Last updated: July 22, 2021
Temporary Tomb and Construction
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Following Grant’s death, the Mayor of New York offered the Grant family the location of Riverside Park for the location of Grant’s tomb and the family accepted. In a letter responding to the Mayor of New York, Julia wrote why Riverside Park was selected as the final resting place for Ulysses S. Grant, and herself.
“Riverside was selected by myself and my family as the burial place for my husband, General Grant. First, because I believe New York was his preference. Second, it is near the residence that I hope to occupy as long as I live, and where I will be able to visit his resting place often. Third, I have believed, and am now convinced, that the tomb will be visited by as many of his countrymen there as it would be at any other place. Fourth, the offer of a park in New York was the first which observed and unreservedly assented to the only condition imposed by General Grant himself, namely, that I should have a place by his side.”In her letter, the residence that Julia refers to, is the New York City home that was gifted to her and Ulysses S. Grant, located at 3 East 66th Street.