
Lewis and Clark State Park (Iowa)

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System, five special dogs, the Lewis and Clark Pups, will travel in the paws of their ancestor Seaman, dog of Meriwether Lewis. The pups will travel more than 3,700 miles to complete their mission to commemorate and protect the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. They will be joined by Seaman Jr. who will complete his portion of the mission on the International Space Station.

As they make their stops they will be reporting back in on their adventures. Follow Rocky, Harper, Dakota, Keelie and Seaman Jr. at:

Four kids holding a toy dog
Rocky here! Today I went to Iowa to visit Lewis and Clark State Park and experience one of the many sites that the Corps of Discovery stopped at during their adventure. Here I am getting spoiled by some of the young park visitors. They are learning about the expedition too! We got to see lots of cool stuff inside this building where we learned about what Lewis and Clark saw and did while they were here.
toy dog with keelboat and lake in the background
Here’s my favorite selfie I took with the water keelboat and beautiful Blue Lake behind me. I learned this is an oxbow lake formed by the Missouri River, and it’s really big for a puppy like me – its 250 acres! I saw people enjoying the water and having fun. You can even see someone right there on the dock fishing! I also learned if you have a big enough group of people, you can make an appointment to take a boat ride on the keelboat; I can’t wait to come back to do that and feel the wind in my fur! You can see the start of a trail too, where I: went for a hike, had a picnic lunch, visited the campgrounds, saw some deer, and found lots of birds to chase after.
Toy dog looking at a map
I am amazed to see how many people from all over the world have come here to have fun and learn about Lewis and Clark! I made sure to put a pin in this map to mark where I came from so everyone will know I was here.
toy dog on keelboat
Here I am enjoying a replica of the keelboat that the Corps of Discovery used on the expedition. Lewis and Clark State Park has a replica of every type of watercraft used on the expedition – a keelboat, two pirogues, a dug-out canoe, and a bull boat. It’s so cool to see how Lewis and Clark made their way across the country!

I had so much fun here today and can’t wait to come back!

Learn more about Lewis and Clark State Park:

Learn more about the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail:
Newfie News Blog

Lewis and Clark NHT Visitor Centers and Museums

This map shows a range of features associated with the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, which commemorates the 1803-1806 Lewis and Clark Expedition. The trail spans a large portion of the North American continent, from the Ohio River in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to the mouth of the Columbia River in Oregon. The trail is comprised of the historic route of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, an auto tour route, high potential historic sites (shown in black), visitor centers (shown in orange), and pivotal places (shown in green). These features can be selected on the map to reveal additional information. Also shown is a base map displaying state boundaries, cities, rivers, and highways. The map conveys how a significant area of the North American continent was traversed by the Lewis and Clark Expedition and indicates the many places where visitors can learn about their journey and experience the landscape through which they traveled.

Last updated: August 13, 2018