
Bat Monitoring Effort Continues at Pinnacles

Pinnacles National Park

Bat being held by gloved fingers
This big brown bat from Pinnacles National Park was captured and released as part of a nationwide project to track white nose syndrome.

NPS / Gavin Emmons

April 2018 - As part of a nationwide effort to monitor white nose syndrome in bats, Pinnacles National Park and the U.S. Geological Survey have continued bat monitoring in the park this spring. Last year’s sampling included 13 bats from seven different species, all of which tested negative for the disease.

The first night of trapping this year revealed seven bats from four Myotis species. The second evening brought just one long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) and one big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus). All bats were tested for white nose syndrome, and monitoring and testing will continue throughout the season.

Contact Gavin Emmons to learn more.

Last updated: May 1, 2018