Last updated: December 2, 2024
Matthew Cameron - Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife Biologist
4175 Geist Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99709
(907) 455-0626
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks Alaska, 2015 - 2022
Ph.D. in Wildlife Biology
Dissertation: Drivers and Mechanisms of Migration in an Arctic Caribou Herd.
Whitman College, Walla Walla Washington, 2005 - 2009
B.A. in Biological Science
Ungulate and carnivore ecology, movement ecology, nexus of environment and animal behavior and movement, environmental influences to population demography, GPS and remote sensing technology, wildlife management
Awards and Recognition
2021 Student Wildlife Conservation Award for Individual Achievement in Research and Management, The Wildlife Society, Alaska Chapter
Professional Experience
2015 – Present Wildlife Biologist, National Park Service, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve and Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
Summers of 2013 – 2014 Wildlife Biology Technician, Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands, CSU
Winter 2013 - 2014 Wildlife Biology Assistant, University of Alaska Fairbanks
2010 - 2012 Biological Technican, Various projects in California, Arizona, and Idaho
Caribou keep it cool in the cold: Winter adaptations of a far northern animal, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Alaska, February 4, 2022
Gurarie, E., C. Beaupré, O. Couriot, M. D. Cameron, W. F. Fagan, and K. Joly. 2024. Evidence for an adaptive, large-scale range shift in a long-distance terrestrial migrant. Global Change Biology 30 (11): e17589.
Joly, K., M. D. Cameron, and R. G. White. In press. Behavioral adaptation to seasonal resource scarcity by Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and its role in partial migration. Journal of Mammalogy :1-9.
Sorum, M. S., M. D. Cameron, A. Crupi, G. K. Sage, S. L. Talbot, G. V. Hilderbrand, and K. Joly. 2023. Pronounced brown bear aggregation along anadromous streams in interior Alaska. Wildlife Biology e01057.
Prichard, A. K., K. Joly, L. S. Parrett, M. D. Cameron, D. A. Hansen, and B. T. Person. 2022. Achieving a representative sample of marked animals: A spatial approach to evaluating post-capture randomization. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1398.
Joly, K., M. D. Cameron, M. S. Sorum, D. D. Gustine, W. Deacy, and G. V. Hilderbrand. 2022. Factors influencing Arctic brown bear annual home range sizes and limitations of home range analyses. Ursus (33e11): 1-12.
Schmidt, J. H., M. D. Cameron, K. Joly, J. M. Pruszenski, J. H. Reynolds, and M. S. Sorum. 2022. Bayesian spatial modeling of moose count data: Increasing estimator efficiency and exploring ecological hypothesis. The Journal of Wildlife Management : e22220.
Cameron, M. D., J. M. Eisaguirre, G. A. Breed, K. Joly, and K. Kielland. 2021. Mechanistic movement models identify continuously updated autumn migration cues in Arctic caribou. Movement Ecology 9(54): 12 pp.
Cameron, M. D., K. Joly, and J. Hepler. 2021. New insights from an enduring tool: Using GPS data to detect calving events in Alaskan caribou herds. Alaska Park Science 20(1): 84-87.
Fullman, T. J., B. K. Sullender, M. D. Cameron, and K. Joly. 2021. Simulation modeling accounts for uncertainty while quantifying ecological effects of development alternatives. Ecosphere 12(5): e03530.
Joly, K., E. Gurarie, D. A. Hansen, and M. D. Cameron. 2021. Seasonal patterns of spatial fidelity and temporal consistency in the distribution and movements of a migratory ungulate. Ecology and Evolution.
Cameron, M. D., K. Joly, G. A. Breed, C. P. H. Mulder, and K. Kielland. 2020. Pronounced fidelity and selection for average conditions of calving area suggestive of spatial memory in a highly migratory ungulate. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: e564567.
Cameron, M. D., G. V. Hilderbrand, K. Joly, J. H. Schmidt, D. D. Gustine, L. S. Mangipane, B. Mangipane, and M. S. Sorum. 2020. Body size plasticity in North American black and brown bears. Ecosphere 11(8): e03235.
Mangipane, L. S., D. J. R. Lafferty, K. Joly, M. S. Sorum, M. D. Cameron, J. L. Belant, G. V. Hilderbrand, and D. D. Gustine. 2020. Dietary plasticity and the importance of salmon to brown bear (Ursus arctos) body size and condition in a low Arctic ecosystem. Polar Biology.
Sorum, M. S., K. Joly, M. D. Cameron, D. D. Gustine, and G. V. Hilderbrand. 2020. Salmon sleuths: GPS-collared bears lead researchers to unknown salmon streams in Interior Alaska. Alaska Park Science 19(1): 4-9.
Joly, K., O. Couriot, M. D. Cameron, and E. Gurarie, E. 2020. Behavioral, physiological, demographic, and ecological impacts of hematophagous and endoparasitic insects on an Arctic ungulate. Toxins 12:334. doi:10.3390/toxins12050334
Cameron, M. D. and Schertz, D. T. 2020. Moose (Alces alces) population survey in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, November 2019. Natural Resource Report NPS/YUCH/NRR—2020/2127. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Sorum, M. S., K. Joly, and M. D. Cameron. 2019. Use of salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) by brown bears (Ursos arctos) in an Arctic, interior, montane environment. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 133(2):151-155.
Joly, K. .... M. S. Sorum, and others. 2019. Longest terrestrial migrations and movements around the world. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-019-51884-5
Sorum, M. S., K. Joly, A. G. Wells, M. D. Cameron, G. V. Hilderbrand, and D. D. Gustine. 2019. Den-site characteristics and selection by brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the central Brooks Range of Alaska. Ecosphere 10(8): e02822. 10.1002/ecs2.2822
Hilderbrand, G. V., D. D. Gustine, K. Joly, B. Mangipane, W. Leacock, M. D. Cameron, M. S. Sorum, L. S. Mangipane, and J. A. Erlenbach. 2019. Influence of maternal body size, condition, and age on recruitment of four brown bear populations. Ursus 29(2): 111-118.
Hilderbrand, G. V., K. Joly, M. S. Sorum, M. D. Cameron, and D. D. Gustine. 2019. Brown bear (Ursus arctos) body size, condition, and productivity in the Arctic, 1977-2016. Polar Biology:1-6.
Joly, K., M. S. Sorum, and M. D. Cameron. 2018. Denning ecology of wolves in east-central Alaska, 1993-2017. Arctic Institute of North America 71(4).
Joly, K., M. D. Cameron, and M. S. Sorum. 2018. Aerial survey of Dall’s sheep within Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, July 2018. Natural Resource Report NPS/YUCH/NRR—2018/1701. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Cameron, M. D., Joly, K., Breed, G., Parrett L. S., Kielland, K. 2018. Movement-based methods to infer parturition events for migratory ungulates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:1187-1195. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2017-0314.
Joly, K., M. D. Cameron, and M. S. Sorum. 2018. Aerial survey of Dall’s sheep within Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, July 2018. Natural Resource Report NPS/YUCH/NRR—2018/1701. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Joly, Kyle, and Cameron, M. D. 2018. Early Fall and Late Winter Diets of Migratory Caribou in Northwest Alaska. Rangifer 38 (1): 27–38. doi:10.7557/
Hilderbrand, G. V., Gustine, D. D., Mangipane, B. A., Joly, K., Leacock, W., Mangipane, L. S., Erlenbach, J., Sorum, M. S., Cameron, M. D., Belant, J. L., and Cambier, T. 2018. Body Size and Lean Mass of Brown Bears across and within Four Diverse Ecosystems. Journal of Zoology 305 (1):53-62. doi:10.1111/jzo.12536.
Hilderbrand, G. V., Gustine, D. D., Mangipane, B., Joly, K., Leacock, W., Mangipane, L., Erlenbach, J., Sorum, M. S., Cameron, M. D., Belant, J. L., and Cambier, T. 2018. Plasticity in Physiological Condition of Female Brown Bears across Diverse Ecosystems. Polar Biology 41(4): 773-780.
Joly, K, Craig, T., Cameron, M. D., Gall, A. E. and Sorum, M.S. 2017.Lying in Wait: Limiting Factors on a Low-Density Ungulate Population and the Latent Traits That Can Facilitate Escape from Them. Acta Oecologica 85: 174–83. doi:10.1016/j.actao.2017.11.004.
Joly, K., and M. D. Cameron. 2017. Caribou vital sign annual report for the Arctic Network Inventory and Monitoring Program: September 2016-August 2017. Natural Resource Report NPS/ARCN/NRR—2017/1570. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Joly, K., and M. D. Cameron. 2017. Caribou vital sign annual report for the Arctic Network Inventory and Monitoring Program: September 2015-August 2016. Natural Resource Report NPS/ARCN/NRR—2017/1398. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Joly, K., Cameron, M. D., and Sorum, M. S. 2016. Caribou, grizzly bear, and moose activity along proposed routes to the Ambler Mining District, Alaska. Natural Resource Report NPS/GAAR/NRR—2016/1283. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Sorum, M. S., Joly, K., Cameron, M. D. 2015. Aerial moose survey within and around Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, March 2015. Natural Resource Report NPS/GAAR/NRR— 2015/967. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Joly, K., and M. D. Cameron. 2015. Caribou vital sign annual report for the Arctic Network Inventory and Monitoring Program: September 2014-August 2015. Natural Resource Report NPS/ARCN/NRR—2015/1090. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Cameron, M. D., Joly, K., Sorum, M. S. 2015. Analysis of VHF moose telemetry data within the upper Koyukuk River drainage, 2008-2013. Natural Resource Report NPS/GAAR/NRR— 2015/970. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.