Last updated: April 10, 2020
Riverways Junior Ranger

The National Park Junior Ranger programs connect kids to their National Parks. The Junior Ranger motto is "Explore, Learn, Protect"
Can you take the Junior Ranger Pledge? Raise your right hand and say "As a Junior Ranger, I pledge to discover my world, learn about nature and history, protect our national parks and take good care of the world around me."
Become a Riverways Junior Ranger even if you can't visit the park by printing out and completing the activities below!
Once activities are completed print your own Junior Ranger badge below or mail your pages to Ozark National Scenic Riverways, PO Box 490, Van Buren, MO 63965 and a Ranger will mail back your official Junior Ranger badge.

Alley Mill Hamlet Activity

River Safety Activity

Dan Lamping/Cave Research Foundation
Explore Devils Well Activity

Ozark Springs: You Name It! Activity

Patty Wheatley-Bishop
Round Spring Cave: Tick-Tock, Drip-Drop Activity