
Puma Profiles: P-85

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Kittens among rocks and brush.

Initial capture date: June 19, 2020

On June 19, biologists found P-19's fifth den, which included all female kittens P-85, P-86 and P-87. P-19 is the oldest mountain lion mother in the long-term study. Biologists are not sure who the father is yet.

Biologists marked P-19 as a kitten a decade ago and she has been tracked her entire life.

In total, 13 kittens were born to five mountain lion mothers between May and August 2020. This is the first time this many mountain lion kittens have been found within such a short period of time during the long-term study, in which a total of 21 litters of kittens have been marked at the den site by researchers.

Previously, the highest number of dens found in one year was four (across 10 months in 2015). Three additional litters have been found when the kittens were older (at least 6 months old) and had already left the den site.

P-84 | Back to Puma Profiles Homepage | P-86

Last updated: January 20, 2023