Article • Best Practices for History Lessons and History Discovery Events

Best Practices for History Lessons and History Discovery Events

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This series is a gathering of ideas, resources, and exemplary History Discovery Events that lay a foundation for a dynamic practice of engaged and relevant history. These tools and ideas can be scaled up or down, and can be used by folks doing historical interpretation within the NPS, as well as those outside of the agency looking for best practices in connecting people, places, and histories.

These projects are as diverse as the stories they share, encompassing:
  • Oral history projects that encourage interviewers and narrators alike to reflect on and share their experiences.
  • Virtual exhibits that invite audiences to become curators in selecting and describing objects.
  • Workshops and seminars that develop skills in preservation, education, and conservation.
  • Public discussions that encourage reflection about the place, power, and practice of history and about how it shapes our individual and collective lives.
  • Annual events that commemorate and memorialize historical narratives.
  • Summer programs that excite youth with projects in archaeology, preservation, and other cultural resources fields.

History Discovery Events are interdisciplinary. Historians collaborate with anthropologists, archaeologists, educators and other inquisitive colleagues. All are welcome to share their expertise and experiences. With every History Discovery Event, we traverse the richness of our shared past, engage in collective self-discovery about the nature of our society, and journey into a future informed by the powerful lessons and capacities of historical thinking.

Explore this site to find inspiration and resources for creating your own History Discovery Events!

Part of a series of articles titled Best Practices for History Lessons and History Discovery Events.

Last updated: September 6, 2017