
My Park Story: Ashlee Austin

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Rainbow Bridge National Monument

A Person stands behind a tall desk in a volunteer uniform talks with a memeber of the public.
Ashlee working at the CHVC explaining the Junior Ranger Program.


Where are you from? What was your pathway to the National Park Service(NPS)?

I grew up here in Page, Arizona but I reside in Lechee, Arizona. I am currently in Community College and a part of the Public Lands Internship Program with Northern Arizona University hoping to pursue a (BS) in Environmental and Sustainable Studies. I have been a part of the Public Lands Internship at Glen Canyon for about 5 months in total.

What interested you in the National Park Service?

I think learning about the environment is so cool because everything has been here long before us and will be here longer than us. Being with the park service I have been surrounded by resources that allow me to find answers to my questions about Glen Canyon.

What do you do at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area?

In my time here I have done graffiti removal, project development for tabling programs in the visitor center my most recent one about how Navajo Sandstone obtains its color! I have also created social media posts for our Instagram, as well as a guided hike to Hanging Garden.

A person stands posing with their arms out on a red rocky surface. a lake is visable in the background.
Ashlee smiles for the camera near Lake Powell.

NPS/Ashlee Austin

What do you find most rewarding about your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is being able to talk to visitors that have an interested in Glen Canyon as well as being surrounded by staff who hold so much knowledge about Glen Canyon. With this job I have gained a deeper appreciation for Page and its unique features by going to new places and learning about the area I have lived my whole life. I realized how lucky I am to grow up surrounded by Glen Canyons scenery now I can the share places I have been to and things I have learned with visitors.

What advice do you have for youth and young adults thinking about a career at NPS?

My advice is to start as a volunteer, or an internship, or as a seasonal the park service offers a variety of careers. In the beginning of this internship, I knew the bare minimum about applying for a National Park Service job. During my time here I was able to get to know what majority of the departments here do and got one on one help with writing my own government resume.

Last updated: October 20, 2023