Last updated: November 26, 2024
Joshua Schmidt - Biometrician

Joshua H. Schmidt, Ph.D.
4175 Geist Road
Honors and Awards
2019 Director's Award for Natural Resources, Natural Resource Research for excellence in innovative approaches for extracting additional information from wildlife survey data for management needs
Professional Experience
2012-Present: Biometrician, Central Alaska Network, NPS, Fairbanks, AK
2008-2011: Analyst/Data Manager, Central Alaska Network, NPS,
2002-2008: Graduate Research Assistant,
Schmidt, J. H., H. A. Coletti, K. A. Cutting, T. L. Wilson, B. A. Mangipane, C. N. Schultz, and D. T. Schertz. 2024. The effects of spatiotemporal variation in marine resources on the occupancy dynamics of a terrestrial avian predator. Ecosphere 15(11): e70078.
Mizel, J. D., J. H. Schmidt, C. A. Roland, and C. L. McIntyre. 2023. Tree and shrub expansion at treeline drive contrasting responses in a subarctic passerine community. Journal of Animal Ecology 92(6): 1256-1266.
Schmidt, J. H., W. W. Deacy, L. J. Hughes, and D. T. Schertz. 2023. Non-invasive mark-resight surveys for brown bears: Incorporating spatial information to improve landscape-scale monitoring of density and distribution. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4(4): e12288.
Frost, G. V., C. A. Roland, and J. H. Schmidt. 2023. Dynamic disequilibrium: Recent widespread increases in vegetation cover on subarctic floodplains of Interior Alaska. Ecosphere 14(1): e4344.
Gurney, K. E. B., J. C. Koch, J. A. Schmutz, H. H. Schmidt, and M. S. Wipfli. 2022. In hot water? Patterns of macroinvertebrate abundance in Arctic thaw ponds and relationships with environmental variables. Freshwater Biology
Schmidt, J. H., W. L. Thompson, T. L. Wilson, and J. H. Reynolds. 2022. Distance sampling surveys: Using components of detection and total error to select among approaches. Wildlife Monographs 210: e1070.
Schmidt, J. H., M. D. Cameron, K. Joly, J. M. Pruszenski, J. H. Reynolds, and M. S. Sorum. 2022. Bayesian spatial modeling of moose count data: Increasing estimator efficiency and exploring ecological hypothesis. The Journal of Wildlife Management : e22220.
Schmidt, J. H., T. L. Wilson, W. L. Thompson, and B. A. Mangipane. 2022. Integrating distance sampling survey data with population indices to separate trends in abundance and temporary immigration. The Journal of Wildlife Management 86(3): e22185.
Larsen, A. S., J. H. Schmidt, H. Stapleton, H. Kristenson, D. Betchkal, and M. F. McKenna. 2021. Monitoring the phenology of the wood frog breeding season using bioacoustic methods. Ecological Indicators 131: 108142.
Schmidt, J. H. and W. W. Deacy. 2021. Using spatial distance sampling models to optimize survey effort and address violations of the design assumption. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2(3): e12091.
Roland, C., J. H. Schmidt, S. E. Stehn, C. J. Hampton-Miller, and E. F. Nicklen. 2021. Borealization and its discontents: Drivers of regional variation in plant diversity across scales in interior Alaska. Ecosphere 12(5): e03485.
Schmidt, J. H., J. H. Reynolds, K. S. White, D. T. Schertz, J. M. Morton, and H. S. Kim. 2021. Integrating distance sampling and minimum count data: A reply to Becker and Herreman. The Journal of Wildlife Management
Mizel, J.D., J. H. Schmidt, and C. L. McIntyre. 2021. Climate and weather have differential effects in a high-latitude passerine community. Oecologia.
Schmidt, J. H., H. L. Robison, L. S. Parrett, T. S. Gorn, and B. S. Shults. 2021. Brown bear density and estimated harvest rates in northwestern Alaska. The Journal of Wildlife Management 85(2): 202-214.
Cameron, M. D., G. V. Hilderbrand, K. Joly, J. H. Schmidt, D. D. Gustine, L. S. Mangipane, B. Mangipane, and M. S. Sorum. 2020. Body size plasticity in North American black and brown bears. Ecosphere 11(8): e03235.
Schmidt, J. H., J. Putera, and T. L. Wilson. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of temperature and prey abundance on bald eagle reproductive dynamics. Oecologia
Schmidt, J. H. and H. L. Robison. 2019. Using distance sampling-based integrated population models to identify key demographic parameters. The Journal of WIldlife Management DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21805
Schmidt, J. H., J. H. Reynolds, K. L. Rattenbury, L. M. Phillips, K. S. White, D. Schertz, J. M. Morton, and H. S. Kim. 2019. Integrating distance sampling with minimum counts to improve monitoring. Journal of Wildlife Management 83(6): 1454-1465.
Mizel, J. D., Schmidt, J. H., Phillips, L. M. and Mcintyre, C.L., 2019. A binomial N‐mixture model for estimating arrival and departure timing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10(7): 1062-1071.
Roland, Carl A., Joshua H. Schmidt, Samantha G. Winder, Sarah E. Stehn, and E. Fleur Nicklen. 2019. Regional variation in interior Alaskan boreal forests is driven by fire disturbance, topography, and climate. Ecological Monographs
Rattenbury, K. L., J. H. Schmidt, D. K. Swanson, B. L. Borg, B. A. Mangipane, and P. J. Sousanes. 2018. Delayed spring onset drives declines in abundance and recruitment in a mountain ungulate. Ecosphere 9(11):e02513. 10.1002/ ecs2.2513
Wilson, T.L., J.H. Schmidt, R. Kolstrom, B.A. Mangipane, and K. Bartz. 2018. Nest use dynamics of an undisturbed population of bald eagles. Ecology and Evolution.
Schmidt, J.H. and K.L. Rattenbury. 2018. An open hierarchical distance sampling framework for assessing population dynamics in group-dwelling species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9(4):936-945.
Mizel, J.D., J.H. Schmidt, and M.S. Lindberg. 2018. Accommodating temporary emigration in spatial distance sampling models. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1456-1464.
Gende, S., A. N. Hendrix, and J. Schmidt. 2018. Somewhere between acceptable and sustainable: When do impacts to resources become too large in protected areas? Biological Conservation 223:138-146.
Schmidt, J. H. C. L. McIntyre, C. A. Roland, M. C. MacCluskie, and M. J. Flamme. 2018. Bottom-up processes drive reproductive success in an apex predator. Ecology and Evolution 2018:1-9. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3800
Schmidt, J. A., E. A. Rexstad, C. A. Roland, C. L. McIntyre, M. C. MacCluskie, and M. J. Flamme. 2017. Weather-driven change in primary productivity explains variation in the amplitude of two herbivore population cycles in a boreal system. Oecologia. Roland, C.A., S.E. Stehn, and J.H. Schmidt. 2017. Species richness of multiple functional groups peaks in alpine tundra in subarctic Alaska. Ecosphere 8(2):e01848.
Schmidt, J.H., J.W. Burch, and M.C. MacCluskie. 2017. Effects of control on the dynamics of an adjacent protected wolf population in Interior Alaska. Wildlife Monographs 198.
Larsen, A.S., J.A. O’Donnell, J.H. Schmidt, H.A. Kristenson, and D. Swanson. 2017. Physical and chemical characteristics of lakes across heterogeneous landscapes in arctic and subarctic Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122:989-1008.
Schmidt, J.H., T.L. Wilson, W.L. Thompson, and J.H. Reynolds. 2017. Improving inference for aerial surveys for bears: the importance of underlying assumptions and the cost of unnecessary complexity. Ecology and Evolution 7:4812-4821. 10.1002/ece3.2912.
Mizel, J.D., J.H Schmidt, C.L. McIntyre, and M.S. Lindberg. 2017. Subarctic-breeding passerines exhibit phenological resilience to extreme spring conditions. Ecosphere 8(2):e01680. 10.1002/ecs2.1680
Schmidt, J.H., K.L. Rattenbury, H.L. Robison, T.S. Gorn, and B.S. Shults. 2017. Using non-invasive mark-resight and sign occupancy surveys to monitor low-density brown bear populations across large landscapes. Biological Conservation 207:47-54.
Nicklen, E.F., C.A. Roland, R. Ruess, J.H. Schmidt, and A.H. Lloyd. 2016. Local site conditions drive climate-growth responses of Picea mariana and Picea glauca in interior Alaska. Ecosphere 7:e01507.10.1002/ecs2.1507.
Roland, C.A., S.E. Stehn, J.H. Schmidt, and B. Houseman. 2016. Proliferating poplars: the leading edge of landscape change in an Alaskan subalpine chronosequence. Ecosphere 7:e01398.10.1002/ecs2.1398.
Lewis, T.L., P.J. Heglund, M.S. Lindberg, J.A. Schmutz, J.H. Schmidt, J. Rover, and M.R. Bertram. 2016. Trophic dynamics of shrinking subarctic lakes: naturally eutrophic waters impart resilience to rising chemical levels. Oecologia 181:583-596.
Mizel, J., J.H. Schmidt, C.L. McIntyre, and C.A. Roland. 2016. Rapid elevational shifts in bird assemblages are consistent with observed changes in subarctic vegetation structure and distribution. Ecosphere 7(3):e01264.10.1002/ecs2.1264.
Christie, K.S., B. Jenson, J.H. Schmidt and M.S. Boyce. 2015. Climate and oil development influence pronghorn population dynamics in North Dakota. Biological Conservation 192:445-453.
Schmidt, J.H., D.S. Johnson, M.S. Lindberg, and L.G. Adams. 2015. Estimating demographic parameters using a combination of known-fate and open N-mixture models. Ecology 96:2583-2589.
Wilson, T.L., and J.H. Schmidt. 2015. Scale dependence in occupancy models: implications for estimating bear den distribution and abundance. Ecosphere 6(9):168.
Lindberg, M.S., J.H. Schmidt, and J. Walker. 2015. History of multimodel inference via model selection in wildlife science. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:704-707.
Roland, C.A., and J.H. Schmidt. 2015. A diverse alpine species pool drives a “reversed” plant species richness-elevation relationship in interior Alaska. Journal of Biogeography 42:738-750.
Schmidt, J.H., M.J. Flamme, and J. Walker. 2014. Habitat use and population status of Yellow-billed and Pacific Loons in western Alaska. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 116:483-492.
Wilson, T.L., J.H. Schmidt, W.L. Thompson, and L.M. Phillips. 2014. Using double-observer aerial surveys to monitor nesting bald eagles in Alaska: Are all nests available for detection? Journal of Wildlife Management 78:1096-1103.
Roland, C.A., J.H. Schmidt, and J.F. Johnstone. 2014. Climate sensitivity of reproduction in a mast-seeding boreal conifer across its distributional range from lowland to treeline forests. Oecologia 174:665-677.
Schmidt, J.H. and T.S. Gorn. 2013. Possible secondary population-level effects of selective harvest of adult male muskoxen. PLoS One 8(6): e67493.
Schmidt, J.H. and K.L. Rattenbury. 2013. Reducing effort while improving inference: Estimating Dall’s sheep abundance and composition in small areas. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1048-1058.
Schmidt, J.H., C.L. McIntyre, and M.C. MacCluskie. 2013. Accounting for incomplete detection: What are we estimating and how might it affect long-term passerine monitoring programs? Biological Conservation 160:130-139.
Roland, C.A., J.H. Schmidt, and E.F. Nicklen. 2013. Landscape scale patterns in tree occurrence and abundance in subarctic Alaska. Ecological Monographs 83:19-48.
Walker, J., J.J. Rotella, J.H. Schmidt, C.R. Loesch, R.E. Reynolds, M.S. Lindberg, J.K. Ringleman, and S.E. Stephens. 2013. Distribution of duck broods relative to habitat characteristics in the Prairie Pothole Region. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:392-404.
Schmidt, J.H., K.L. Rattenbury, J.P. Lawler, and M.C. MacCluskie. 2012. Using distance sampling and hierarchical models to improve estimates of Dall’s sheep abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:317-327.
McIntyre, C.L. and J.H. Schmidt. 2012. Ecological and environmental correlates of territory occupancy and breeding performance of migratory Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in interior Alaska. Ibis 154:124-135.
Schmidt, J.H., M.S. Lindberg, D.S. Johnson, and D.L. Verbyla. 2011. Season length influences breeding range dynamics of trumpeter swans Cygnus buccinator. Wildlife Biology 17:364-372.
Schmidt, J.H., J.A. Walker, M.S. Lindberg, D.S. Johnson, and S.E. Stephens. 2010. A general Bayesian hierarchical model for estimating survival of nests and young. Auk 127:379-386.
Schmidt, J.H., M.S. Lindberg, D.S. Johnson, and J.A. Schmutz. 2009. Environmental and human influences on trumpeter swan habitat occupancy in
Schmidt, J.H., M.S. Lindberg, D.S. Johnson, B. Conant, and J.G. King. 2009. Evidence of Alaskan trumpeter swan population growth using Bayesian hierarchical models. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:720-727.
Schmidt, J.H., E.J. Taylor, and E.A. Rexstad. 2006. Survival of common goldeneye ducklings in Interior Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:792-798.
Schmidt, J.H., E.J. Taylor, and E.A. Rexstad. 2005. Incubation behaviors and patterns of nest attendance in common goldeneyes in Interior Alaska. Condor 107:167-172.