
Natural Sounds and Night Skies

Ranger pointing up behind child using binoculars
What nature can you see and hear in our parks?

NPS Photo

Would you rather hear cars honking, continuous chatter, and sirens or gentle splashes, birds singing, and natural quiet? Studies show that most people prefer the peace of natural sounds more over man made noises, and they’re better for your health too. Our national parks offer unique soundscapes and naturally dark night skies.

What are natural sounds and night skies?

The National Park Service recognizes natural sounds and night skies among the critical park features the National Park Service (NPS) protects.

Natural sounds, or the sounds of nature, are the opposite of anthropogenic, or human-made sounds, such as traffic, industrial, and recreational noise. U.S. Congress and the National Park Service consider “natural quiet” an essential resource that needs to be protected.

Milky Way Galaxy in night sky
Stargaze in national parks and see the Milky Way Galaxy- No telescope needed.

NPS/Chris Wonderly

Natural night skies are peacefully dark without the disturbance of artificial light. They allow you to see stars, constellations, and even the Milky Way Galaxy! Light pollution, or an excess of artificial light, can get in the way of these spectacular views.

The sounds of nature coupled with the tranquility of night skies is a soothing remedy to the frenzied activity of modern life.

Who can benefit from natural sounds and night skies in our parks?

People of all ages and abilities can enjoy the health benefits of parks.

The National Park Service has identified natural sounds and night skies as a Healthy Parks Healthy People promising practice. Healthy Parks Healthy People promising practices are science-informed programs and policies in parks that can help people lead happier, healthier, more productive lives.

Night sky scene shows the Milky Way galaxy arching over the "entering Joshua Tree National Park" entrance sign
Enjoy spectacular night skies in our national parks.

NPS/Lian Law

Last updated: January 24, 2025