Last updated: May 21, 2020
Do I Recycle or Upcycle?
When we go to our favorite outdoor places, we go to enjoy the natural world around us, but whose job is it to make sure these places stay safe? Well it is all of ours! We all must work together to make sure these areas are protected forever! When you go for a walk around your neighborhood or to your favorite park, have you ever noticed trash in places where it should not be like the ground or the street? How do you think that affects the environment around it?
When litter is left on the ground, it can have a big impact on the health of the environment. Some trash takes a really long time to decompose, or break down into tiny pieces, which can have a very long impact on our environment after it has been left on the ground.
For each photo pair below, talk with your friends and family to see who can guess which one takes longer to decompose. Then, slide the photo bar to the left or right to see the correct answer! Use the drop-down menu below each photo pair to see more information on how you can keep items out of the environment!
Plastic Bottle VS Glass Jar

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Credit: NPS Photo
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Credit: NPS Photo
Cloth Clothing VS Diaper

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Credit: NPS Photo
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Credit: NPS Photo
Candy Wrappers VS Cigarettes

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Credit: NPS Photo
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Credit: NPS Photo
Tin Foil VS Aluminum Can

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Credit: NPS Photo
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Credit: NPS Photo
Plastic Straw VS Paper

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Credit: NPS Photo
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Credit: NPS Photo
To keep our outdoor areas beautiful and intact for future generations, we must all do our part! Disposing of our trash properly is one way we can help protect our natural spaces! What are some other ways we can minimize our impacts on our favorite places?
Instead of throwing things in the trash, or recycling items that can be recycled, we can also re-use some things in new and creative way (also known as upcycling). Choose an activity below and find a way to re-use something in YOUR house!
Materials Needed:
- Clean, dry glass jar
- Sharpie Markers or paint
Directions: Before you paint your glass jar, you will need to make sure to wash it in warm, soapy water, to get rid of any residue. Make sure you get all of the leftover food and sticky label stuff off for this to work! Next, make sure the jar is completely dry. Use sharpie markers or paint to create a fun design on your jar. Once you are done, make sure you let your marker or paint completely dry. What will you use your new jar for?
Materials Needed:
- Aluminum Can
- Nail & Hammer
- Several small rocks
- Soil
- Small plant, seeds, or succulent (needs to be able to fit in your can with room to grow)
Directions: Wash your can in warm , not hot, soapy water and make sure the can is completely dry. (Do not use hot water, as this will make the aluminum can very hot and can burn your hands.) If you are using an aluminum soda can, use a can opener to get rid of the top of the can. (Please be careful when disposing of the top of the soda can, the edges will be very sharp!) Ask an adult to help with this next step; Flip the can upside down and use a nail to create a few small holes in the bottom of the can, by hammering the nail through the can. Place a few small rocks in the bottom of the can. This will allow the can to drain properly; too much water constantly on the roots of your plant, can cause it to rot. If you are using seeds you will need to add soil and fill it almost to the top and then sprinkle the seeds onto the soil. If you are using a plant, add a small amount of soil to the bottom of your can. Then, take your small plant out of its current container, use your fingers to loosen the soil around the roots, and place your plant in the container you are using. Next, add a small amount of soil around the top of your plant. Finally, add enough water to make the soil damp, and place it in a sunny spot!
Pick something around your house that you would normally throw away or recycle and find a way to make something different from your item that can be used in a new way!
Some possibilities:
- Toilet paper roll
- Yogurt container
- Old Clothes

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