Last updated: December 6, 2023
My Park Story: Kelsey Shores

NPS/Kelsey Shores
What was your pathway to the National Park Service (NPS)?
Working for the Park Service has always been a dream, especially in my home state. After a few years of river guiding and working for the Glen Canyon Conservancy, I started exploring my options with the park and was lucky enough to land a job with Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
What interested you in the National Park Service?
I’ve always loved being outside and exploring new places. So, when I realized I could make a career out of traveling around our country and learning about these parks and then sharing what I’ve learned I felt like I hit the jackpot.
What do you do for NPS?
I’m a seasonal Interpretive Ranger. So I staff the visitor center, lead guided hikes, boat up to Rainbow Bridge, operate telescopes for night sky programs, present informative talks, and have a lot of fun doing it all.
What do you find most rewarding about your job?
I really believe in our mission and to be able to play a small part in preserving and protecting some of our country’s most beautiful places for future generations is so meaningful to me. It’s also very satisfying to have the answers to most of our visitor’s questions and to be able to help them make the most out of their trip to our park.

NPS/Kelsey Shores
How has Glen Canyon sparked a connection with something or someone important to you?
Growing up, I spent my summers in Page visiting family and getting outside in the canyon and on Lake Powell. I have always loved this area, and I can’t believe this outdoor playground is my office. I love getting to share one of my most favorite places with people from all around the world.
What advice do you have for youth and young adults thinking about a career at NPS?
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get hired straight away. Be patient and keep applying for anything and everything that sparks your interest. And don’t count yourself out! Fill out the applications and questionnaires with confidence, don’t downplay your skills and abilities.
Do you have any hobbies outside of the NPS?
I love hiking, camping, swimming, and I’m generally down to try anything once.
Do you remember the first park you visited?
Grand Canyon was the first park I remember visiting on a field trip in 4th grade.
What is your background? College? Study?
I have a BS in biology from Northern Arizona University, with a minor in chemistry and an undergraduate certificate in Wildlife Ecology and Management.
Any favorite or funny memories of the job?
I love serving the public, but sometimes we get some seriously silly questions about the park. I write them all down, and the list is definitely growing.