Last updated: October 24, 2024
Portraits of Acadia: Brittany Ashcraft

NPS photo by Brady Richards
I am a Public Safety Dispatcher at Acadia National Park. I work year-round in an office at Park Headquarters in the Visitor & Resource Protection Division.
Whenever a visitor calls 911 while in the park, that call is routed to our center. I talk with the caller about their situation or emergency and often use GPS coordinates to pinpoint their location. If the situation requires a law enforcement officer, I collect as much information as I can to ensure a timely and safe response. If the call is a medical emergency or a situation that requires our search & rescue team, I advise the caller of what to do until help arrives. I am certified to provide a number of medical instructions over the phone, including how to perform CPR even if the caller has never been trained to do so.
I coordinate a response by using various computer programs, communicating with park rangers and the search & rescue team via the radio and local fire departments or EMS agencies over the phone. Together we manage the emergency and ensure the safety our responders, visitors, and resources. During shift changes, I do a debriefing with my coworkers about the day’s activities. After major incidents, we meet as a team to discuss what worked well and what can be learned. As a team, we are constantly working to improve our skills and knowledge of emergency response.

NPS photo by Brady Richards
I am also the leader of Acadia’s Wellness Committee. I coordinate events and communicate with staff about wellness topics. It is my goal to ensure staff take care of themselves inside and outside of work.
I am also an active member of the national Visitor & Resource Protection Peer Support team. I also offer peer support for any Acadia staff member in need of my assistance.
Acadia National Park is a place that I am constantly surprised by. The beauty and variance in the landscape never fails to amaze me. There are so many different types of environments to explore from the impressive rocky Atlantic coastline, to the magical woodland trails, and towering granite cliffs. I continue to fall in love with the park all over again after every time I explore.
– Brittany Ashcraft, Public Safety Dispatcher

NPS photo by Brady Richards