
Lewis & Clark State Historic Site

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail

stuffed dog with mannequin
The National Trails System is celebrating its 50th Anniversary! Four Newfoundland pups - Dakota, Harper, Rocky, Keelie - are celebrating by traveling the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail. They are visiting all the spots that their foredog Seaman would have traversed with the Corps of Discovery. Dakota (in the red bandana), visited Lewis & Clark State Historic Site and had a great time. You can see some pictures of the visit here.

Here is what Dakota wrote in his journal about his visit:

"I had a blast at Lewis & Clark State Historic Site in Hartford, IL. The Interpretive Center and reconstructed camp tell the story of the expedition’s winter encampment at Camp River Dubois. The Corps of Discovery stayed here for five months from December 1803 to May 1804 as they prepared for their momentous journey. This Point of Departure has a rebuilt Camp River Dubois and a full sized keelboat! I got to learn about all the supplies and equipment that the expedition packed on the boats to bring with them."
- Dakota

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Dakota inspects the cargo to be loaded on the expedition's keelboat at Lewis & Clark State Historic Site.
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Dakota got to meet up with another Newfie, Zia! She and Dr. Sylvia volunteer their time at Lewis & Clark State Historic Site.
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The Lewis & Clark State Historic Site has a gorgeous statue of Captain Clark, Captain Lewis, and Lewis's Newfoundland Hound Seaman. Dakota just had to get a picture with it!
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Dakota and Zia enjoying playing outside at Lewis & Clark State Historic Site!
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Dakota found Seaman on one of the interpretive displays in the Interpretive Center.
Stuffed pup near keelboat display
Dakota tried to sneak some salted beef from the keelboat. It sure looks yummy!
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St. Louis celebrated the 250th Anniversary a few years ago. The Corps of Discovery birthday cake is still on display at Lewis & Clark State Historic Site. Dakota thought it was a great place to greet visitors and look at the site.
stuffed dog near keelboat
Dakota was surprised by how big the expeditions' keelboat was. It was 55 foot long and 8 foot wide!

Learn more about the Lewis & Clark State Historic Site:

Learn more about the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail:
Newfie News Blog

Lewis and Clark NHT Visitor Centers and Museums

This map shows a range of features associated with the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, which commemorates the 1803-1806 Lewis and Clark Expedition. The trail spans a large portion of the North American continent, from the Ohio River in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to the mouth of the Columbia River in Oregon. The trail is comprised of the historic route of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, an auto tour route, high potential historic sites (shown in black), visitor centers (shown in orange), and pivotal places (shown in green). These features can be selected on the map to reveal additional information. Also shown is a base map displaying state boundaries, cities, rivers, and highways. The map conveys how a significant area of the North American continent was traversed by the Lewis and Clark Expedition and indicates the many places where visitors can learn about their journey and experience the landscape through which they traveled.

Last updated: May 30, 2018