
Bat Projects in Parks: Cumberland Gap National Historical Park

Cumberland Gap National Historical Park


Batty About Bats: Education and Monitoring

PI: Jenny Beeler

White-nose syndrome (WNS) funding in 2016 at Cumberland Gap National Historical Park (CUGA) was used to create an agreement with American Conservation Experience to fund a 52-week intern that will support the park's Interpretive and Resource Management teams. The intern will provide numerous bat education programs and assist with WNS decontamination of cave tour participant’s footwear after tours. The intern will also assist with bat acoustic monitoring throughout the park. The remaining funds were used to purchase supplies and production of a 2016 Batty About Bats video The second annual Batty about Bats program included bat activities for kids, educational programs about the bats of CUGA, demonstration of bat acoustic equipment, opportunities for visitors to use night vision goggles to look for bats, and finally a demonstration of how researchers "work up" bats with bats captured by a mist net.

Risks of Human-vectored WNS Spread: Resource Protection

PI: Jenny Beeler, Hazel Barton (University of Akron)

CUGA established a cooperative agreement with University of Akron and Dr. Hazel Barton to complete this project. The period of performance for the agreement extends through Dec. 31, 2017.

Last updated: January 25, 2024