
Puma Profiles: P-27

Mountain Lion looking into camera at night.

Initial capture date: April 2013

This male was first captured in April 2013 around the age of 6 years old and was found to be the son of P-1 and P-6.

For years, he thrived in the range’s eastern end and appeared to avoid P-12, who vice-versa, appeared to avoid P-27 by staying in the western end. Unfortunately, his decomposed remains were found in late September 2017. He appeared to have been dead for at least one month, but the cause of death is unknown and could not be determined due to the decomposed state of his remains. His GPS collar had failed earlier in the year.

P-27 was the star of one of the coolest mountain lion videos ever recorded in the Santa Monica Mountains. Watch it here.

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Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Last updated: January 19, 2023