"The thing then to be desired above all others is confidence in one's self..." Colonel Charles Young
Ode for Memorial Day

The National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center in Wilberforce, Ohio has the largest collection of artifacts connected to the life and times of Colonel Charles Young. The museum has given Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument access to several items in their collection and here, we are overjoyed to share a timeless and inspirational piece with you. It is a poem that Colonel Young wrote called “Ode for Memorial Day,” dated May 30th, 1907, Wilberforce, Ohio. While the actual papers are not on active display at the museum, we are providing the transcription of the poem here. Visit the National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center in west-central Ohio to see various pieces from Colonel Young's life and other priceless artifacts from African American history.

Ode for Memorial Day
This is the hour when the nation bids her sons
Yet living leave shop, field and marts of the trade
Thru-out the land and come unto God’s Acres
To keep holy-day! - Come see the tombs
And cerdant mound, where in repose are urned
The ashes acred of her Veteran Dead!
The Union’s Saviours! Sons of Sacrifice!
Each one a hero heart who stead-fast dared
In the trial-hour of the nation’s life say “No!”
When mad rebellion raised Medusan head
And offered peace at price of principle,
Of truth and freedom’s right. Twas then that they
Quick-bridged the gulf twixt through and act and came
Flame-eyed to the high-priestess, Liberty,
Offering their tribute-dues of life and all,
Upon their country’s altar! For they deemed,
Peace-loving tho they were, that war was well
In cause so just and holy; and that death,
Thus by a foe-man’s bullet, wondrous sweet!
Not with a pang of grief
Do we lay the fl ower and leaf
Upon the patriot’s grave:
But with hearts a heave with pride
For those who fought and died
The Union’s life to save!
This is the Veteran’s hour! these worthy ones
Who with this empty sleeves and shattered frames,
Sad-eyed come tottering here with battle-scars
And bronzed medalled breasts and feeble voice,
They are the idols and the orators
To-day, be ne’er so eloquent other’s words!
They tell us true that none may force or buy
A patriot’s blood: his own to sacrifice
In heart-felt love for his dear country’s good.
This is the Veteran’s day: let Youth give care
And passage free; his soldier live doth pass,
Going to keep his yearly rendez-vouz
With comrade spirits whom he soon must join!
See, they salute and bow their hatless heads
In mute communion with the spirit-hosts.
Now opened are the vials of their souls
To receive that spirit-influence blest.
Here hate of foe and rancour are forgot:
Their hearts are fi lled with thoughts of love alone
For country, freedom, right. - The sires renew
Their ancient memories and feel the thrill
Again of the war-note wild, as their country’s call,
The while their sons do slate their burning thirst
From traditions copious spring, and rise inspired.
These, brothers, rare the days that speak and fill
A nation with new life and glory’s fire!
They’re Freedom’s resurrection morns!
Bloom, Flowers!
Flow, tears of saddened joy! Wake, Music! Sound
Oh Voice of Prais! In this Ancestral Cult
Than ye there’s naught more meet!
Ah, sad must be
That son to-day who loving visit pays
Unto a father’s tomb, where will or chance
Deprived of honors of the war - Of this
Thrice noble heritage of Sacrifi ce!
Poor is the burial-ground ungraced with tomb
Where-in reposes well a Veteran dead!
Each soldier’s low-marked mound’s a monument
Which speaks of Manhood vigorous and strong
To all America! Yea more, it speaks
Of Union and of Brotherhood for all
Who home and country find beneath the Flag!
Each soldier’s tomb an altar is, where on
Each Veteran and veteran’s Son renews
His scred vows that freedom full shall reign
In every home thru-out the land, that peace
And hope for een the lowliest shall prevail!
Shall Afric’s Sons be least in this proud land
To land the virtues of the Veteran Army Grand?
To teach their children fondly to extol
The names upon the nation’s honor roll?
Tell them how black blood mingled with the white
That right should reign and freedom’s robes be bright?
Tell them of Wagner, Pillow, Olustee, ______
The Negro’s sacrifice for all the free?
Do not forget on this Memorial Day
Their word to you of power! Nor ever stray
From this example! Pay your freedom’s price
In labor, love, service and sacrifice!
Let not oppression and no dark desires
Pale in your hearts your country’s altar-fires!
Ah not with pang of grief
So we lay the flower and leaf
Upon the patriot’s grave:
But with hearts aheave with pride
For those who bled and died
The Union’s life to save!
(Chas. Young,
Wilberforce, Ohio. May 30, 1907.)
Last updated: May 29, 2018