in a canoe on the river with two other team members ahead pushing another canoe.
The crew encountered frequent debris jams getting to sample reaches along Cedar Creek. Above, Congaree National Park's Mosiac intern Dominique Sanchez follows Stephen Cooper, SECN intern, and Jacob McDonald, fluvial geomorphologist.

SECN photo / Eric Starkey

Wadeable Stream Monitoring at Congaree National Park

In June, the Southeast Coast Network began implementation of wadeable stream channel monitoring at Congaree National Park. During the first week at the park, the SECN field crew, led by Aquatic Ecologist Eric Starkey, trained with the park's Mosaics in Science intern Dominique Sanchez. Intern Stephen Cooper and Jacob McDonald, fluvial geomorphologist also participated in the monitoring. Even with high water levels, the team was able to survey McKenzie Creek for quality assurance/quality control purposes.

Week two marked the inaugural survey of all four-sample reaches within the park. Three reaches are along the upper section of Cedar Creek above “Bridge B” and the fourth reach is on McKenzie Creek in the northeast section of the park. Measurements at each reach included channel dimensions, dominant substrate, volume of large woody debris, bank angles, and canopy cover.

Future surveys will determine how conditions may have changed from baseline conditions. For more information about wadeable stream channel monitoring in the Southeast Coast Network, see The network would like to thank Congaree National Park staff and intern for their support and assistance.

A large snake laying on woody debris near the stream.
Snakes were a common sight near ideal habitat such as large woody debris.

SECN photo / Eric Starkey

Anna Hilting holds a measuring rod sitting on a platform in the water and Elaina Sherman collects elevation data.
Anna Hilting (right, NOAA) and Elaina Sherman (Cape Lookout National Seashore intern) collecting elevation data to tie historical data from surface elevation tables to future data collected by SECN staff at the Cape Lookout South Core site.

SECN photo / Lisa Baron

Shoreline Data Collected

Shoreline surveys were collected at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in April, and a preliminary map was created. Working with park staff and NOAA, elevation data was collected at Cape Lookout National Seashore to help tie in South Core site historical data to future data collection.
Conference attendees standing in marsh.
Wetlands managers and researchers at the Rockefeller Refuge in Louisiana during the Wetlands Managers Workshop.

Photo by Gabe Griffin, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

SECN Ecologist Attends Wetlands Manager's Workshop

Southeast Coast Network Coastal Ecologist Lisa Cowart Baron recently attended a Wetlands Manager's Workshop at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in Louisiana. Marsh managers and researchers from around the country attended the conference, led by Andy Nyman, a professor at Louisiana State University's School of Renewable Resources. The meeting was the first of its kind, bringing in state and federal land managers as well as public and private consulting groups to discuss subsidence and sea-level rise.

A fire extinguisher
A fire extinguisher in the offices of the Southeast Coast Network.

SECN photo / Eric Starkey

In Case of Emergency...

From Southeast Coast Network Safety Officer Eric Starkey:

What would you do if you suddenly needed a fire extinguisher or needed to locate a tornado shelter? Do you know where your nearest emergency exit is? What if it was blocked? If an emergency strikes, seconds count. Knowing the answer to these questions could be the difference between life and death.

Take a few minutes to think about the location of the following safety related items or places in your workspace: fire extinguisher, fire alarm, first aid kit, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), eyewash station (if applicable), hearing protection, eye protection, tornado shelter, primary and secondary emergency exits, and the designated assembly area after emergency exit.

Hopfeully you'll never need any of these things, but a moment spent thinking about it now could save valuable time during an emergency. If you don't know where these items or places are in your workspace, check with your supervisor or designated safety person.

Upcoming Field Work

A coastal assessment is scheduled at Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve July 6 through July 13, and Fort Pulaski National Monument from July 23 to July 27. Salt Marsh monitoring is scheduled for Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve from July 11 to July 17, and Cumberland Island National Seashore from July 18 to July 22. Pete will be collecting water-quality data from sondes July 18-19 at all Georgia and Florida coastal parks. Looking ahead, the tentative schedule for August includes Salt Marsh monitoring at Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve August 3 through August 7, and Fort Frederica National Monument from August 17 to August 21.

Last updated: May 18, 2023