
Puma Profiles: P-9

Mountain Lion looking into camera at night.

Initial capture date: Spring 2007

The first evidence of P-9’s existence came when his DNA was sampled off the body of P-8, who he killed in the summer of 2006. But the genetics revealed something else: they were brothers, both results of P-1 and P-2 in an earlier litter. P-9 was finally captured in the spring of 2007, but tracking him was short lived. He succumbed to trauma after being struck by a vehicle on lower Malibu Canyon Road during morning rush hour traffic in July 2007. Oddly enough, P-9 (and the litter of P-5 through P-8) had another brother produced by P-1 and P-2. This male lion first came to light in 2004 only after his death. Like P-9, this lion was struck and killed by a vehicle on lower Malibu Canyon Road.

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Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Last updated: January 19, 2023