Last updated: June 17, 2020
Sarah Venator - Geologist

Alaska Regional Office
240 W 5th Ave
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 644-3573
B.S. 2005 Central Washington University, Geology
Skills and Interest Areas
abandonded mineral lands, historic data compilation, resource development projects, glacier monitoring, paleontology, RTK surveying
Professional Experience
2010-present Geologist, National Park Service-Alaska
2009-2010 Environmental education, Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska Center for the Environment
2005-2008 Field Engineer, UNAVCO Plate Boundary Observation
Professional Activities
Geological Society of America, Professional Member (2007-present)
Karpilo, R. D., Jr. and S. C. Venator. 2015. Documenting over a century of natural resource change with repeat photography in Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Alaska. Natural Resource Report NPS/KLGO/NRR--2015/1017. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Venator, S. C. 2013. 2012 Abandoned mineral lands inventory: Denali national Park and Preserve. Natural Resource Data Series NPS/DENA/NRDS--2013/573. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.