
Santa Fe Trail 200th Anniversary Passport Stamps

Santa Fe National Historic Trail

Ruts in a golden grassy field with a circular stamp on top of the image
Click the image to download or print your virtual passport stamp!

Designed by the Passport to Your National Parks® program

Want to keep track of the Santa Fe Trail sites you visit during the 200th Anniversary? Collect passport stamps!

Passport stamps can be found at visitor centers, ranger stations, museums, and historic sites along the trail. The stamp includes the name of the site and the date of your visit to help you commemorate your trip. You can always find Trail passport stamps at the sites listed on our Passport Stamp page. And, this year you can collect special 200th Anniversary passport stamps virtually or at specific sites on the trail!

Virtual 200th Anniversary Stamps

The Passport to Your National Parks® program has developed a virtual passport stamp for the 200th anniversary. Take a virtual tour of the Trail, then download your virtual passport stamp.

Visit our 200th Anniversary webpage to find out how you can join the commemoration! Then, head over to the Places To Go page to take a virtual tour of sites on the Santa Fe Trail. Once you’ve explored sites, download your virtual passport stamp! Share your passport stamp and thoughts about Santa Fe Trail sites with us on social media by using #SantaFeTrail200

In-Person 200th Anniversary Stamps

Thirteen sites on the Santa Fe Trail have special 200th Anniversary passport stamps. Once it’s safe to travel, follow local, state, and federal health and safety guidance as you visit trail sites.

200th Anniversary Passport Stamp Collector

Download and print this handy 200th Anniversary passport stamp collector to ensure you collect them all!

200th Anniversary Passport Stamp Collector

Last updated: January 24, 2022