
Junior Ranger Day at Valley Forge

Valley Forge National Historical Park

two smiling rangers, one wearing a soldier uniform, another wearing a National Park Service Uniform stand in front of a log hut
Earn a special Valley Forge Junior Ranger Day badge when you participate in the activities on Saturday, May 18!

NPS Photo / G. Purifoy

Celebrate Junior Ranger Day at Valley Forge

When: Saturday, May 18, 2024 from 10 AM to 2 PM
Where: The Visitor Center at Valley Forge

Junior Ranger Day activities on Sat, May 18, 2024 will take place inside the Visitor Center at Valley Forge instead of at Muhlenberg's Brigade due to forecasted rain. Participants will still be able to earn their special Junior Ranger Day badge.

Activities will take place inside the museum exhibit on the first floor of the visitor center, in the Meeting Room at Valley Forge (on the second floor of the visitor center), and on the Mini Grand Parade behind the visitor center.

two rangers, one wearing a soldier uniform and one wearing a ranger uniform stand in front of a log hut

Learn about the many jobs that park rangers have and how each one helps to protect and preserve Valley Forge National Historical Park.

Pick up a Junior Ranger Day Stamp Book, collect five different ink stamps by participating in the activities at Muhlenberg’s Brigade, then bring your completed stamp book to a ranger at the Visitor Services station.

After you take the Junior Ranior pledge, you’ll earn an extra special Valley Forge Junior Ranger Day badge!

Five pictograms in a row from left to right: a computer, a ranger patrol vehicle, a toolbox, a flat hat, and a house with a tree

Junior Ranger Day Activities

illustrated map graphic showing log huts and red stars indicating activity locations.
Junior Ranger Day activities will take place in the Visitor Center at Valley Forge due to forecasted rain.

NPS Graphic / G. Purifoy

The Many Hats of Administration

Rain Location: Meeting Room at Valley Forge

Learn about the many "hats" that Valley Forge Administrative staff wear on a daily basis. Help determine the right hats for a variety of park situations. Which Admin "hat" will you choose?

Safety First!

Rain Location: Mini Grand Parade

Check out some of the vehicles and gear that law enforcement park rangers use at Valley Forge to keep the park and our visitors safe. You’ll get to see a patrol vehicle up close and learn about how our officers respond to emergencies of all kinds.

Historic Tools and Techniques

Rain Location: Mini Grand Parade

How do you build a bridge or a hut with no power tools and limited access to nails? Our historic building specialist will show you some of the techniques the soldiers used to create the structures of the encampment.

Black Powder Demonstration

Cancelled Due to Rain

Watch park ranger reenactors demonstrate a black powder musket firing at the range behind the soldier huts. Demonstrations will take place at 11:00AM and 1:00PM.

Bring History to Life

Rain Location: Visitor Center at Valley Forge

How can an object tell a story when it doesn’t have a mouth? Speak with members of the Valley Forge Interpretation team to learn about how they use objects and documents to teach our visitors about the past. While at the station, you’ll also have the opportunity to try on some of the park’s living history clothing.

Volunteer Managers

Rain Location: Visitor Center at Valley Forge

Volunteers help the park run smoothly! Learn about the different kinds of work volunteers do at Valley Forge and how to become a volunteer with the National Park Service.

Social Media Mashup

Rain Location: Meeting Room at Valley Forge

What's it like to make a social media post for Valley Forge National Historical Park? Join the Valley Forge Visual Information Specialist to pick an image, write a message, add emojis and tags, and create your own post!

Nature and You in the Park

Rain Location: Meeting Room at Valley Forge

You can help protect natural and cultural resources at Valley Forge! Stop by the table to learn about Leave No Trace and what you can do to help park rangers protect the park for wildlife and future generations of visitors.

Last updated: May 17, 2024