Last updated: August 3, 2020
Doctor Led Activities
Doctor-led programs bring patients outdoors to harness the healing power of nature and inspire them to make positive changes for their physical and mental health.
Health providers lead activities – from walks and hikes, to service programs and more—that engage their patients in parks and promote health. The boundless possibilities that nature provides for healthy recreation allow health providers to create customized programs that support their community’s needs.
Health providers of all kinds can lead these programs, including doctors, physical therapists, nurses, and art therapists. Because activities are led by health providers, participants get the added benefit of relevant health information during the activity. Health providers also benefit from these programs by building meaningful relationships with members of their community.
Learn more about some of these programs below:

Park Prescriptions (ParkRx) are programs and events where healthcare providers prescribe time in parks and green spaces to treat and prevent chronic illness and to inspire patients to take proactive steps to improve their health and wellbeing.

Art Therapy uses visual and/or performing arts to promote people’s mental and emotional health with the support of licensed art therapists. Everyone can benefit from art therapy; no experience is necessary. Art therapy sessions make us of materials such as paint, markers, drawing and colored pencils, clay, fabric, tissue paper, and more.

Nature/Forest Therapy includes programs that use time in nature to enhance health, wellness, and happiness. Trained guides lead sessions that facilitate connections in natural spaces. These therapies include meditative exercises with an emphasis on the five senses.

Walk with a Doc programs connect patients with doctors through exercise outdoors. Doctors invite their patients to join them on a walk and engage in conversations on various health topics. Walk with a Doc inspires communities to improve their health through movement.