
Partners in Sustainability: National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation

Isle Royale National Park

A NPS worker working on a solar panel.
Decarbonizing Lake Superior national parks includes promoting alternative energy sources, such as solar.


Looking at Lake Superior from Isle Royale, it’s easy to feel like we’ve “gotten
away from it all.” But it is clear that climate change is already impacting our remote island.

One of the world’s fastest warming lakes, Superior’s cold-water fisheries are
declining, water levels rise and fall dramatically, and powerful storms batter
recreational, cultural, and historical resources, such as docks and lighthouses.

Starting in 2023, National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation (NPLSF) is
collaborating with multiple sources to promote decarbonizing all five Lake
Superior national parks and increase climate resiliency. For Isle Royale, that means trading fossil fuels for renewable energy solutions. Together, we can help visitors, real and virtual, understand what is at stake and what is possible.

Tom Irvine, National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation

Last updated: May 7, 2024