
Build Your Own Adventure: Start Over!

National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington Monument

Stone Arch at Valley Forge National Historical Park with American Flag on flagpole visible in distance through the arch
US National Memorial Arch at Valley Forge National Historical Park in Pennsylvania

Library of Congress/Carol Highsmith

You Chose: Start Over!

There was considerable debate about whether the original design by Robert Mills truly represented George Washington’s legacy. Some called the unfinished monument an “unshapely mess” while others saw it as an unimaginative “blank meaningless pile.” An even bigger concern was whether the monument might fall down. Inspectors feared that the foundation wasn't strong and stable enough to hold up such a massive structure.

Some people suggested taking the monument apart and reusing the stone blocks to make a more suitable monument. One proposal was to build a triumphal roman arch to commemorate Washington’s military achievement.

Drawing Activity

If you were in charge of starting over, how would you design a monument to George Washington? Draw a picture or use other materials to create your own memorial.

Continue the Adventure

You submit your idea for a brand new design for the Washington Monument. But the rest of the committee votes instead to finish the monument using Robert Mills's original plan with some changes.

Last updated: August 3, 2023