Last updated: September 12, 2024
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CCC Properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places

Photograph courtesy of the National Archives.
One of the earliest work relief New Deal programs was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The main purpose of the CCC was to alleviate unemployment by providing national conservation work mainly for young unmarried men. Projects ranged from planting trees to building parks, flood barriers, and handling forest fires. At its peak, the CCC had 500,000 men employed at once and provided work for a total of more than 3 million men throughout its nine-year run (1933 – 1942).
Pay rates for the employed men, was left to the president’s discretion and was set at $30 a month, $25 of which went to the enrollee's family. Despite President Roosevelt having control over much of the program, such as with pay, “an amendment outlawing racial discrimination was virtually the only congressional limitation on his authority.” [1] During the 1930s, segregation was continued to be deemed appropriate due to the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling of “Separate but Equal” in 1896. Therefore, separate “Colored" CCC camps were set up for young African Americans. By the time the program concluded, there has been approximately 150 camps for the over 200,000 African Americans that had been employed by the CCC.
Native Americans were barred from joining the CCC during the start of the program, but this restriction was lifted within a few weeks of the program’s conception due to the terrible conditions on the majority of reservations. The Office of Indian Affairs within the Department of the Interior handled the Indigenous enrollees and applying the CCC program on reservations. By the end of the CCC program, more than 80,000 Native Americans had participated.

Photograph courtesy of the National Archives Catalog.
By the end of the program’s fifth year, in 1937, the CCC has established itself as a successful project, garnering enormous public support. At the time of its fifth year, more than halfway through the program’s active years, there were more than 3,500 camps operating. However, the number of camps began to decline in 1938 with 1,500 camps remaining in operation by April 1939. The future of the CCC was determined by the outbreak of World War II and the unemployment crisis easing. In September 1940, the United States began providing military supplies to their allies, which led to a consensus that the CCC’s work should shift toward national defense.
Despite the efforts to modify the CCC to adapt to the shift to supporting national defense, the program was being slowly phased out. As young men left the CCC for better job opportunities, it became harder to recruit replacements. On April 1, 1941, CCC camps were reduced from 1,500 to 1,100. On June 30, 1942, after America’s entry into WWII, Congress voted to liquidate the CCC.
While the CCC program did not last forever, it accomplished so much during its nine years. By the time the CCC program ended, more than 3 million men had served in more than 4,500 camps across the country. The men had planted over 3 billion trees, combated soil erosion and forest fires, occasionally dealt with natural disasters, helped establish hundreds of parks and recreation areas, and was the inspiration for a new program, the American Climate Corps. The American Climate Corps initiative starting in 2023 with a mission to place young people in the clean energy, conservation and climate resilience sectors. In June 2024, the first class of American Climate Corps enrollees were inducted into the program where they will be working in a variety of paid positions through federal, state, and local partnerships. The significance of the CCC’s work has not gone unnoticed, with camps and other properties worked on by the CCC listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This project highlights a few of these sites.
Highlighted CCC Properties Listed in the National Register
- Type: Place
Coolidge State Park is located in Plymouth, Vermont. The park is named after the 30th president of the United States who was born and sworn into office in the village of Plymouth Notch. Constructed from 1933 through 1941, Coolidge State Park was the third of 21 state parks established by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) in Vermont.
- Yosemite National Park
Frog Creek Cabin
- Type: Place
Frog Creek Cabin is located in Tuolumne, California as a part of Yosemite National Park. The cabin was constructed in 1934 by the Civilian Conservation Corps to house seasonal workers for the fish propagation program within Yosemite. The Frog Creek Cabin remains as evidence of the fish egg-collecting operations that once existed on the shore of Lake Eleanor.
- Type: Place
Gum Springs Recreation Area is located in Winnfield, Louisiana. Gum Springs Recreation Area is a U.S. Government owned public recreation site born originally out of a Great Depression era Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) development project which principally constructed an outdoor swimming pool and picnic area for operation by the United States Forest Service (USFS). The area is a part of the Kisatchie National Forest and cover about 10 acres.
- Type: Place
Hard Labor Creek State Park is located in Rutledge, GA. The park is one of ten Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)-built state parks in Georgia and contains the only extant CCC Camp, Camp SP-8, built for the workers. Two CCC camps were located at Hard Labor Creek, SP-8 and SP-11. Their projects included damming Hard Labor Creek and clearing land to create Lake Rutledge and Lake Brantley, building roads and bridges, reforesting land, constructing telephone lines, etc.
- Type: Place
The Hydaburg Totem Park is located in Hydaburg, Alaska. Established in 1939, the park preserves the totemic art of Pacific Northwest Coast Haida people. The park includes 21 totem poles, three carved before 1939 and moved to the site at that time, 16 carved between 1939 and 1942, two carved in 1971 to replace two that were carved before 1939, and one carved stone figure.
- Type: Place
Mt. Britton Tower is located in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. Named in honor of botanist Nathaniel Britton and his wife bryologist Elizabeth Britton, the observation tower was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in 1937 as the hiking goal for the Mt. Britton Trail. It is representative of the Craftsman/Rustic architectural style used by the CCC in the construction of forest reserves infrastructure during the first half of the program’s existence.
- State, Tribal, and Local Plans and Grants Division
Red Rocks Park and Mount Morrison Civilian Conservation Corps Camp
- Type: Article
The Red Rocks Park and Mount Morrison Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp is located in Morrison, Colorado. The Red Rocks Park and Mount Morrison CCC Camp is a stellar example of Federal and local government collaborative planning carried out with the manpower of the CCC. The CCC developed public landscapes and advanced outdoor recreation from the mid-1930s until the CCC program ended in 1942.
- Type: Place
The Sewanee Fire Lookout Tower is located in Sewanee, Tennessee. Built in 1934 by the Civilian Conservation Corps, the tower was constructed as part of the Tennessee Division of Forestry's (TDF) statewide efforts to protect forested land in the state through its fire control program. The CCC was responsible for the construction and operation of the majority of Tennessee's fire lookout towers built in the early twentieth century.
CCC Properties listed in the National Register
Ref# | Property Name | Status | State | County | City | Street & Number | External Link | Architects/Builders | Category of Property | Listed Date | Restricted Address |
Ref# | Property Name | Status | State | County | City | Street & Number | External Link | Architects/Builders | Category of Property | Listed Date | Restricted Address |
06000491 | Hydaburg Totem Park | Listed | ALASKA | Prince of Wales-Outer K. | Hydaburg | 5th and Main Sts. | | Wallace, John; CCC; USFS; US Indian Service | DISTRICT | 6/16/2006 | FALSE |
95001296 | Alexander Lake Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001295 | Beaver Lake Dam | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | CCC | STRUCTURE | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001292 | Big Shaheen Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001303 | Davidson Lake Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001294 | Distin Lake Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001291 | Hasselborg Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001308 | Hasselborg Lake East Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | cIVILIAN cONSERVATION cORPS; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001307 | Hasselborg Lake North Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001300 | Hasselborg Lake South Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001306 | Lake Guerin East Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001301 | Lake Guerin West Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001302 | Mitchell Bay Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001297 | Mole Harbor Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001309 | Thayer Lake East Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | SITE | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001304 | Thayer Lake North Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001298 | Thayer Lake South Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
95001299 | Windfall Harbor Shelter Cabin | Listed | ALASKA | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon | Angoon | Admiralty Island National Monument | | Civilian Conservation Corps; CCC | BUILDING | 11/2/1995 | FALSE |
70000918 | Chief Shakes Historic Site | Listed | ALASKA | Wrangell-Peterburg | Wrangell | Shakes Island | | CCC | BUILDING | 10/27/1970 | FALSE |
87000975 | Mount McKinley National Park Headquarters District | Listed | ALASKA | Yukon-Koyukuk | Denali Park | Mi. 3.4 McKinley Park Hwy. | | NPS; CCC | DISTRICT | 10/23/1987 | FALSE |
87002451 | PS Knoll Lookout Complex | Listed | ARIZONA | Apache | Maverick | Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest | | CCC | STRUCTURE | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
93000511 | Water Canyon Administrative Site | Listed | ARIZONA | Apache | Springerville | Forest Rd. 285 S of Springerville, Apache--Sitgreaves NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
87002463 | Barfoot Lookout Complex | Listed | ARIZONA | Cochise | Portal | Buena Vista Peak | | CCC | BUILDING | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
93000514 | Cima Park Fire Guard Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Cochise | Douglas | In Chiricahua Wilderness NE of Douglas, Coronado NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
87002468 | Monte Vista Lookout Cabin | Listed | ARIZONA | Cochise | Elfrida | Monte Vista Peak | | CCC | BUILDING | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
93000517 | Portal Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Cochise | Portal | Forest Rd. 42A SW of Portal, Coronado NF | | Usda Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000518 | Rustler Park Fire Guard Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Cochise | Douglas | SE of Chiricahua NM, Coronado NF | | Usda Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
87002469 | Silver Peak Lookout Complex | Listed | ARIZONA | Cochise | Portal | Coronado National Forest | | CCC | BUILDING | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
93000519 | Big Springs Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Coconino | Big Springs | Along Ryan Rd., Kaibab NF | | Usda Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000520 | Camp Clover Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Coconino | Williams | Off US 66/89 SW of Williams, Kaibab NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 7/16/1993 | FALSE |
82001722 | Grand Canyon North Rim Headquarters | Listed | ARIZONA | Coconino | Grand Canyon | North Rim | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/2/1982 | FALSE |
93000521 | Moqui Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Coconino | Tusayan | Off US 180 N of Tusayan, Kaibab NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
86001102 | Trans-Canyon Telephone Line, Grand Canyon National Park | Listed | ARIZONA | Coconino | Grand Canyon | Grand Canyon along Bright Angel & North Kaibab Trails from South Rim to Roaring Springs & South Kaibab Trail to Tipoff | | Civilian Conservation Corps; National Park Service | STRUCTURE | 5/13/1986 | FALSE |
87002458 | Woody Mountain Lookout Tower | Listed | ARIZONA | Coconino | Flagstaff | Rogers Lake | | CCC; Pacific Coast Steel Co. | STRUCTURE | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
93000526 | Pinal Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Gila | Globe | S of Globe, Tonto NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000527 | Pleasant Valley Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Gila | Young | S of AZ 288, Tonto NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000516 | Columbine Work Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Graham | Safford | AZ 366 SW of Safford, Coronado NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
87002467 | Heliograph Lookout Complex | Listed | ARIZONA | Graham | Old Columbine | Coronado National Forest | | CCC | STRUCTURE | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
87002464 | Webb Peak Lookout Tower | Listed | ARIZONA | Graham | Old Columbine | Off AZ 366 | | CCC | STRUCTURE | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
87002466 | West Peak Lookout Tower | Listed | ARIZONA | Graham | Bonita | Coronado National Forest | | CCC | STRUCTURE | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
87002452 | Bear Mountain Lookout Complex | Listed | ARIZONA | Greenlee | Mogollon Rim | Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest | | CCC | STRUCTURE | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
02001723 | Hunt Bass Hatchery Caretaker's House | Listed | ARIZONA | Maricopa | Phoenix | Phoenix Zoo Grounds, 455 N. Galvin Pkwy. | | Collie, W.H.; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 1/23/2003 | FALSE |
93000528 | Sunflower Ranger Staiton | Listed | ARIZONA | Maricopa | Punkin Center | AZ 87 W of Punkin Center, Tonto NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000510 | Pinedale Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Navajo | Pinedale | Forest Rd. 130 (formerly AZ 260), Apache--Sitgreaves NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000529 | Lowell Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Pima | Tucson | Off Sabino Canyon Rd. NE of Tucson, Coronado NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
97000592 | USDA Tucson Plant Materials Center | Listed | ARIZONA | Pima | Tucson | 3241 N. Romero Rd. | | CCC | BUILDING | 7/2/1997 | FALSE |
93000513 | Canelo Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Santa Cruz | Canelo | Forest Rd. 52B N of Canelo, Coronado NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000512 | Beaver Creek Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Yavapai | Rimrock | Off I-17 NE of Rimrock, Coconino NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000525 | Copper Creek Guard Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Yavapai | Black Canyon City | NE of Black Canyon City, Tonto NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000522 | Crown King Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Yavapai | Crown King | W of Crown King, Prescott NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
87002491 | Hyde Mountain Lookout House | Listed | ARIZONA | Yavapai | Camp Wood | Prescott National Forest | | CCC | BUILDING | 1/28/1988 | FALSE |
93000523 | Sycamore Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Yavapai | Camp Verde | Forest Rd. 68F SW of Camp Verde, Prescott NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93000524 | Walnut Creek Ranger Station | Listed | ARIZONA | Yavapai | Prescott | NW of Prescott, Prescott NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93001084 | Crossett Experimental Forest Building No. 2 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Ashley | Crossett | AR 133 S of Crossett | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001085 | Crossett Experimental Forest Building No. 6 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Ashley | Crossett | AR 133 S of Crossett | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001086 | Crossett Experimental Forest Building No. 8 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Ashley | Crossett | AR 133 S of Crossett | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
06000078 | Crossroads Fire Tower | Listed | ARKANSAS | Ashley | Hamburg | 2262 AR 133 N | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 3/2/2006 | FALSE |
98001346 | Lake Leatherwood Park Historic District (Additional Documentation) | Listed | ARKANSAS | Carroll | Eureka Springs | 1303 Cty. Rd. 204 | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | district | 11/24/1998 | FALSE | |
90001942 | Lake Leatherwood Recreational Facilities | Listed | ARKANSAS | Carroll | Eureka Springs | End of Co. Rd. No. 61 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 8/12/1992 | FALSE |
90001943 | Leatherwood Dam | Listed | ARKANSAS | Carroll | Eureka Springs | N. End of Lake Leatherwood | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 8/12/1992 | FALSE |
90000520 | Cedar Creek Bridge | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Petit Jean State Park | Off AR 154, over Cedar Creek at Roosevelt Lake | | Davies,Ladd; CCC | STRUCTURE | 4/9/1990 | FALSE |
92000520 | Petit Jean State Park-Administration Office | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | AR 154 E of Bench Mark 914, Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000513 | Petit Jean State Park-Blue Hole Road District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | Blue Hole Rd., Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000523 | Petit Jean State Park-Cabin No. 1 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | Campground access rd., Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000522 | Petit Jean State Park-Cabin No. 16 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | Campground access rd., Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000524 | Petit Jean State Park-Cabin No. 6 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | Campground access rd., Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000525 | Petit Jean State Park-Cabin No. 9 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | Campground access rd., Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000514 | Petit Jean State Park-Cedar Falls Trail Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | Adjacent to main access rd., Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000519 | Petit Jean State Park-Concrete Log Bridge | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | AR 154 S of Bench Mark 914, Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000518 | Petit Jean State Park-Culvert No. 1 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | AR 154, Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000515 | Petit Jean State Park-Lake Bailey-Roosevelt Lake Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | E and N of AR 154, Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000521 | Petit Jean State Park-Mather Lodge | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | Main access rd., Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps; et al. | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000516 | Petit Jean State Park-Office Headquarters | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | AR 154, approximately 500 ft. S of Bench Mark 914, Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000517 | Petit Jean State Park-Water Treatment Building | Listed | ARKANSAS | Conway | Winrock | On dirt access rd. S of jct. with AR 154, approximately 800 ft. E of Bench Mark 914, Petit Jean State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
94001616 | Gray Spring Recreation Area-Forest Service Road 1003 Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Franklin | Cass | Forest Service Rd. 1003, Ozark--St. Francis NF | | CCC | DISTRICT | 9/11/1995 | FALSE |
93001079 | Camp Clearfork Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Garland | Crystal Springs | S of US 270, W of Crystal Springs, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
07000200 | CCC Company 3767 Powder Magazine Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Garland | Jessieville | K59P Rd. N of Forest Service Rd. 11 (Gladstone Rd.) | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 3/30/2007 | FALSE |
93001080 | Charlton Bathhouse | Listed | ARKANSAS | Garland | Crystal Springs | N of US 270, W of Crystal Springs, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001081 | Charlton Spillway-Dam | Listed | ARKANSAS | Garland | Crystal Springs | N of US 270, W of Crystal Springs, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
93001089 | Forest Service Headquarters Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Garland | Hot Springs | S of jct. of Winona and Indiana Sts. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001090 | Iron Springs Dam | Listed | ARKANSAS | Garland | Jessieville | AR 7 N of Jessieville, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
93001091 | Iron Springs Shelter No. 1 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Garland | Jessieville | AR 7 N of Jessieville, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001092 | Iron Springs Shelter No. 2 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Garland | Jessieville | AR 7 N of Jessieville, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
92000537 | Crowley's Ridge State Park-Bathhouse | Listed | ARKANSAS | Greene | Walcott | Main service center area access rd., Crowley's Ridge State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000540 | Crowley's Ridge State Park-Bridge | Listed | ARKANSAS | Greene | Walcott | Main service center area access rd., Crowley's Ridge State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000538 | Crowley's Ridge State Park-Comfort Station | Listed | ARKANSAS | Greene | Walcott | Campground and cabin area access rd., Crowley's Ridge State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000536 | Crowley's Ridge State Park-Dining Hall | Listed | ARKANSAS | Greene | Walcott | Employee housing area access rd., Crowley's Ridge State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
95000455 | Cabin No. 1 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Hot Spring | Shorewood Hills | Cabin area access rd., Lake Catherine State Park | | CCC | BUILDING | 4/20/1995 | FALSE |
92000528 | Lake Catherine State Park-Bridge No. 2 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Hot Spring | Shorewood Hills | AR 171 W of Slunger Cr., Lake Catherine State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000526 | Lake Catherine State Park-Cabin No. 2 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Hot Spring | Shorewood Hills | Cabin area access rd., Lake Catherine State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000527 | Lake Catherine State Park-Cabin No. 3 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Hot Spring | Shorewood Hills | Cabin area access rd., Lake Catherine State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
92000535 | Lake Catherine State Park-Nature Cabin | Listed | ARKANSAS | Hot Spring | Shorewood Hills | Camping area access rd., Lake Catherine State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
93001093 | Jack Creek Bathhouse | Listed | ARKANSAS | Logan | Sugar Grove | FS Rd. 141 SW of Sugar Grove, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
78003461 | Buffalo River State Park | Listed | ARKANSAS | Marion | Yellville | Buffalo National River | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1988 | FALSE |
07000201 | CCC Company 741 Powder Magazine Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Montgomery | Norman | Forest Service Rd. 177M NE of Norman | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 3/30/2007 | FALSE |
93001083 | Collier Springs Shelter | Listed | ARKANSAS | Montgomery | Norman | FS Rd. 177 NE of Norman, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001087 | Crystal Springs Camp Shelter | Listed | ARKANSAS | Montgomery | Norman | FS Rd. 177 E of AR 27, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
93001088 | Crystal Springs Dam | Listed | ARKANSAS | Montgomery | Norman | FS Rd. 177 E of AR 27, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
93001101 | Womble District Administration House No. 1 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Montgomery | Mt. Ida | US 270 N side, E of Mt. Ida | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001073 | Bard Springs Bathhouse | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | FS Rd. 106 NW of Athens, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001074 | Bard Springs Dam No. 1 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | FS Rd. 106 NW of Athens, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
93001075 | Bard Springs Dam No. 2 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | FS Rd. 106 NW of Athens, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
93001076 | Bard Springs Picnic Shelter | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | FS Rd. 106 NW of Athens, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
07000204 | Buckeye Vista Overlook | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | Forest Service Rd. 38 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 3/30/2007 | FALSE |
93001097 | Shady Lake Bathhouse | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | Co. Rd. 64, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001098 | Shady Lake Caretaker's House | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | FS Rd. 38, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
10000841 | Shady Lake CCC Bridge #1 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | Forest Service Road 38 over the South Fork of the Saline River | | CCC; Harp, James F. | STRUCTURE | 10/14/2010 | FALSE |
10000842 | Shady Lake CCC Bridge #2 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | Shady Lake Campground loop road over the East Fork of the Saline River | | CCC; Harp, James F. | STRUCTURE | 10/14/2010 | FALSE |
93001099 | Shady Lake Dam | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | Co. Rd. 64, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001100 | Shady Lake Picnic Pavilion | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | FS Rd. 38, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
15000480 | Shady Lake Recreation Area Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | FS 38 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 10/2/2015 | FALSE |
07000205 | Sugar Creek Vista Overlook | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | Forest Service Rd. 38 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 3/30/2007 | FALSE |
93001077 | Tall Peak Fire Tower | Listed | ARKANSAS | Polk | Athens | FS Rd. 38A NW of Athens, Caney Cr. Wildlife Management Area, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
89001628 | Koen, Henry R., Forest Service Building | Listed | ARKANSAS | Pope | Russelville | 605 W. Main St. | | CCC | BUILDING | 12/11/1989 | FALSE |
95001119 | Boyle Park | Listed | ARKANSAS | Pulaski | Little Rock | Roughly bounded by 38th St., Dorchester Dr., Covewood Cir., Glenmere Dr., Kanis Rd. and W. 12th St. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 9/22/1995 | FALSE |
93001082 | Cold Spring | Listed | ARKANSAS | Scott | Waldron | Scott Co. Rd. 93 NE of Waldron, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 10/21/1993 | FALSE |
93001094 | Poteau Work Center | Listed | ARKANSAS | Scott | Waldron | Poteau Work Center Access Rd., off AR 80 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001095 | Poteau Work Center Residence No. 2 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Scott | Waldron | Poteau Work Center Access Rd., off AR 80 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
93001096 | Powder Magazine | Listed | ARKANSAS | Scott | Blue Ball | Co. Rd. 96 N of Blue Ball, Ouachita NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 10/20/1993 | FALSE |
100004437 | Waldron School Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Scott | Waldron | 403 and 429 W. 5th St. | WPA; Dutch Creek CCC Camp Workers; NYA, Builders | district | 9/27/2019 | FALSE | |
94001614 | Mirror Lake Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Stone | Fiftysix | Forest Service Rd. 1110E, Ozark--St. Francis NF | | CCC | DISTRICT | 9/11/1995 | FALSE |
94001615 | Sugarloaf Fire Tower Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Stone | Calico Rock | End of Forest Service Rd. 1123, Ozark--St. Francis NF | | CCC | DISTRICT | 9/11/1995 | FALSE |
02001631 | Damascus CCC Camp, Co. No. 3781 Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Van Buren | Damascus | Camp Hill Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 12/31/2002 | FALSE |
92000071 | Devil's Den State Park Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Washington | Winslow | AR 74 W of Winslow | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 7/24/1994 | FALSE |
07000199 | CCC Company 749 Powder Magazine | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Briggsville | N of Forest Service Rd. 4128 and S of Briggsville | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 3/30/2007 | FALSE |
16000656 | Mt. Nebo State Park Cabin No. 60 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Dardanelle | 10707 Cty. Rd. 102 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 9/21/2016 | FALSE |
16000657 | Mt. Nebo State Park Cabin No. 61 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Dardanelle | 10775 Cty. Rd. 102 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 9/23/2016 | FALSE |
16000658 | Mt. Nebo State Park Cabin No. 62 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Dardanelle | 10913 Cty. Rd. 102 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 9/22/2016 | FALSE |
16000659 | Mt. Nebo State Park Cabin No. 63 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Dardanelle | 10919 Cty. Rd. 102 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 9/22/2016 | FALSE |
16000660 | Mt. Nebo State Park Cabin No. 64 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Dardanelle | 10070 Cty. Rd. 93 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 9/26/2016 | FALSE |
16000661 | Mt. Nebo State Park Cabin No. 65 | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Dardanelle | 10034 Cty. Rd. 93 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 9/19/2016 | FALSE |
16000655 | Mt. Nebo State Park Cabins Historic District | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Dardanelle | 10006, 10105, 10115 & 10129 Cty. Rd. 92 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 9/21/2016 | FALSE |
92000542 | Mt. Nebo State Park-Pavilion | Listed | ARKANSAS | Yell | Dardanelle | N of AR 155, Mount Nebo State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/28/1992 | FALSE |
98000262 | Gasquet Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Del Norte | Gasquet | 10600 CA 199 | | U.S. Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 3/26/1998 | FALSE |
96000911 | Dinkey Creek Bridge | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Fresno | Dinkey Creek | Off Dinkey Creek Rd., W of Camp Fresno, Sierra National Forest | | May,T.K.; USFS/CCC | STRUCTURE | 9/5/1996 | FALSE |
14000409 | Ostrander Lake Ski Hut | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Mariposa | Yosemite | Ostrander Lake Tr. | | Spencer, Eldridge T.; CCC | BUILDING | 7/18/2014 | FALSE |
78000292 | Horseshoe Lake Ranger Station | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Shasta | Chester | N of Chester in Lassen Volcanic National Park | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corp | BUILDING | 5/5/1978 | FALSE |
100002176 | Camp Tulelake | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Siskiyou | Tulelake | Hill R., 2 mi. S of jct. with CA 161,World War II Valor in the Pacific NM (Tule Lake Unit) | | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 3/12/2018 | FALSE |
100001559 | Schonchin Butte Fire Lookout | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Siskiyou | Tulelake | Lava Beds NM | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 9/5/2017 | FALSE |
78000369 | Hockett Meadow Ranger Station | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Tulare | Silver City | S of Silver City in Sequoia National Park | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/27/1978 | FALSE |
14000414 | Frog Creek Cabin | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Tuolumne | Yosemite | South shore Lake Eleanor, along Frog Creek | | NPS Regional Branch of Plans, Design; Civilian Conservation Corps )(CCC) | BUILDING | 7/18/2014 | FALSE |
78000371 | Tuolumne Meadows | Listed | CALIFORNIA | Tuolumne | Lee Vining | SW of Lee Vining in Yosemite National Park | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 11/30/1978 | FALSE |
07001472 | Thunder Lake Trail-Bluebird Lake Trail | Listed | COLORADO | Boulder | Allens Park | Roughly along N. St. Vrain Cr., W. of Wild Basin Ranger Stn. | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 1/29/2008 | FALSE |
95000110 | Summit Lake Park | Listed | COLORADO | Clear Creek | Idaho Springs | Mt. Evans Rd., SW of Idaho Springs | | Benedict, Jules Jacques Benoit; CCC | DISTRICT | 2/24/1995 | FALSE |
15000059 | Notch Mountain Shelter | Listed | COLORADO | Eagle | Minturn | Notch Mtn. Summit, White River NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 3/10/2015 | FALSE |
15000060 | Tigiwon Community House | Listed | COLORADO | Eagle | Minturn | FSR 707, Holy Cross Dist., White River NF | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 3/10/2015 | FALSE |
100000474 | Colorado State Forest Building Complex | Listed | COLORADO | Jackson | Gould | Near CO 14 | | State Division of Game & Fish; Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 1/17/2017 | FALSE |
90001706 | Bear Creek Canyon Scenic Mountain Drive | Listed | COLORADO | Jefferson | Morrison | CO 74 section between Morrison and Idledale | | Olmsted Bros.; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 11/15/1990 | FALSE |
95000797 | Craig, Katherine, Park | Listed | COLORADO | Jefferson | Morrison | Along US 40/I-70 NW of Morrison | | CCC | DISTRICT | 6/30/1995 | FALSE |
90001709 | Dedisse Park | Listed | COLORADO | Jefferson | Evergreen | 29614 Upper Bear Creek Rd. | | Olmsted Brothers; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 11/15/1990 | FALSE |
90001710 | Genesee Park | Listed | COLORADO | Jefferson | Golden | 26771 Genesee Ln. | | Olmsted Brothers; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 11/15/1990 | FALSE |
95000111 | Little Park | Listed | COLORADO | Jefferson | Idledale | Miller Ln. (CO 74) SW of Idledale | | Benedict, Jules Jacques Benoit; CCC | DISTRICT | 2/24/1995 | FALSE |
100007990 | Buckhorn Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | COLORADO | Larimer | Bellvue | Fire Route 133, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps; Fowler, Guy | district | 8/12/2022 | FALSE | |
100002148 | Fall River Entrance Historic District (Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation) | Listed | COLORADO | Larimer | Estes Park | Rocky Mountain NP | | Nickel,E.A.; NPS Branch of Plans and Design; Civilian Conservation Corps; Larsen, Jen ; DeHaven, Thomas; Bennett, Lyle E. ; A&H Builders, Inc. | district | 3/5/2018 | FALSE |
07000999 | Flattop Mountain Trail | Listed | COLORADO | Larimer | Estes Park | Rocky Mountain Park | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 9/27/2007 | FALSE |
07001473 | Gem Lake Trail | Listed | COLORADO | Larimer | Estes Park | N. of Devils Gulch Rd. to Gem Lake | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 1/29/2008 | FALSE |
05000602 | Moraine Park Museum and Amphitheater | Listed | COLORADO | Larimer | Estes Park | Rocky Mountain National Park | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 6/15/2005 | FALSE |
100008985 | Redfeather Ranger Station | Listed | COLORADO | Larimer | Red Feather Lakes | 274 Dowdy Lake Rd., Arapahoe and Roosevelt NF | Longfellow, Arthur G. ; Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region; Jackson, W. Earle ; Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | district | 5/5/2023 | FALSE | |
94000309 | Devils Kitchen Picnic Shelter | Listed | COLORADO | Mesa | Grand Junction | Colorado National Monument | | Cornell, H., NPS; CCC | BUILDING | 4/21/1994 | FALSE |
94000306 | Saddlehorn Caretaker's House and Garage | Listed | COLORADO | Mesa | Grand Junction | Colorado National Monument | | Carney, W. G., NPS; CCC | BUILDING | 4/21/1994 | FALSE |
94000305 | Saddlehorn Comfort Station | Listed | COLORADO | Mesa | Grand Junction | Colorado National Monument | | Carnes, W. G., NPS; CCC | BUILDING | 4/21/1994 | FALSE |
94000308 | Saddlehorn Utility Area Historic District | Listed | COLORADO | Mesa | Grand Junction | Colorado National Monument | | NPS; CCC | DISTRICT | 4/21/1994 | FALSE |
05001181 | North Rim Road, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park | Listed | COLORADO | Montrose | Crawford | Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park | | NPS-Engineering Branch; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 9/6/2005 | FALSE |
04001464 | Silesca Ranger Station | Listed | COLORADO | Montrose | Grand Mesa | Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 1/12/2005 | FALSE |
94001343 | Pueblo Mountain Park | Listed | COLORADO | Pueblo | Beulah | 1 mi. S of Co. Rd. 220 on S. Pine Dr. (CO 78) in the San Isabel NF | | Carhart, Arthur Hawthorne; CCC, WPA | DISTRICT | 12/6/1994 | FALSE |
07001354 | Pyramid Guard Station | Listed | COLORADO | Rio Blanco | Yampa | Cty. Rd. 8 | | Brownlee, James L.; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/10/2008 | FALSE |
86001731 | Massacoe Forest Pavilion | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Hartford | Simsbury | Off Old Farms Rd., Stratton Brook State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001746 | Shade Swamp Shelter | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Hartford | Farmington | US 6 E of New Britain Ave. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001759 | Tunxis Forest Headquarters House | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Hartford | Hartland | W side of Pell Rd. .2 mi. N of Town Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001761 | Tunxis Forest Ski Cabin | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Hartford | Hartland | W end of Balance Rock Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/5/1986 | FALSE |
86001725 | American Legion Forest CCC Shelter | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Litchfield | Barkhamsted | W side of West River Rd., American Legion State Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001727 | Cream Hill Shelter | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Litchfield | Sharon | Wickwire Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001736 | Paugnut Forest Administration Building | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Litchfield | Torrington | 385 Burr Mountain Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/5/1986 | FALSE |
86001737 | Peoples Forest Museum | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Litchfield | Barkhamsted | Greenwood Rd., Peoples State Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001740 | Red Mountain Shelter | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Litchfield | Cornwall | N side of CT 4 adjacent to Appalachian Trail | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001734 | Oak Lodge | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Middlesex | Killingworth | W side of Schreeder Pond, Chatfield Hollow State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001757 | State Park Supply Yard | Listed | CONNECTICUT | New Haven | Madison | 51 Mill Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
86001732 | Natchaug Forest Lumber Shed | Listed | CONNECTICUT | Windham | Eastford | Kingsbury Rd., Natchaug State Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/4/1986 | FALSE |
12001145 | Blood Mountain Trail Shelter | Listed | GEORGIA | Lumpkin | Blairsville | Blood Mountain Wilderness Area | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps, (CCC) | BUILDING | 1/9/2013 | FALSE |
92000689 | Council Ranger Station | Listed | IDAHO | Adams | Council | Jct. of US 95 and Whiteley Ave. | | U.S. Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 11/19/1992 | FALSE |
100007977 | Indian Mountain Fire Lookout | Listed | IDAHO | Adams | Council | National Forest Road 243, 12 miles SE of Council, Idaho, Payette National Forest | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | building | 8/11/2022 | FALSE | |
94000632 | Chatcolet CCC Picnic and Camping Area | Listed | IDAHO | Benewah | Chatcolet | ID 5, Heyburn State Park | | CCC | BUILDING | 2/1/1995 | FALSE |
94001587 | Plummer Point CCC Picnic and Hiking Area | Listed | IDAHO | Benewah | Chatcolet | ID 5, Heyburn State Park | | CCC | BUILDING | 2/1/1995 | FALSE |
94001588 | Rocky Point CCC Properties | Listed | IDAHO | Benewah | Chatcolet | ID 5, Heyburn State Park | | CCC | BUILDING | 2/1/1995 | FALSE |
07000005 | Ketchum Ranger District Administrative Site | Listed | IDAHO | Blaine | Ketchum | 131/171 River St. | | Nichols, George L.; CCC | DISTRICT | 2/9/2007 | FALSE |
02001726 | Atlanta Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | IDAHO | Elmore | Atlanta | Boise National Forest | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/23/2003 | FALSE |
86001184 | Bishop Mountain Lookout | Listed | IDAHO | Fremont | Island Park | Forest Rd. 80120 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 5/23/1986 | FALSE |
94000271 | Warren Guard Station, Building 1206 | Listed | IDAHO | Idaho | Warren | SW side, Warren Wagon Rd., Forest HWY. 21 | | USFS; CCC | BUILDING | 4/7/1994 | FALSE |
91001892 | McCall District Administrative Site | Listed | IDAHO | Payette | McCall | Jct. of W. Lake and Mission Sts. | | U.S. Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 12/30/1991 | FALSE |
92000688 | Krassel Ranger Station | Listed | IDAHO | Valley | Yellowpine | Along S Fork Salmon R., 11 mi. W of Yellowpine, Payette NF | | U.S. Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 11/19/1992 | FALSE |
13001110 | Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Shiloh Encampment Site | Listed | ILLINOIS | Coles | Lerna | Illinois, 3rd PM., T11N, R9E, sec. 21, NW. 1/4, NE. 1/4, SW. 1/4 | | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC); US Army | SITE | 1/22/2014 | FALSE |
100005867 | Brown County State Park | Listed | INDIANA | Brown | Nashville | 1405 IN 46 West | Civilian Conservation Corps; Wolfe, Henry | district | 12/7/2020 | FALSE | |
00000199 | Shakamak State Park Historic District | Listed | INDIANA | Clay | Jasonville | 6265 W. IN 48 | | CCC; WPA | DISTRICT | 3/15/2000 | FALSE |
96001554 | Picnic Area-Jackson State Forest | Listed | INDIANA | Jackson | Brownstown | Approximately 1 mi. N of IN 250, Jackson--Washington State Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps | SITE | 1/2/1997 | FALSE |
01000981 | Elm Spring Farm | Listed | INDIANA | Morgan | Martinsville | 1 mi. N of Bain Rd. on Goose Creek Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/16/2001 | FALSE |
93000176 | CCC Recreation Building-Nature Museum | Listed | INDIANA | Owen | Spencer | McCormick's Creek SP, W of jct. of IN 43 and IN 46 | | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | BUILDING | 3/18/1993 | FALSE |
93000175 | McCormick's Creek State Park Entrance and Gatehouse | Listed | INDIANA | Owen | Spencer | McCormick's Creek SP, W of jct. of IN 43 and IN 46 | | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | BUILDING | 3/18/1993 | FALSE |
93000177 | Stone Arch Bridge over McCormick's Creek | Listed | INDIANA | Owen | Spencer | McCormick's Creek SP, W of jct. of IN 43 and IN 46 | | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | STRUCTURE | 3/18/1993 | FALSE |
100003505 | Turkey Run State Park | Listed | INDIANA | Parke | Marshall | Roughly bounded by IN 47, Narrows, Coxford & the E-W leg of Smedley Rds. | Bishop, Knowlton & Carson; Civilian Conservation Corps; Reynolds, Myra Richards; Lafayette Engineering Company | district | 3/14/2019 | FALSE | |
92000190 | Combination Shelter | Listed | INDIANA | Steuben | Angola | Pokagon State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/3/1992 | FALSE |
95001540 | Pokagon State Park | Listed | INDIANA | Steuben | Angola | 5 mi. N of Angola, W of US 27 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/11/1996 | FALSE |
94001122 | Hominy Ridge Shelter House | Listed | INDIANA | Wabash | Lagro | On the S bank of the Salamonie R., N of Hominy Ridge Lake, in the Salamonie River State Forest | | CCC | BUILDING | 9/23/1994 | FALSE |
91001842 | Backbone State Park Historic District | Listed | IOWA | Delaware | Strawberry Point | Jct. of Co. Rds. C57 and W69 | | Fitzsimmons,John; CCC Camps SP2,SP17 | DISTRICT | 12/23/1991 | FALSE |
91001830 | Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Historic District | Listed | IOWA | Dickinson | Milford | IA 86 about 4 mi. N-NW of jct. with US 71 | | USDA Bureau of Biological Survey; Iowa CCC Camp B.F. 1 | DISTRICT | 12/23/1991 | FALSE |
10000021 | Mini-Wakan State Park Historic District | Listed | IOWA | Dickinson | Spirit Lake | 24490 100th St. | | Emery, Amos Barton; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/17/2010 | FALSE |
11001056 | Civilian Conservation Corps-Prisoner of War Recreation Hall | Listed | IOWA | Hardin | Eldora | 301 11th Ave. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 1/27/2012 | FALSE |
91001839 | Jones Creek Watershed Historic District | Listed | IOWA | Monona | Moorhead | Between Little Sioux and Soldier Rivers, SW of Moorhead | | Mayberry,Robert; CCC Camp DPE-79,Moorhead,Iowa | DISTRICT | 12/23/1991 | FALSE |
91001841 | Lakeside Park Historic District | Listed | IOWA | Sac | Lake View | Third St. from Lake to Park St. | | CCC Camp SP-8,Company 1776-V | DISTRICT | 12/23/1991 | FALSE |
08000620 | Lake Nemaha Dam Guardrail | Listed | KANSAS | Nemaha | Seneca | 5.12 miles south of Seneca, KS on Hwy 63 | | Civilian Conservation Corps Co.2735 | OBJECT | 7/2/2008 | FALSE |
16000406 | Steele, Herbert and Eliza, House | Listed | KANSAS | Scott | Scott City | W. Scott Lake Dr. | | Steele, Herbert & Eliza; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/23/2016 | FALSE |
91000493 | Bransford Spring Pumphouse | Listed | KENTUCKY | Edmonson | Mammoth Cave | Mammoth Cave National Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 5/8/1991 | FALSE |
91000501 | Maintenance Area District | Listed | KENTUCKY | Edmonson | Mammoth Cave | Mammoth Cave National Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 5/8/1991 | FALSE |
91000494 | Maple Springs Ranger Station | Listed | KENTUCKY | Edmonson | Mammoth Cave | Mammoth Cave National Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/8/1991 | FALSE |
91000502 | Residential Area District | Listed | KENTUCKY | Edmonson | Mammoth Cave | Mammoth Cave National Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 5/8/1991 | FALSE |
91000495 | Superintendent's House | Listed | KENTUCKY | Edmonson | Mammoth Cave | Mammoth Cave National Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/8/1991 | FALSE |
91000492 | Three Springs Pumphouse | Listed | KENTUCKY | Edmonson | Mammoth Cave | Mammoth Cave National Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 5/8/1991 | FALSE |
87000771 | Alexander State Forest Headquarters Building | Listed | LOUISIANA | Rapides | Woodworth | Alexander State Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/21/1987 | FALSE |
10000986 | Gum Springs Recreation Area | Listed | LOUISIANA | Winn | Winnfield | 12312 US HWY 84 W, Kistachie National Forest | | Jackson, J.C.; Harris, Hugh K.; Galloway, Joe ; CCC | SITE | 12/7/2010 | FALSE |
07000612 | Blackwoods Campground | Listed | MAINE | Hancock | Bar Harbor | ME 233. Eagle Lake Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; | DISTRICT | 6/29/2007 | FALSE |
07000613 | Seawall Campground | Listed | MAINE | Hancock | Bar Harbor | Me 233, Eagle Lake Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; | DISTRICT | 6/29/2007 | FALSE |
93000437 | Fort Devens Historic District | Listed | MASSACHUSETTS | Middlesex | Ayer | Roughly bounded by El Caney St., Antietam St., Sherman Ave., MacArthur Ave. and Buena Vista St. | | U.S. Army, Quartermaster Corps; Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | DISTRICT | 6/10/1993 | FALSE |
93001408 | Camp Gibbs | Listed | MICHIGAN | Iron | Gibbs City | 129 Camp Gibbs Rd., Iron River Township, Ottawa NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 8/3/1994 | FALSE |
76001046 | Rabideau Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp | Listed | MINNESOTA | Beltrami | Blackduck | Off Co. Hwy. 39 in Chippewa National Forest, Taylor Township | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 6/16/1976 | FALSE |
76001049 | Supervisor's Office Headquarters | Listed | MINNESOTA | Cass | Cass Lake | Ash Ave. | | WPA/CCC Programs | BUILDING | 1/31/1976 | FALSE |
73000972 | Itasca State Park | Listed | MINNESOTA | Clearwater | Park Rapids | 21 mi. N of Park Rapids off U.S. 71 | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | DISTRICT | 5/7/1973 | FALSE |
98000681 | Bridge No. 5265-Garrison | Listed | MINNESOTA | Crow Wing | Garrison | US-169 near Mille Lacs Lake | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 6/29/1998 | FALSE |
13000882 | Garrison Concourse | Listed | MINNESOTA | Crow Wing | Garrison | Jct. of MN 169 & MN 18 | | CCC; Barber, Edward W. (NPS); Nichols,A.R; Olson, Harold E. | SITE | 12/3/2013 | FALSE |
15000789 | Kenney Lake Overlook | Listed | MINNESOTA | Crow Wing | Garrison | MN 18, 900 ft. SW. of N. Kenney Lake Ln. | | Veterans Division of the CCC; Minnesota Highway Dept. | SITE | 11/16/2015 | FALSE |
100001297 | Pequot Fire Lookout Tower | Listed | MINNESOTA | Crow Wing | Pequot Lakes | Cty. Rd. 11 about 0.5 mi. E. of Cty. Rd. 112 | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Minnesota Dept. Conservation Forestry Division | structure | 7/10/2017 | FALSE |
15000788 | St. Alban's Bay Culvert at Mille Lacs Lake | Listed | MINNESOTA | Crow Wing | Garrison | MN 169, 800 ft. N. of Cty. Rd. 26 | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Minnesota Highway Dept. | STRUCTURE | 11/16/2015 | FALSE |
15000790 | Inspiration Point Wayside Rest | Listed | MINNESOTA | Fillmore | Lanesboro | MN 16, 16.2 mi. SW. of Cty. Rd. 21 | | Minnesota Highway Dept.; Civilian Conservation Corps | SITE | 11/16/2015 | FALSE |
94000473 | Marcell Ranger Station | Listed | MINNESOTA | Itasca | Bigfork | Chippewa NF, Marcell Township | | USFS; CCC | DISTRICT | 5/19/1994 | FALSE |
92000595 | Scenic State Park CCC/Rustic Style Service Yard | Listed | MINNESOTA | Itasca | Bigfork | Off Co. Hwy. 7, Scenic State Park | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 6/8/1992 | FALSE |
89001670 | Scenic State Park CCC/WPA/Rustic Style Historic Resources | Listed | MINNESOTA | Itasca | Bigfork | Off Co. Hwy. 7 E of Bigfork | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 6/8/1992 | FALSE |
89001673 | Sibley State Park CCC/Rustic Style Historic District | Listed | MINNESOTA | Kandiyohi | New London | Off US 71 W of New London | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/22/1992 | FALSE |
11000782 | Halfway Ranger Station | Listed | MINNESOTA | Lake | Ely | MN 1 (Fall Lake Township) | | US Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 8/11/2011 | FALSE |
94001080 | Norris Camp | Listed | MINNESOTA | Lake Of The Woods | Roosevelt | Off Norris--Roosevelt Forest Rd., Red Lake Wildlife Management Area | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Resettlement Administration | DISTRICT | 9/19/1994 | FALSE |
98000685 | Bridge No. 3355-Kathio Township | Listed | MINNESOTA | Mille Lacs | Kathio Township | US-169 over Whitefish Cr. | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 6/29/1998 | FALSE |
96001594 | St. Croix Recreational Demonstration Area | Listed | MINNESOTA | Pine | Hinckley | off MN 48, along the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, Clover, Ogema, Crosby, Munch, and Chengwatana Townships | | NPS; CCC, et al. | DISTRICT | 1/31/1997 | FALSE |
89000158 | Civilian Conservation Corps Camp S-52 | Listed | MINNESOTA | St. Louis | Orr | Off US 53 | | CCC | BUILDING | 3/2/1989 | FALSE |
93000479 | Kabetogama Ranger Station District | Listed | MINNESOTA | St. Louis | Ray | SW shore of Kabetogama Lake, Voyageurs NP (VOYA) | | Wolff, Fred P.; Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | DISTRICT | 6/18/1993 | FALSE |
99001282 | Clear Springs Recreation Area | Listed | MISSISSIPPI | Franklin | Roxie | Area of Clear Springs Lake | | CCC; Civilian Conservation Corps | SITE | 10/28/1999 | FALSE |
97000769 | Holmes County State Park | Listed | MISSISSIPPI | Holmes | Durrant | Between I-55 and MS 51. 1 mi. S of Durrant | | CCC | DISTRICT | 7/25/1997 | FALSE |
99000382 | Tombigbee State Park | Listed | MISSISSIPPI | Lee | Tupelo | MS 2, SE of Tupelo, off MS 78 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 3/25/1999 | FALSE |
97001437 | Wall Doxey State Park | Listed | MISSISSIPPI | Marshall | Holly Springs | Between MS 7 and Spring Lake | | Civilian Conservation Corps; National Youth Administration | DISTRICT | 12/1/1997 | FALSE |
97001436 | Roosevelt State Park | Listed | MISSISSIPPI | Scott | Morton | 2149 MS 13S | | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | DISTRICT | 12/1/1997 | FALSE |
98000275 | Tishomingo State Park | Listed | MISSISSIPPI | Tishomingo | Tishomingo | SE of jct. of MS 30 and MS 25 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 3/26/1998 | FALSE |
98001333 | Legion State Park | Listed | MISSISSIPPI | Winston | Louisville | 635 Legion State Park Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 11/5/1998 | FALSE |
85000513 | Camp Smokey/Company 1713 Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Barry | Cassville | Off Park Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
03000716 | Cassbille Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Barry | Cassville | MO 248 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 8/4/2003 | FALSE |
85000500 | Roaring River State Park Bath House | Listed | MISSOURI | Barry | Cassville | Off Park Rd. | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
85000518 | Roaring River State Park Dam/Spillway | Listed | MISSOURI | Barry | Cassville | Off Park Rd. | | CCC; NPS | STRUCTURE | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
85000519 | Roaring River State Park Deer Leap Trail | Listed | MISSOURI | Barry | Cassville | Off Park Rd. | | CCC; NPS | STRUCTURE | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
85000520 | Roaring River State Park Honeymoon Cabin | Listed | MISSOURI | Barry | Cassville | Off Park Rd. | | CCC | BUILDING | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
85000521 | Roaring River State Park Shelter Kitchen No. 2 and Rest Room | Listed | MISSOURI | Barry | Cassville | Off Park Rd. | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
85000522 | Sugar Lake State Park Open Shelter | Listed | MISSOURI | Buchanan | Rushville | Off MO 138 | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
85000526 | Camp Hawthorne Central Area District | Listed | MISSOURI | Camden | Camdenton | NE of Camdenton in State Park | | CCC | DISTRICT | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
85000523 | Lake of the Ozarks Recreational Demonstration Area Barn/Garage in Kaiser Area | Listed | MISSOURI | Camden | Camdenton | NE of Camdenton in State Park | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
85000524 | Lake of the Ozarks Recreational Demonstration Area Rising Sun Shelter | Listed | MISSOURI | Camden | Camdenton | NE of Camdenton in State Park | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
85000525 | Lake of the Ozarks Recreational Demonstration Area Shelter at McCubbin Point | Listed | MISSOURI | Camden | Camdenton | NE of Camdenton in State Park | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
85000502 | Lake of the Ozarks State Park Camp Clover Point Recreation Hall | Listed | MISSOURI | Camden | Camdenton | NE of Camdenton in State Park | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
85000503 | Lake of the Ozarks State Park Camp Rising Sun Recreation Hall | Listed | MISSOURI | Camden | Camdenton | NE of Camdenton in State Park | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
85002737 | Pin Oak Hollow Bridge | Listed | MISSOURI | Camden | Pin Oak Hollow | Lake of the Ozarks State Park | | CCC; WPS | STRUCTURE | 9/13/1985 | FALSE |
81000101 | Big Spring Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Carter | Van Buren | E of Van Buren on MO 103 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 3/17/1981 | FALSE |
85000527 | Bennett Spring State Park Shelter House and Water Gauge Station | Listed | MISSOURI | Dallas | Bennett Spring | Off MO A64 | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
85000528 | Dam and Spillway in the Hatchery Area at Montauk State Park | Listed | MISSOURI | Dent | Salem | Off MO 119 | | CCC; NPS | STRUCTURE | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
85000529 | Montauk State Park Open Shelter | Listed | MISSOURI | Dent | Salem | Off MO 119 | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
03000714 | Ava Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Douglas | Ava | MO 5S | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 8/4/2003 | FALSE |
85000530 | Meramec State Park Lookout House/Observation Tower | Listed | MISSOURI | Franklin | Sullivan | E of Sullivan off MO 185 | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
85000531 | Meramec State Park Pump House | Listed | MISSOURI | Franklin | Sullivan | E of Sullivan off MO 185 | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
85000532 | Meramec State Park Shelter House | Listed | MISSOURI | Franklin | Sullivan | E of Sullivan off MO 185 | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
85000505 | Crowder State Park Vehicle Bridge | Listed | MISSOURI | Grundy | Trenton | MO 128 | | CCC; NPS | STRUCTURE | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
85000504 | Bennett Spring State Park Hatchery-Lodge Area Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Laclede | Bennett Spring | MO A64 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
85000512 | Camp Sherwood Forest Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Lincoln | Elsberry | SW of Elsberry in Cuivre State Park | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
85000514 | Cuivre River State Park Administrative Area Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Lincoln | Elsberry | SW of Elsberry in Cuivre State Park | | CCC; WPA | DISTRICT | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
85000533 | Lake of the Ozarks State Park Highway 134 Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Miller | Brumley | W of Brumley along MO 134 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 2/26/1985 | FALSE |
85000515 | Mark Twain State Park Picnic Shelter at Buzzard's Roost | Listed | MISSOURI | Monroe | Santa Fe | Off MO 107 | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
03000717 | Rolla Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Phelps | Rolla | Bridge School Road and Kingshighway | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 8/4/2003 | FALSE |
85000537 | Van Meter State Park Combination Building | Listed | MISSOURI | Saline | Marshall | Van Meter State Park | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/27/1985 | FALSE |
85000538 | Van Meter State Park Shelter Building | Listed | MISSOURI | Saline | Marshall | Van Meter State Park | | CCC; NPS | BUILDING | 2/28/1985 | FALSE |
03000715 | Winona Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Shannon | Winona | Rte 1, MO 19N | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 8/4/2003 | FALSE |
85000539 | Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | St. Louis | Grover | NW of Grover | | CCC | DISTRICT | 2/27/1985 | FALSE |
03000713 | Houston Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Texas | Houston | 104 MO 63S | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 8/4/2003 | FALSE |
85000517 | Washington State Park CCC Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Washington | Potosi | Roughly bounded by MO 102 and MO 104 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/4/1985 | FALSE |
85000540 | Sam A. Baker State Park Historic District | Listed | MISSOURI | Wayne | Patterson | St. Francis Mountains bounded roughly around Cedar Creek, Big Creek and Mudlick Canyon off MO 143 | | CCC; WPA | DISTRICT | 2/27/1985 | FALSE |
100008100 | Shenango Work Station | Listed | MONTANA | Gallatin | Gallatin Gateway | Custer Gallatin NF Storm Castle Rd. | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 9/1/2022 | FALSE | |
95001566 | Cut Bank Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | MONTANA | Glacier | East Glacier | N side Cut Bank Creek, Glacier NP | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/19/1996 | FALSE |
95001576 | St. Mary Utility Area Historic District | Listed | MONTANA | Glacier | St. Mary | E of St. Mary at Divide Creek, Glacier NP | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/19/1996 | FALSE |
86000584 | Camp Paxson Boy Scout Camp (24MO77) | Listed | MONTANA | Missoula | Lolo National Forest | Seeley Lake | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Fickes,Clyde | BUILDING | 3/21/1986 | FALSE |
87000865 | Fort Missoula Historic District | Listed | MONTANA | Missoula | Missoula | Reserve St. and South Ave. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | DISTRICT | 4/29/1987 | FALSE |
80002425 | U.S. Forest Service Remount Depot | Listed | MONTANA | Missoula | Huson | 2.4 mi. SW of Huson | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/10/1980 | FALSE |
100002298 | Medicine Point Lookout | Listed | MONTANA | Ravalli | Darby | Medicine Pt., Sula Ranger Dist., Bitterroot NF | | Fickes, Clyde ; CCC | building | 4/6/2018 | FALSE |
100009135 | West Fork Ranger Station | Listed | MONTANA | Ravalli | Darby | 6735 West Fork Rd. | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 7/18/2023 | FALSE | |
96000126 | Boulder Dam Park Museum | Listed | NEVADA | Clark | Overton | NV 169, W side | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 2/22/1996 | FALSE |
92001187 | Gold Creek Ranger Station | Listed | NEVADA | Elko | Mountain City | E of Mountain City, Humboldt NF | | USFS Regional Office; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 9/15/1992 | FALSE |
96000662 | Paradise Valley Ranger Station | Listed | NEVADA | Humboldt | Paradise Valley | 355 S. Main St., Humboldt National Forest | | US Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 6/19/1996 | FALSE |
95001224 | Baker Ranger Station | Listed | NEVADA | White Pine | Baker | Great Basin National Park | | USFS; CCC | BUILDING | 10/17/1995 | FALSE |
93001420 | Dam-Sitting Bull Falls Recreation Area | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Eddy | Carlsbad | Sitting Bull Falls, Lincoln NF | | USDA-Forest Service; CCC | SITE | 12/23/1993 | FALSE |
93001419 | Group Picnic Shelter-Sitting Bull Falls Recreation Area | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Eddy | Carlsbad | Sitting Bull Falls, Lincoln NF | | USDA-Forest Service; CCC | SITE | 12/23/1993 | FALSE |
93001418 | Picnic Shelter-Sitting Bull Falls Recreation Area | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Eddy | Carlsbad | Sitting Bull Falls, Lincoln NF | | USDA-Forest Service; CCC | STRUCTURE | 12/23/1993 | FALSE |
87002483 | Monjeau Lookout | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Lincoln | Villa Madonna | Lincoln National Forest | | CCC | BUILDING | 1/27/1988 | FALSE |
89000476 | Mayhill Administrative Site | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Otero | Mayhill | US 82, 1.5 mi. N of Mayhill | | US Forest Service; CCC | DISTRICT | 6/1/1989 | FALSE |
96000268 | Metropolitan Park Bathhouse and Pool Historic District | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Quay | Tucumcari | S Frontage Rd. of I-40, 1.5 mi. W of Tucumcari_W interstate exit | | Thomas, Trent; CCC | DISTRICT | 3/15/1996 | FALSE |
100006766 | Hyde Memorial State Park | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Santa Fe | Santa Fe | 740 Hyde Park Rd. (NM 475) | Civilian Conservation Corps Co. 833 | district | 8/2/2021 | FALSE | |
70000067 | National Park Service Southwest Regional Office | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Santa Fe | Santa Fe | Old Santa Fe Trail | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | BUILDING | 10/6/1970 | FALSE |
08001181 | Santa Fe River Park Channel | Listed | NEW MEXICO | Santa Fe | Santa Fe | Santa Fe River Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 12/10/2008 | FALSE |
91001507 | Hanging Rock State Park Bathhouse | Listed | NORTH CAROLINA | Stokes | Danbury | End of NC 2015 S of jct. with NC 1001, Hanging Rock State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Ormand,Robert S. | DISTRICT | 10/24/1991 | FALSE |
16000809 | Oconaluftee Ranger Station | Listed | NORTH CAROLINA | Swain | Cherokee | Newfound Gap Rd., Great Smoky Mts. NP. | | Barber, Charles I.; Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 11/29/2016 | FALSE |
95000783 | Crabtree Creek Recreational Demonstration Area | Listed | NORTH CAROLINA | Wake | Raleigh | Roughly bounded by I-40, US 70 and the Raleigh--Durham Airport | | Marks, J.R., et al.; CCC | DISTRICT | 6/30/1995 | FALSE |
100003204 | De Mores Memorial Park | Listed | NORTH DAKOTA | Billings | Medora | SE corner of Main St. & 3rd Ave. | Gratton, Weldon; Civilian Conservation Corps ; Olson, Einar; Poisson, Pierre Marie; Barbedienne, F., Foundry | site | 3/4/2019 | FALSE | |
16000460 | Wright Brothers Hill-Memorial | Listed | OHIO | Greene | Wright-Patterson AFB | Memorial Dr. | | Olmstead Brothers; African American CCC | SITE | 7/19/2016 | FALSE |
15000872 | Lake Ponca Duck Pond Historic District | Listed | OKLAHOMA | Kay | Ponca City | L.A. Cann Dr. & Edam Rd. | | Timberlake, M.D.; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 12/8/2015 | FALSE |
07000523 | Perry Lake Park | Listed | OKLAHOMA | Noble | Perry | 1520 S. 4th St. | | National Park Service; CCC | DISTRICT | 6/1/2007 | FALSE |
16000620 | Lincoln Park Bathhouse | Listed | OKLAHOMA | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | 2000 Remington Place | | Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 9/12/2016 | FALSE |
06001115 | Nichols Park | Listed | OKLAHOMA | Okmulgee | Henryetta | 1.9 mi. S of jct of Lake Rd. and Main St. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; National Park Service | DISTRICT | 12/6/2006 | FALSE |
86000823 | Unity Ranger Station | Listed | OREGON | Baker | Unity | Wallowa-Whitman National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | DISTRICT | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
08000544 | Camp Arboretum Sign Shop | Listed | OREGON | Benton | Corvallis | 8592-8399 NW Peavy Arboretum | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/25/2008 | FALSE |
86000842 | Zigzag Ranger Station | Listed | OREGON | Clackamas | Zigzag | Mt. Hood National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
86000846 | Lamonta Compound-Prineville Supervisor's Warehouse | Listed | OREGON | Crook | Prineville | Ochoco National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
86000818 | Gold Beach Ranger Station | Listed | OREGON | Curry | Gold Beach | Siskiyou National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
86000825 | Paulina Lake Guard Station | Listed | OREGON | Deschutes | Bend | Deschutes National Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
86000820 | Glide Ranger Station | Listed | OREGON | Douglas | Glide | Umpqua National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
86000836 | John Day Compound, Supervisor's Warehouse | Listed | OREGON | Grant | John Day | Malheur National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
86000833 | Supervisor's House No. 1001 | Listed | OREGON | Grant | John Day | Malheur National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
86000829 | Cascade Locks Work Center | Listed | OREGON | Hood River | Cascade Locks | Mt. Hood National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
86000822 | Parkdale Ranger Station | Listed | OREGON | Hood River | Parkdale | Mt. Hood National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
86000824 | Butte Falls Ranger Station | Listed | OREGON | Jackson | Butte Falls | Rogue River National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
00000503 | Fish Lake Shelter | Listed | OREGON | Jackson | Ashland | South of OR 140 approx. 25 mi. NE of Ashland | | CCC | STRUCTURE | 12/29/2000 | FALSE |
86000835 | Imnaha Guard Station | Listed | OREGON | Jackson | Butte Falls | Rogue River National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
00000516 | McKee Bridge Campground | Listed | OREGON | Jackson | Jacksonville | Upper Applegate Rd. approx. 7 mi. S of OR 238 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | SITE | 12/29/2000 | FALSE |
80003328 | Union Creek Historic District | Listed | OREGON | Jackson | Prospect | OR 62 | | Civilian Conservation Corps; US Forest Service | DISTRICT | 10/29/1980 | FALSE |
00000505 | Wrangle Gap Shelter | Listed | OREGON | Jackson | Ashland | FS Rd. 20 approx. 25 mi. SW of Ashland | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 12/29/2000 | FALSE |
86000837 | Cedar Guard Station No. 1019 | Listed | OREGON | Josephine | Cave Junction | Illinois Valley Rd., Siskiyou National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
11001028 | Oregon Caves Historic District (Boundary Increase) | Listed | OREGON | Josephine | Cave Junction | 19000 Caves Hwy. | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/12/2012 | FALSE |
99000703 | Rand Ranger Station | Listed | OREGON | Josephine | Merlin | 14335 Galice Rd. | | U.S. Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/10/1999 | FALSE |
86000838 | Store Gulch Guard Station No. 1020 | Listed | OREGON | Josephine | Cave Junction | Illinois Valley Rd., Siskiyou National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
88002624 | Comfort Station No. 68 | Listed | OREGON | Klamath | Crater Lake | Rim Dr., near Rim Village Campground | | Civilian Conservation Corp | BUILDING | 12/1/1988 | FALSE |
86000845 | Lake of the Woods Ranger Station-Work Center | Listed | OREGON | Klamath | Klamath Falls | Winema National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
86000827 | Cabin Lake Guard Station | Listed | OREGON | Lake | Bend | Deschutes National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
88002016 | Cape Perpetua Shelter and Parapet | Listed | OREGON | Lincoln | Yachats | 3 mi. S of Yachats | | US Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 3/17/1989 | FALSE |
14000381 | Fish Lake Guard Station | Listed | OREGON | Linn | McKenzie Bridge | 57600 McKenzie Hwy. | | Forest Service; CCC | district | 6/27/2014 | FALSE |
15000273 | Hoodoo Ridge Lookout | Listed | OREGON | Wallowa | Troy | Umatilla NF, Walla Walla District | | Forest Service (Architect/Builder); CCC (Architect/Builder) | DISTRICT | 5/26/2015 | FALSE |
86000844 | Lick Creek Guard Station | Listed | OREGON | Wallowa | Enterprise | Wallowa-Whitman National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps; USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
09000865 | Wallowa Ranger Station | Listed | OREGON | Wallowa | Wallowa | 602 W. 1st St. | | USDA Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 10/28/2009 | FALSE |
87000745 | Racoon Creek RDA | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Beaver | Rochester | 20 mi. S of Rochester on PA 18 | CCC Camps SP-6 and SP-16 | DISTRICT | 5/18/1987 | FALSE | |
87000054 | French Creek State Park Six Penny Day Use District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Berks | Morgantown | 7 mi. NE of Morgantown on PA 345 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000104 | French Creek State Park: Organized Group Camp 4 District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Berks | Reading | 7 mi. NE of Morgantown on PA 345 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000101 | Black Moshannon State Park Day Use District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Centre | Philipsburg | 9 mi. E of Philipsburg on PA 504 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000102 | Black Moshannon State Park Family Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Centre | Philipsburg | 9 mi. E of Philipsburg on PA 504 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000097 | Black Moshannon State Park Maintenance District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Centre | Philipsburg | 9 mi. E of Philipsburg on PA 504 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000023 | Elliott, S. B., State Park Day Use District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Clearfield | Clearfield | 9 mi. N of Clearfield on PA 153 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000024 | Elliott, S. B., State Park Family Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Clearfield | Clearfield | 9 mi. N of Clearfield on PA 153 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000043 | Parker Dam State Park Family Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Clearfield | Penfield | 5 mi. S of Penfield off PA 153 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000044 | Parker Dam State Park-Octagonal Lodge | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Clearfield | Penfield | 5 mi. S of Penfield off PA 153 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000049 | Parker Dam State Park-Parker Dam District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Clearfield | Penfield | 5 mi. S of Penfield off PA 153 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000741 | Ravensburg State Park | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Clinton | Loganton | 8 mi. SE of Jersey Shore on PA 880 | | CCC Camp S-127 | DISTRICT | 5/18/1987 | FALSE |
15000828 | Loleta Recreation Area | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Elk | Millstone Township | Along PA 2002 near jct. with Millstone Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Civil Works Authority | DISTRICT | 11/24/2015 | FALSE |
87000019 | Cook Forest State Park Indian Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Forest | Cooksburg | Off PA 36 at Cooksburg | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000053 | Cook Forest State Park River Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Forest | Cooksburg | Off PA 36 at Cooksburg | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000051 | Cowans Gap State Park Family Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Fulton | Chambersburg | 18 mi. N of PA 75 and Chambersburg on Richmond Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000050 | Greenwood Lake Dam | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Huntingdon | Belleville | 5 mi. N of Belleville off PA 305 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 5/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000109 | Whipple Dam State Park Day Use District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Huntingdon | Huntingdon | 10 mi. S of State College, E of PA 26 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000018 | Clear Creek State Park Day Use District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Jefferson | Sigel | 4 mi. N of Sigel on PA 949 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000106 | Clear Creek State Park Family Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Jefferson | Sigel | 4 mi. N of Sigel on PA 949 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000047 | Promised Land State Park Whittaker Lodge District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Pike | Canadensis | 10 mi. N of Canadensis on PA 390 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000048 | Promised Land State Park-Bear Wallow Cabins | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Pike | Canadensis | 10 mi. N of Canadensis on PA 390 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 2/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000052 | Cherry Springs Picnic Pavilion | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Potter | West Branch Township | 8 mi. N of Carter Camp off PA 44 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 5/11/1987 | FALSE |
87000111 | Kooser State Park Family Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Somerset | Jefferson | 10 mi. N of PA Turnpike Exit 10 on PA 31 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000738 | Laurel Hill RDA | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Somerset | Somerset | 4 mi. W of New Centerville and PA 281 | | CCC Camps SP-8 and SP-15 | DISTRICT | 5/18/1987 | FALSE |
87000742 | Worlds End State Park Family Cabin District | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Sullivan | Forksville | 2 mi. SE of Forksville on PA 154 | | CCC Camp S-95 | DISTRICT | 5/18/1987 | FALSE |
87000112 | Colton Point State Park | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Tioga | Ansonia | 5 mi. S of US 6 at Ansonia | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 2/12/1987 | FALSE |
87000046 | Halfway Lake Dam | Listed | PENNSYLVANIA | Union | Lewisburg | 16 mi. W of Lewisburg on PA 191 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 5/11/1987 | FALSE |
100000667 | Vivero de Peces de Maricao | Listed | PUERTO RICO | Maricao | Maricao | PR 401, km. 1.7, Maricao Afuera Ward | | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 2/21/2017 | FALSE |
100004891 | Baño de Oro | Listed | PUERTO RICO | Rio Grande | Rio Grande | PR191, km 12.1 | Civilian Conservation Corps; Randolph, H. | structure | 1/21/2020 | FALSE | |
100000685 | Bano Grande | Listed | PUERTO RICO | Rio Grande | Rio Grande | PR 191, km 11.85 | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Pidgeon, R.E.; Randolph, H. | structure | 2/28/2017 | FALSE |
16000236 | Observation Tower | Listed | PUERTO RICO | San German | San German | PR 120, KM 14, Cain Alto Ward | | Civilian Conservation Corps | building | 5/1/2016 | FALSE |
08000185 | Kings Mountain State Park Historic District | Listed | SOUTH CAROLINA | Cherokee | Blacksburg | 1277 Park Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; | DISTRICT | 3/14/2008 | FALSE |
98000416 | Paris Mountain State Park Historic District | Listed | SOUTH CAROLINA | Greenville | Greenville | 2401 State Park Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; U.S. Forest Service | DISTRICT | 4/30/1998 | FALSE |
89000479 | Civilian Conservation Corps Quarry No. 1 and Truck Trail | Listed | SOUTH CAROLINA | Pickens | Pickens | Off Section Rd. 25/Hickory Hollow Rd., .7 mi. S of SC 11 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 6/16/1989 | FALSE |
89000480 | Civilian Conservation Corps Quarry No. 2 | Listed | SOUTH CAROLINA | Pickens | Pickens | .2 mi. N of Section Rd. 69/Sliding Rock Rd. near Oolenoy River | | CCC | SITE | 6/16/1989 | FALSE |
89000482 | Roper House Complex | Listed | SOUTH CAROLINA | Pickens | Pickens | SC Section Rd. 25, .1 mi. SE of SC 11 | | CCC; Newton,Doc Miles | BUILDING | 6/16/1989 | FALSE |
89000481 | Table Rock Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Site | Listed | SOUTH CAROLINA | Pickens | Pickens | Table Rock State Park Rd. Ext. at SC 11 | | CCC | SITE | 6/16/1989 | FALSE |
16000311 | Poinsett State Park Historic District | Listed | SOUTH CAROLINA | Sumter | Wedgefield | 6660 Poinsett Park Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; et al. | DISTRICT | 5/31/2016 | FALSE |
92000684 | CCC Camp Custer Officers' Cabin | Listed | SOUTH DAKOTA | Custer | Custer | 8 mi. NW of Custer on Custer Co. Rd. 292 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/9/1992 | FALSE |
95000337 | Historic Trail and Cave Entrance | Listed | SOUTH DAKOTA | Custer | Custer | From old ranger station HS-1 to old cave entrance, Jewel Cave NM | | CCC | STRUCTURE | 4/19/1995 | FALSE |
95000336 | Ranger Station | Listed | SOUTH DAKOTA | Custer | Custer | Old administration area, Jewel Cave NM | | NPS; CCC | BUILDING | 4/5/1995 | FALSE |
93001280 | South Dakota Dept. of Transportation Bridge No. 17-289-107 | Listed | SOUTH DAKOTA | Custer | Custer | SD 87 over French Cr., Custer State Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 12/9/1993 | FALSE |
11000746 | Hardy Guard Station | Listed | SOUTH DAKOTA | Lawrence | Lead | 22107 US 85 | | Civilian Conservation Corp: Builder; CCC | DISTRICT | 10/18/2011 | FALSE |
03001531 | Civilian Conservation Corp Camp F-10 | Listed | SOUTH DAKOTA | Pennington | Rapid City | 13381 Silver Mountain Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/28/2004 | FALSE |
14000446 | Norris Dam State Park Rustic Cabins Historic District | Listed | TENNESSEE | Anderson | Rocky Top (formerly Lake City) | 125 Village Green Cir. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; et al. | DISTRICT | 7/25/2014 | FALSE |
15000444 | Fall Creek Falls Fire Lookout Tower | Listed | TENNESSEE | Bledsoe | Pikeville | Fire Tower Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) | BUILDING | 7/21/2015 | FALSE |
15000832 | English Mountain Fire Lookout Tower | Listed | TENNESSEE | Cocke | Chestnut Hill | Carson Springs Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 11/20/2015 | FALSE |
15000116 | Sewanee Fire Lookout Tower | Listed | TENNESSEE | Franklin | Sewanee | 310 Fire Tower Rd. | | CCC | BUILDING | 3/31/2015 | FALSE |
87000538 | Grundy Lakes Historic District | Listed | TENNESSEE | Grundy | Tracy City | Grundy Lakes State Pk. E of TN 56 | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Tennessee Coal & Iron Co. | DISTRICT | 4/1/1987 | FALSE |
15000833 | Kettlefoot Fire Lookout Tower | Listed | TENNESSEE | Johnson | Mountain City | Fire Tower Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 11/20/2015 | FALSE |
100006707 | Twinton Fire Lookout Tower | Listed | TENNESSEE | Overton | Crawford | Threet Rd. | Civilian Conservation Corps; Aermotor Company | structure | 6/28/2021 | FALSE | |
100006709 | Chuck Swan Fire Lookout Tower | Listed | TENNESSEE | Union | Sharps Chapel | Main Forest Rd. | Civilian Conservation Corps; Aermotor Company | structure | 6/28/2021 | FALSE | |
100007750 | Parque Zaragoza | Listed | TEXAS | Travis | Austin | 2608 Gonzales St. | CCC/NYA; Austin Parks and Recreation Department; Neighborhood Volunteers | district | 5/24/2022 | FALSE | |
92000338 | Tony Grove Ranger Station Historic District | Listed | UTAH | Cache | Logan | US 89, 23 mi. NE of Logan, Wasatch--Cache NF | | US Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 4/13/1992 | FALSE |
80003895 | Ute Mountain Fire Tower | Listed | UTAH | Daggett | Manila | SW of Manila | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 4/10/1980 | FALSE |
96000617 | San Rafael Bridge | Listed | UTAH | Emery | Castle Dale | Co. Rd. 3-32 over the San Rafael River, approximately 23 mi. SE of Castle Dale | | CCC/Div. of Grazing; Greaves, Milton P. | STRUCTURE | 6/3/1996 | FALSE |
95000431 | Riggs Spring Fire Trail | Listed | UTAH | Garfield | Bryce Canyon | Bryce Canyon National Park | | NPS; CCC | STRUCTURE | 4/25/1995 | FALSE |
95000423 | Under-the-Rim Trail | Listed | UTAH | Garfield | Bryce Canyon | Bryce Canyon National Park | | NPS; CCC | STRUCTURE | 4/25/1995 | FALSE |
83004385 | Caretaker's Cabin | Listed | UTAH | Iron | Cedar City | Off UT 14 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 8/4/1983 | FALSE |
83004386 | Visitor Center | Listed | UTAH | Iron | Cedar City | Off UT 14 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 8/4/1983 | FALSE |
94000267 | Desert Experimental Range Station Historic District | Listed | UTAH | Millard | Milford | 2.5 mi. N of US 21, 42 mi. W of Milford | | USFS; CCC | DISTRICT | 4/11/1994 | FALSE |
100006063 | Navajo Mountain Day School and Community Center Historic District | Listed | UTAH | San Juan | Navajo Mountain | 300 yds. west of jct. of Cty. Rds. 434 and 488 | Mayers, Murray & Phillip; United States Office of Indian Affairs; Civilian Conservation Corps–Indian Department | district | 1/28/2021 | FALSE | |
96000678 | Great Basin Research Station Historic District | Listed | UTAH | Sanpete | Ephraim | UT 29, approximately 8 mi. E of Ephraim, Manti--Lasal National Forest | | US Forest Service; CCC | DISTRICT | 6/28/1996 | FALSE |
86003722 | Canyon Overlook Trail | Listed | UTAH | Washington | Springdale | Across hwy. from parking area at E end of Zion-Mt. Carmel Tunnel to a point directly above the Great Arch of Zion | | Langley,Harry; Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 2/14/1987 | FALSE |
86003711 | East Entrance Checking Station | Listed | UTAH | Washington | Springdale | Island in middle of UT 9 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 2/14/1987 | FALSE |
86003712 | East Entrance Residence | Listed | UTAH | Washington | Springdale | E Entrance 150 ft. N of UT 9 | | NPS; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 2/14/1987 | FALSE |
86003710 | East Entrance Sign | Listed | UTAH | Washington | Springdale | East Entrance Checking Station on N and S sides of UT 9 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | OBJECT | 7/7/1987 | FALSE |
96000048 | Floor of the Valley Road | Listed | UTAH | Washington | Springdale | From jct. with Zion--Mt. Carmel Hwy. along the N. Fork of the Virgin R., Zion National Park | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Carnes, W.G., et al. | STRUCTURE | 2/16/1996 | FALSE |
86003738 | Oak Creek Irrigation Canal | Listed | UTAH | Washington | Springdale | W side of the N Fork of Virgin River 1/8 mi. N of Virgin River Bridge to the N side of Watchman Campground Entrance Rd. | | Langley,Harry; Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 7/7/1987 | FALSE |
86003717 | South Campground Amphitheater | Listed | UTAH | Washington | Springdale | South Campground | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 2/14/1987 | FALSE |
86003713 | South Entrance Sign | Listed | UTAH | Washington | Springdale | South Entrance | | Civilian Conservation Corps | OBJECT | 2/14/1987 | FALSE |
99001090 | Civilian Conservation Corps Powder Magazine | Listed | UTAH | Wayne | Torrey | S of Fremont R., N of Cuts Canyon | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 9/13/1999 | FALSE |
01001475 | New Discovery State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Caledonia | Peacham | 4239 VT 232 | | US Dept. of the Interior; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 1/17/2002 | FALSE |
02000277 | Ricker Pond State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Caledonia | Groton | 526 State Forest Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/29/2002 | FALSE |
02000278 | Stillwater State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Caledonia | Groton | 126 Boulder Beach Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/29/2002 | FALSE |
06000704 | Toll House | Listed | VERMONT | Caledonia | Burke | 2028 Mountain Rd. | | Baker, W.F.; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 8/9/2006 | FALSE |
01001286 | Mount Philo State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Chittenden | Charlotte | 5425 Mount Philo Rd. | | US Department of the Interior; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 11/29/2001 | FALSE |
02000028 | Sand Bar State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Chittenden | Milton | 1215 US 2 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 2/14/2002 | FALSE |
02000665 | Underhill State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Chittenden | Underhill | 352 Mountain Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 6/21/2002 | FALSE |
01001285 | Maidstone State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Essex | Maidstone | 4858 and 4876 Maidstone Rd. | | CCC; Dept. of the Interior | DISTRICT | 11/29/2001 | FALSE |
02000279 | Elmore State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Lamoille | Elmore | 856 VT 12 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/29/2002 | FALSE |
02000027 | Stowe CCC Side Camp | Listed | VERMONT | Lamoille | Stowe | 6992 Mountain Rd. | | CCC | BUILDING | 2/14/2002 | FALSE |
02000280 | Allis State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Orange | Brookfield | RR 2, Box 192 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/29/2002 | FALSE |
02000029 | Thetford Hill State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Orange | Thetford | 622 Academy Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 2/14/2002 | FALSE |
05000949 | Crystal Lake State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Orleans | Barton | 96 Bellwater Ave. | | Fried, David; Civilian Conservation Corps | SITE | 8/30/2005 | FALSE |
92000687 | Stratton Mountain Lookout Tower | Listed | VERMONT | Windham | Stratton | Summit of Stratton Mountain, Green Mountain NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Stocker,Leon | DISTRICT | 6/17/1992 | FALSE |
02000030 | Townshend State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Windham | Townshend | 2755 State Forest Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 2/14/2002 | FALSE |
02000664 | Ascutney State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Windsor | Windsor | 1826 Back Mountain Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 6/14/2002 | FALSE |
02000281 | Coolidge State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Windsor | Plymouth | 855 Coolidge State Park Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/29/2002 | FALSE |
02000282 | Wilgus State Park | Listed | VERMONT | Windsor | Weathersfield | 3985 US Route 5 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 3/29/2002 | FALSE |
86002183 | Douthat State Park Historic District | Listed | VIRGINIA | Alleghany | Millboro | VA 629 | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | DISTRICT | 9/20/1986 | FALSE |
15001054 | Pocahontas State Park Historic District | Listed | VIRGINIA | Chesterfield | Chesterfield | 10301 State Park Rd. | | CCC | DISTRICT | 2/8/2016 | FALSE |
12000904 | Bear Creek Lake State Park | Listed | VIRGINIA | Cumberland | Cumberland | 22 Bear Creek Lake Rd. | | CCC; WPA | DISTRICT | 10/31/2012 | FALSE |
12000905 | Old Wythe Historic District | Listed | VIRGINIA | Hampton | Hampton (Independent City) | Roughly bounded by Hanover St., Pear Ave., Hampton, & Kecoughtan Rds. | | CCC; WPA | DISTRICT | 10/31/2012 | FALSE |
12000906 | Twin Lakes State Park | Listed | VIRGINIA | Prince Edward | Green Bay | 788 Twin Lakes Rd. | | CCC; WPA | DISTRICT | 10/31/2012 | FALSE |
89000456 | Goodwill Historic District, Chopawamsic RDA Camp 1 | Listed | VIRGINIA | Prince William | Triangle | Off VA 234 W of I-95 | | NPS; CCC | DISTRICT | 6/12/1989 | FALSE |
89000457 | Mawavi Historic District, Chopawamsic RDA Camp 2 | Listed | VIRGINIA | Prince William | Triangle | Off VA 619 W of I-95 | | NPS; CCC | DISTRICT | 6/12/1989 | FALSE |
89000458 | Orenda/SP-26 Historic District, Chopawamsic RDA Camp 3 | Listed | VIRGINIA | Prince William | Triangle | Off VA 619 W of I-95 | | NPS; CCC | DISTRICT | 6/12/1989 | FALSE |
89000459 | Pleasant Historic District, Chopawamsic RDA Camp 4 | Listed | VIRGINIA | Prince William | Triangle | Off VA 234 W of I-95 | | NPS; CCC | DISTRICT | 6/12/1989 | FALSE |
91001975 | Front Royal Recreational Park Historic District | Listed | VIRGINIA | Warren | Front Royal | VA 665, 1.1 mi. N of Riverton from VA 522 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 10/27/1992 | FALSE |
86000812 | Chatter Creek Guard Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Chelan | Leavenworth | Wenatchee National Forest | | USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
90001912 | Chelan Butte Lookout | Listed | WASHINGTON | Chelan | Chelan | Summit of Chelan Butte | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | BUILDING | 12/27/1990 | FALSE |
88003461 | High Bridge Shelter | Listed | WASHINGTON | Chelan | Stehekin | High Bridge Campground off Stehekin Valley Rd. | | US Forest Service; CCC | BUILDING | 2/10/1989 | FALSE |
86000840 | Leavenworth Ranger Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Chelan | Leavenworth | Wenatchee National Forest | | USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
13000505 | Leavenworth Ski Hill Historic District | Listed | WASHINGTON | Chelan | Leavenworth | Jct. of Ski Hill Dr. & Titus Rd., Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest | | Civilian Conservation Corps CCC; Leavenworth Winter Sports Club | DISTRICT | 7/17/2013 | FALSE |
90001914 | Sugarloaf Peak Lookout | Listed | WASHINGTON | Chelan | Leavenworth | Summit of Sugarloaf Peak | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | BUILDING | 12/27/1990 | FALSE |
90001913 | Tyee Mountain Lookout | Listed | WASHINGTON | Chelan | Entait | Summit of Tyee Mountain | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | BUILDING | 12/27/1990 | FALSE |
07000732 | Altair Campground Community Kitchen | Listed | WASHINGTON | Clallam | Port Angeles | Approx. 4 mi. S of US 101 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 7/13/2007 | FALSE |
07000712 | Canyon Creek Shelter | Listed | WASHINGTON | Clallam | Port Angeles | Approx. .9 mi. N of the Upper Sol Duc River Trailhead | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 7/13/2007 | FALSE |
07000713 | Eagle Ranger Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Clallam | Port Angeles | Approx. 11.6 mi. S of WA 101 on Upper Sol Duc Rd. | | U.S. Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 7/13/2007 | FALSE |
07000714 | Elkhorn Guard Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Clallam | Port Angeles | Apprx. 11.5 mi. along Elwha River Trail from the Whiskey Bend Trailhead | | U.S. Forest Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 7/13/2007 | FALSE |
07000735 | Elwah Campground Community Kitchen | Listed | WASHINGTON | Clallam | Port Angeles | 3 mi S of US 101 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | STRUCTURE | 7/13/2007 | FALSE |
90001915 | Badger Mountain Lookout | Listed | WASHINGTON | Douglas | East Wenatchee | Near summit of Badger Mountain | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Et al. | BUILDING | 12/27/1990 | FALSE |
100004769 | Deception Pass State Park-Cornet Bay Fire Circle | Listed | WASHINGTON | Island | Oak Harbor | 41020 WA 20 | Civilian Conservation Corps | structure | 12/6/2019 | FALSE | |
100004771 | Deception Pass State Park-Cornet Bay Incinerator | Listed | WASHINGTON | Island | Oak Harbor | 41020 WA 20 | Civilian Conservation Corps | structure | 12/6/2019 | FALSE | |
100004770 | Deception Pass State Park-Cranberry Lake Bathing and Picnic Area Historic District | Listed | WASHINGTON | Island | Oak Harbor | 41020 WA 20 | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 12/4/2019 | FALSE | |
100004647 | Deception Pass State Park-Cranberry Lake Caretaker's Area Historic District | Listed | WASHINGTON | Island | Oak Harbor | 41020 WA 20 | Storey, Ellsworth; Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 11/20/2019 | FALSE | |
100004645 | Deception Pass State Park-North Beach Picnic Area Historic District | Listed | WASHINGTON | Island | Oak Harbor | 41020 WA 20 | Paterson, Jack; Ross, Grant D.; Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 11/22/2019 | FALSE | |
100004772 | Deception Pass State Park-Rosario and Bowman Bathing, Picnic, and Caretaker's Areas Historic District | Listed | WASHINGTON | Island | Oak Harbor | 41020 WA 20 | Koepf, Roland; Paterson, Jack ; Storey, Ellsworth P.; Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 12/4/2019 | FALSE | |
07000717 | Graves Creek Ranger Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Jefferson | Port Angeles | Approx. 22 mi. NE of WA 101 on Quinault River Rd. | | National Park Service; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 7/13/2007 | FALSE |
93000372 | Camp North Bend | Listed | WASHINGTON | King | North Bend | 45509 SE. 150th St. | | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | DISTRICT | 4/29/1993 | FALSE |
86000813 | La Wis Wis Guard Station No. 1165 | Listed | WASHINGTON | Lewis | Packwood | Gifford Pinchot National Forest | | USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
86000815 | North Fork Guard Station No. 1142 | Listed | WASHINGTON | Lewis | Randle | Randle Ranger Station, Gifford Pinchot National Forest | | USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
86000816 | Randle Ranger Station-Work Center | Listed | WASHINGTON | Lewis | Randle | Gifford Pinchot National Forest | | USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
86000841 | Early Winters Ranger Station Work Center | Listed | WASHINGTON | Okanogan | Winthrop | Okanogan National Forest | | USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
86000814 | Lost Lake Guard Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Okanogan | Tonasket | Okanogan National Forest | | USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/11/1986 | FALSE |
12001140 | Moran State Park | Listed | WASHINGTON | San Juan | Olga | 3572 Olga Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC); Storey, Ellsworth; Paterson, Jack | DISTRICT | 1/2/2013 | FALSE |
88003463 | Backus-Marblemount Ranger Station House No. 1010 | Listed | WASHINGTON | Skagit | Marblemount | Ranger Station Rd., 1 mi. N of WA 20 | | US Forest Service; CCC | BUILDING | 2/10/1989 | FALSE |
100001939 | Government Mineral Springs Guard Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Skamania | Mt. Adams Ranger Dist., Gifford Pinchot NF | End of FS Rd. 3065 off of Wind R. Hwy. | | US Forest Service Architects Group; CCC | 12/26/2017 | FALSE | |
07000895 | Region Six Personnel Training Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Skamania | Gifford Pinchot National Forest | Wind River Work Center, 1262 Hemlock Rd. | | CCC | BUILDING | 8/28/2007 | FALSE |
90001865 | Suiattle Guard Station | Listed | WASHINGTON | Snohomish | Darrington | Suiattle R. E of Buck Cr., Mt. Baker--Snoqualmie NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Thompson,Tommy | BUILDING | 12/18/1990 | FALSE |
86000839 | Verlot Ranger Station-Public Service Center | Listed | WASHINGTON | Snohomish | Granite Falls | Mt. Baker, Snoqualmie National Forest | | USDA Forest Svce. Architecture Group; Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 4/8/1986 | FALSE |
88000697 | Long Lake Recreation Hall | Listed | WASHINGTON | Thurston | Lacey | 3054 Carpenter Rd., SE | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 6/23/1988 | FALSE |
09000732 | Millersylvania State Park | Listed | WASHINGTON | Thurston | Olympia | 12245 Tilley Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; Ebmeier, Ernest & Ellsworth Storey | DISTRICT | 9/16/2009 | FALSE |
90001866 | Austin Pass Warming Hut | Listed | WASHINGTON | Whatcom | Glacier | SE of Bagley Lakes, Mt. Baker--Snoqualmie NF | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 12/21/1990 | FALSE |
88003449 | Sourdough Mountain Lookout | Listed | WASHINGTON | Whatcom | Diablo | On Sourdough Mountain, 5 mi. NE of Diablo | | CCC | BUILDING | 2/10/1989 | FALSE |
100003518 | New Deal Resources in Babcock State Park Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Fayette | Clifftop | 486 Babcock Rd. | Civilian Conservation Corps; National Park Service | district | 3/5/2020 | FALSE | |
10001225 | New Deal Resources in Hawk's Nest State Park Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Fayette | Anstead | 49 Hawks Nest State Park Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; National Park Service | DISTRICT | 2/4/2011 | FALSE |
94000352 | Blue Bend Forest Camp | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Greenbrier | Alvon | 4 mi. W of WV 92 on Alvon--Blue Bend--Anthony Rd., Co. Rt. 16/2 | | Stoddard, Herbert Tilden; CCC | DISTRICT | 4/20/1994 | FALSE |
94000353 | Hopkins Mountain Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Greenbrier | Alvon | Along FS Rd. 139, Hopkins Mountain Rd., 4 mi. W of WV 92, N of Alvon--Blue Bend--Anthony Rd., Co. Rd. 16/2 | | CCC | DISTRICT | 4/14/1994 | FALSE |
100002851 | New Deal Resources in Greenbrier State Forest Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Greenbrier | Caldwell | 1541 Cnty. Rd.6/2 (Harts Run Rd.) | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 8/7/2019 | FALSE | |
10001226 | New Deal Resources in Lost River State Park Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Hardy | Mathais | 321 Park Dr. | | Civilian Conservation Corps; National Park Service | DISTRICT | 2/4/2011 | FALSE |
93000228 | Kanawha State Forest Historic District (Additional Documentation) | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Kanawha | Loundendale | Co. Rd. 42/43 2.6 mi. S of Charleston | | Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | DISTRICT | 3/25/1993 | FALSE |
91000545 | Camp Rhododendron | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Monongalia | Morgantown | off US 48, 8 mi. E of Morgantown | | Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 5/15/1991 | FALSE |
91000546 | Coopers Rock State Forest Superintendent's House and Garage | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Monongalia | Morgantown | off US 48, 8 mi. E of Morgantown | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/15/1991 | FALSE |
100002853 | New Deal Resources in Cacapon State Park Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Morgan | Berkeley Springs | 818 Cacapon Lodge Drive | Civilian Conservation Corps; National Park Service | district | 8/12/2019 | FALSE | |
100002854 | New Deal Resources in Seneca State Forest Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Pocahontas | Dunmore | 10135 Browns Creek Rd. | | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 9/4/2018 | FALSE |
10001227 | New Deal Resources in Watoga State Park Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Pocahontas | Marlinton | HC 82 (9 mi. SW. of WV 39) | | Civilian Conservation Corps; National Park Service | DISTRICT | 2/4/2011 | FALSE |
98000287 | Little Beaver Dam | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Raleigh | Crow | SW of Crow, NW Corner of Little Beaver Dam | | Coda, S.C., WPA; Konrad, John, CCC | STRUCTURE | 4/1/1998 | FALSE |
100002855 | New Deal Resources in Kumbrabow State Forest Historic District | Listed | WEST VIRGINIA | Randolph | Huttonsville | 219/16, Kumbrabow Rd. | Civilian Conservation Corps | district | 8/7/2019 | FALSE | |
99000684 | Otter Spring House | Listed | WISCONSIN | Forest | Lincoln | Approx. 80 meters S of Spring Pond Rd. | | CCC Company 649 | BUILDING | 6/3/1999 | FALSE |
12001253 | Root River Parkway | Listed | WISCONSIN | Milwaukee | Greendale | Between W. Layton Ave. & S. 76th St. | | Boerner, Alfred; Spinti, George; Hansen, George; CCC | DISTRICT | 1/29/2013 | FALSE |
96000541 | Weber Lake Picnic Ground Shelter | Listed | WISCONSIN | Oconto | Mountain | Jct. of WI 32 and NFS 2308 | | CCC | BUILDING | 5/21/1996 | FALSE |
96000542 | Anvil Lake Campground Shelter | Listed | WISCONSIN | Vilas | Eagle River | Jct. of Anvil Lake Rd. and WI 70 | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 5/21/1996 | FALSE |
80004051 | Guernsey Lake Park | Listed | WYOMING | Platte | Guernsey | 1 mi. (1.6 km) NW of Guernsey | | Pray,Roland; Civilian Conservation Corps | DISTRICT | 8/26/1980 | FALSE |
98001023 | Cascade Canyon Barn | Listed | WYOMING | Teton | Moose | Cascade Canyon 5mi. upstream from Jenny Lake | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 8/18/1998 | FALSE |
98001024 | Death Canyon Barn | Listed | WYOMING | Teton | Moose | 5 mi. NW of Phelps Lake near Alaska Basin | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 8/25/1998 | FALSE |
83003365 | Huckleberry Mountain Fire Lookout | Listed | WYOMING | Teton | Teton National Forest | Off US 89/287 | | Civilian Conservation Corps; U.S. Forest Service | BUILDING | 7/8/1983 | FALSE |
98001043 | Upper Granite Canyon Patrol Cabin | Listed | WYOMING | Teton | Moose | SW corner of park at Granite Canyon, Rendezvous Pass | | Civilian Conservation Corps | BUILDING | 8/19/1998 | FALSE |
16000781 | Saban, James T., Lookout | Listed | WYOMING | Washakie | Ten Sleep | Approx. .9 mi. SW. of US 16 & FS Rd. 429 | | USFS/Civilian Conservation Corps Company 1811 | structure | 11/15/2016 | FALSE |
CCC Legacy
Civilian Conservation Corps (
The CCC Years: 1933 - 1940 (
The Civilian Conservation Corps: Cedar Breaks National Monument, Grand Canyon National Park, Yosemite National Park, Zion National Park (
End Notes
[1] Joseph Speakman, "Into the Woods: The First Year of the Civilian Conservation Corps," Prologue Magazine 38, no. 3 (Fall 2006): 2,
"About the American Climate Corps." American Climate Corps. Accessed September 4, 2024.
Barnett, James P., and Anna C. Burns. "The Work of the Civilian Conservation Corps: Pioneering Conservation in Louisiana." Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 2016.
Brock, Julia. History of the CCC in Rocky Mountain National Park. Boulder, CO: Rocky Mountain National Park, 2005.
"Civilian Conservation Corps." Encyclopedia Britannica. Last modified 2023, Accessed August 24, 2024.
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal." Library of Congress. Accessed August 24, 2024.
Pfaff, Christine. The Bureau of Reclamation's Civilian Conservation Corps Legacy: 1933-1942. Denver, CO: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 2010.
Speakman, Joseph. "Into the Woods: The First Year of the Civilian Conservation Corps." Prologue Magazine, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Fall 2006): 1-11.
Thompson, Lucas and Ariel Weil. "White House Swears in First Class of American Climate Corps." NBC News. June 18, 2024.
The content for this article was researched and written by Eliza Vegas, an intern with the National Register of Historic Places.