Last updated: January 9, 2024
Puma Profiles: P-112

Initial capture date: Aug. 24, 2022
P-109, P-110, P-111, and P-112 – all female kittens born around July 21 and tagged at the den on Aug. 24, 2022, when they were estimated to be 34 days old. They weighed between 1.80 kilograms to 1.95 kilograms and all appeared healthy.
While their mother, P-99, was away from the den, they were discovered in a well-protected shelter in a rocky area of the western Santa Monica Mountains.
Each visit to a den by a biologist occurs while the mother is away hunting for food, feeding, or just resting. A biologist will track her movements via telemetry, while colleagues approach the den area. Once the den is found, the researchers will conduct a full workup on the kittens a short distance away from the den and place them back at the den when finished. This typically takes less than one hour.
The biologists perform a physical exam, determine the sex of each kitten, take various body measurements (including weight), obtain biological samples, and place one uniquely numbered and colored ear tag on each of the kittens. This tag helps to identify them in the future with remote cameras and when recaptured for the placement of a radio collar. The kittens are all returned to the den before their mother comes back.