
Partners in Research: Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network

Isle Royale National Park

A National Park Service researcher in a kayak doing research.
Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network researchers can often be found paddling on Isle Royale's inland lakes while studying water quality.


The Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network is one of 32 NPS networks around the country that bring enhanced scientific capacity to parks. Our focus is on nine parks in the Lake Superior and Lake Michigan region, including Isle Royale. Our primary mission is to conduct inventories and long-term monitoring on key park resources, which we call “vital signs." Staff focus on forest vegetation, water quality, and landscape dynamics. We also help with climate, landbird, bat, and amphibian projects. Information we gather helps park managers understand the landscapes within their parks.

Alex Egan, Great Lakes Inventory & Monitoring Network

Last updated: May 8, 2024