
2015 Harry Yount National Park Ranger Award

Cape Cod National Seashore

In the tradition of Harry Yount, the National Park Service honors rangers who have the skills to perform a wide scope of ranger duties protecting resources and serving visitors. Congratulations to the 2015 recipient of the Harry Yount National Park Ranger Award!

Leslie Reynolds, Chief Ranger

Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts

Leslie Reynolds
Leslie Reynolds

A visit to the Grand Canyon after college and Leslie Reynolds was hooked. Little did she know her love of national parks would take her on an incredible journey of public service and adventures in parks across the country.

Beginning as a seasonal law enforcement ranger in Yosemite National Park, Reynolds went on to work at Grand Canyon and Shenandoah national parks, serving these parks as an officer, medic, instructor, investigator, and even counselor. Whether heat exhaustion in the Grand Canyon, serious motor vehicle accidents on Skyline Drive, or even riding on a litter hanging from a helicopter suspended 200 feet in the air to save with an injured climber, she has stepped up in many life-saving situations her 21-year career.

Understanding prevention and educating potential victims is effective to saving lives, Reynolds was instrumental in developing the Preventative Search & Rescue (PSAR) programs at Yosemite and Shenandoah national parks. She also taught Operational Leadership and EMS to empower NPS staff. She has served as a member of the Critical Incident Stress Management Team, responding to numerous major traumatic events and helping team members cope with what they have been through and seen.

As the current chief ranger at Cape Cod National Seashore, Reynolds continues to inspire the new generation of park rangers and lead through example.

"I consider myself very fortunate to have chosen a career that is rewarding, that I am proud of, and one that continues to challenge me every day," said Reynolds. "My inspiration comes mostly from the rangers of the National Park Service with whom I have had the great honor of working with for the past twenty years. One of the most rewarding aspects of my profession is developing and mentoring others and watching them succeed, grow, and contribute to the ranger profession."

Last updated: August 25, 2021