
50th Anniversary Junior Ranger Activity Guide

Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

A badge showing Lake Superior, an eagle, lighthouse and trees.

Logo Credit / Jon Okerstrom

In 2020, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore turns 50 years old. Fifty years is a long time, and we want you to join us in the festivities. This Activity Guide will help you learn more about what makes this such a special place. After completing the activities, turn it in (or mail it in) to a park ranger, and earn your 50th Anniversary Junior Ranger Badge Sticker.

Pick up your 50th Anniversary Junior Ranger Activity Guide here on the website, at any park visitor center, or from any park ranger.

Cover of the Junior Ranger Book, showing blue water, and rocky shorelines.
Download your own copy here. (PDF, 918 KB)

Last updated: September 21, 2020