Here are the maps for the 2015 marine mammal stranding summary.

Map 1: Bodie Island Marine Mammal Strandings, 2015

Map 2: North Hatteras Island Marine Mammal Strandings, 2015

Map 3: South Hatteras Island Marine Mammal Strandings, 2015

Map 4: Ocracoke Island Marine Mammal Strandings, 2015

Map 5: Bodie Island and Green Island Seal Sightings, 2015

Map 6: North Hatteras Island Seal Sightings, 2015

Map 7: South Hatteras Island Seal Sightings, 2015
For details on the 2015 marine mammal strandings, check out the 2015 Marine Mammal Stranding Summary from Cape Hatteras.
Last updated: December 11, 2017