
Build Your Own Adventure: Washington National Monument Society

National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington Monument

Lithograph, titled “The Officers and Board of Managers of the Washington National Monument Society,” containing the printed signatures of nineteen men who led the Society as of August 1, 1850

You Chose: The Washington National Monument Society

Even though controversy and problems with fundraising have kept the Washington National Monument Society from completing the monument they started building in 1848, you decided to give them another chance at finishing what they started. There are good reasons to think that they are up to the task.

Formed in 1833, the Washington National Monument Society initially succeeded in getting started with the project to honor George Washington after others had failed. They took charge of creating the monument, hired an architect, chose a design, and began construction. They were simply unable to raise enough money to finish the job. It seems only right that they at least be given a chance to finish what they started.

But there is one big problem. The foundation of the Washington Monument will have to be strengthened before work can continue.

Structural engineers have determined that the existing foundation won't be able to support the massive stone obelisk. Reinforcing the foundation will cost at least $36,000. The society doesn’t have that kind of money. They will once again need donations, either from the public or the government. The good news is that Congress has agreed to provide $200,000. The bad news is that before the federal government will fund the project, the Society must step aside, turn the monument over to the government, and let the Army Corps of Engineers finish the job.

Decision Time:

If you let the Washington National Monument Society continue to lead the project, you will have to turn down the offer of federal funding. The Society will need to find another source of money to redo the foundation and finish the monument.

If you decide to accept the funding from Congress, then the Washington National Monument Society will have to step aside. The Army Corp of Engineers will take over.

Will You:

  • Stick with the Washington National Monument Society and see if they can raise the money?
  • Accept the government's offer and turn the job over to the Army Corp of Engineers?

Your Turn to Build

Last updated: August 15, 2023