Last updated: September 13, 2022
September IPM Webinars – Pest Prevention, Invasive Animals, and OPH Overview

The NPS Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program regularly hosts webinars on a variety of IPM and invasive species related topics which are open to anyone. On Tuesday, September 13th at 11:00am MT, the NPS IPM Program will be hosting Pest Prevention By Design. The design details of buildings or landscapes can contribute greatly to pest problems and their prevention. Almost ten years ago, the City of San Francisco's IPM Program organized a national conversation entitled "Pest Prevention By Design," which resulted in the first comprehensive, peer-reviewed set of guidelines on the subject. In this session, Dr. Geiger will summarize the guidelines, their application in retrofitting the City's affordable housing projects, and lessons learned in the process.
To register, go to:
On Monday, September 19th at 07:30am MT, learn how the U.S. National Park Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission are taking action to tackle invasive animal species by preventing introduction, responding quickly to early detections, managing established populations, and working collaboratively to leverage efforts and increase success.
Join the webinar here on Monday, September 19th at 07:30am MT.
On Tuesday, September 20th at 11:00am MT, NPS will be providing an overview of the NPS Office of Public Health. The Office of Public Health provides agency specific capabilities for parks on a range of new and evolving public health issues through Health Protection and Disease Prevention. Underlying all of its efforts, the OPH strives for a One Health model of public health practices and integrative effort of multiple disciplines, working collaboratively to attain optimal health for people, animals, and the environment.
To register, go to:
Additionally, you can find the schedule of monthly themes and register for future webinars on the NPS Common Learning Portal, and you can find recordings of previous sessions on the IPM YouTube playlist. Feel free to send any questions or topic suggestions to e-mail us.