
Check Out the Presidio’s New Hawk Cam!

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Presidio of San Francisco

Two red-tailed hawks interacting with each other as they try to add another stick to their nest
Hawk Cam screenshot of the pair refurbishing their nest.

February 2018 - You can now peek in on a mating pair of red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) nesting high up in one of the Presidio of San Francisco’s blue gum eucalyptus trees. The pair are regular residents at the site, and have returned to this same nest over the past few years. One of them is even sporting an ankle bracelet from the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory’s banding program. Tune in over the next few months as the pair hatches and raises this year’s chicks. A Hawk Cam highlights playlist is also available from the Presidio’s YouTube channel.

Last updated: February 28, 2018