
Exhale Like a Whale

Point Reyes National Seashore

Breathe in, breathe out

A gray whale mother and calf swims to the surface in the open ocean.
A Gray whale cow and calf, mom and baby, swims from the calving lagoons in Baja, Mexico to their feeding grounds in Alaska.

NPS Photo/A. Kopshever

Gray Whales journey over 10,000 miles on their annual migration. The whales are slow swimmers, travelling at speeds of three to five miles per hour. They take deep rhythmic breaths to help them on their journey. Point Reyes offers one of the best spots for viewing the migrations of the California gray whale.


Use this coloring sheet to help focus on breathing and mindfulness throughout the day.

  1. Save the coloring sheet to your computer. Exhale Like a Whale Coloring Activity (149 KB PDF)
  2. Print out on an 8½x11 in piece of paper.
  3. Color in the sheet.
  4. Use your finger to trace the lines while breathing in and out anytime you need to focus.

Share your art masterpiece on social media with the tag@pointreyesnps or email it to us. We'll feature your shared art!

Last updated: April 21, 2020