Last updated: May 18, 2023
Southeast Coast Network News June 2022

Photo courtesy of Abigail Gonzalez
Network's New SIP Intern
Abigail "Abby" Gonzalez is the 2022 Scientists in Parks (SIP) Ecology Intern at the Southeast Coast Network. Abigail grew up in Puebla, Mexico, where her childhood dream to work in the beautiful outdoors was born. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science at the University of Houston. She worked as a Land Steward at Hermann Park Conservancy in Houston for the last couple of years conducting several projects in habitat restoration and conservation. As the SIP Ecology Intern, Abigail is assisting with vegetation monitoring this summer including work at the current park, Cape Lookout National Seashore. In her free time, Abigail loves to dance, roller skate, thrift shop, and go on scuba diving trips. Welcome to the Network, Abigail!

NPS photos / Daniel McCay

Daniel McCay / SECN staff
FY2022 Field Work Update
The FY2022 field work season is in full swing for the Southeast Coast Network. In addition, data collected for each SECN monitoring program last season is being processed with reports coming out soon.
Coastal Wetlands
Surface Elevation Table (SET) were surveyed at Canaveral National Seashore, Fort Matanzas National Monument, Cumberland Island National Seashore, and Fort Frederica National Monument. The new sites, installed last year, are more accessible from both a safety and operations perspective and allow for two readings per year, and after any events like hurricanes or floods. Two additional SET sites are planned to be installed at Cape Lookout National Seashore and Cape Hatteras National Seashore later this year and a revised protocol is currently in review with publication expected later in 2022.
Shoreline position data are collected with a GPS mounted on a UTV driven along the high tide swash line. Since the April 2022 newsletter, shoreline position data were collected at Canaveral National Seashore, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve and Fort Matanzas National Monument. The data collected are being processed.
Vegetation Communities
Vegetation monitoring was completed at Canaveral National Seashore in April. Monitoring at Cape Lookout National Seashore and Moores Creek National Battlefield was conducted in May. Horseshoe Bend National Military Park is scheduled for later this month. Data continues to be processed from last summer's field work at Congaree National Park, Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area and Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park.
Wadeable Streams
Wadeable stream monitoring surveys were conducted last month at three sites on Cedar Creek and one site on McKenzie Creek in Congaree National Park. Data collected are being processed. A summary report from last year's data collection at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area will be out later this year.
Water Quality
Hydrologic technician Daniel McCay completed a water-quality data collection trip last month for Congaree National Park, Fort Pulaski National Monument , Cumberland Island National Seashore. Canaveral National Seashore, Fort Matanzas National Monument, and Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve. Monthly visits will continue throughout FY2022. Fixed-station time-series data collection continues with assistance from park staff and partners at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, and Cape Lookout National Seashore. Park-wide water-quality assessments will be conducted at Cumberland Island National Seashore and Fort Matanzas National Monument in July 2022.
Landbird and Anuran Communities
Automated recording devices (ARDs) are deployed at Canaveral National Seashore (9), Fort Frederica National Monument (11), Moores Creek National Battlefield (11), Congaree National Park (19), and Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park (22). This will result in approximately 1,500 hours of audio captured this season across all sampling locations. Data summary briefs for 2017 landbird monitoring at those same five parks were published earlier this year. Field work was not conducted in 2018 and 2019 due to a position vacancy. Reports for 2020 landbird and vocal anuran communities for Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Fort Matanzas National Monument, Fort Pulaski National Monument, and Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve are in the final editing process, and expected to be published this summer. Analysis of 2021 landbird and vocal anuran monitoring data at Cape Lookout National Seashore, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park, Horseshoe Bend National Military Park, and Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park are underway and with reports expected around the end of 2022. A scientific review of both landbird and anuran monitoring efforts is currently underway as well.

Photos courtesy of Elizabeth Rico

NPS photos / Mark Hynds

NPS photo / Daniel McCay

SECN staff
Ches Presents at the TIMU Symposium
The Southeast Coast Network's William "Ches" Vervaeke participated in the Timucuan Science and History Symposium, held April 28 at the Ribault Club in Jacksonville, Florida. Ches, the network's coastal ecologist, presented Marching Mangroves: The Hunt for the Northernmost Mangrove, along with Timucuan's Fiona Southwell and former SECN staff member, Claire Schmidt. The annual event is sponsored by Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve.
Paper Published
Ches co-authored a research paper examining the effects of CO2 and sedimentation on a transitional marsh, recently published on Plants, a semi-monthly online platform from the Multidisciplinary Digitial Publishing Institute (MDPI). The paper highlighted work at USGS's Wetlands and Aquatic Research Center in elevated CO2 greenhouses. Ches used a modified Surface Elevation Table (SET) to measure elevation change in experimental units. Findings included that positive elevation change slows after sediment is added (presumably due to ongoing compaction).

Photo courtesy of Eric Starkey
Career Day for Eric
Eric Starkey, the SECN Aquatic Ecologist and Acting Network Program Manager, participated in Colham Ferry Elementary School’s “Careers on Wheels” day. The event was a great opportunity to visit with students about a career in natural resources and how the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Division helps to preserve and protect our National Parks. Students checked out the SECN boat, saw a water quality sonde recording data and took a water sample with a horizontal sampler.

Daniel McCay / SECN staff
Daniel Attends Fire Training
Daniel McCay, SECN Hydrologic Technician, recently completed a Fire Training Course at First Coast Technical College's Public Safety Campus in St. Augustine, Florida. The five-day course covered basic wildland firefighter training as well as basic fire behavior and was taught by Chance Hines, a firefighter with the city of St. Augustine. Daniel was the only member of the National Park Service to attend. Most of the students were Florida Department of Environmental Protection employees or volunteers. They burned a block size area of forest behind the campus on the last day. Interestingly, the brush still lit up easily even though the area had received approximately three inches of rain the day before. One cause could be that many plants in that area have oils or resins that are flammable.
- cape hatteras national seashore
- cape lookout national seashore
- canaveral national seashore
- fort matanzas national monument
- timucuan ecological and historic preserve
- cumberland island national seashore
- fort frederica national monument
- fort pulaski national monument
- congaree national park
- moores creek national battlefield
- chattahoochee river national recreation area
- horseshoe bend national military park
- kennesaw mountain national battlefield park
- ocmulgee mounds national historical park
- coastal wetlands monitoring
- shoreline change monitoring
- vegetation community monitoring
- wadeable stream habitat monitoring
- water quality monitoring
- park-wide assessments
- estuarine water quality
- timucuan ecological and historical park science and history symposium
- colham ferry elementary careers on wheels
- first coast technical college
- city of st. augustine fire department
- surface elevation table
- southeast coast inventory and monitoring network
- secn
- imd
- inventory and monitoring division
- southeast coast network news