
Donna DiFolco - Biological Technician

Gates Of The Arctic National Park & Preserve, Yukon - Charley Rivers National Preserve

A researcher releases a rabbit after taking measurements.
Donna releases a hare after trapping it for sampling.

Donna L. DiFolco
Biological Technician

Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve and Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
4175 Geist Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709
(907) 455-0625

University of Alaska Fairbanks
B.S. degree in Wildlife Management

Wildlife ecology, animal behavior, predator-prey relationships

Snowshoe Hare Ecology Project, a collaboration with the University of Alaska Fairbanks studying the ecology of snowshoe hares and lynx, and how the hare population cycle both is affected by and affects its habitat, and how hare population levels and distribution affect lynx movements, habitat use, and survival.

Professional Experience
1992 to present, Biological Technician, National Park Service, Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve and Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve

1990 – 1992, U.S. Peace Corps, Botswana—Game Warden, Khutse Game Reserve

Knut Kielland, Donna DiFolco, and Claire Montgomerie. 2018. Dining dangerously: geophagy by snowshoe hares. Ecology 0(0): 1-3. Ecological Society of America.

Donna DiFolco and Julie Maier. 2015. Snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) ecology monitoring in Gates of the Arctic National Park and surrounding areas. Natural Resources Data Series. NPS/GAAR/NRDS-2015/783. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado.

Charles J. Krebs, John Bryant, Knut Kielland, Mark O’Donoghue, Frank Doyle, Suzanne Carriere, Donna DiFolco, Nathan Berg, Rudy Boonstra, Stan Boutin, Alice J. Kenney, Donald G. Reid, Karin Bodony, Judy Putera, Henry K. Timm, Toby Burke, Julie A.K. Maier, and Howard Golden. 2014. What factors determine cyclic amplitude in the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) cycle? Canadian Journal of Zoology 92(12): 1039-1048.

Charles J. Krebs, Knut Kielland, John Bryant, Mark O’Donoghue, Frank Doyle, Carol McIntyre, Donna DiFolco, Nathan Berg, Suzanne Carriere, Rudy Boonstra, Stan Boutin, Alice J. Kenney, Donald G. Reid, Karin Bodony, Judy Putera, Henry K. Timm, and Toby Burke. 2013. Synchrony in the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) cycle in northwestern North America, 1970–2012. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 562-572.

Donna DeVoe DiFolco. 2002. Of feathers, fat and freezing. Cricket 29(5): 41.
(Note: This is a children’s article the Chickadee’s adaptations to cold that was published in 2002 and again in 2012 by Cricket magazine.)

Last updated: June 16, 2020