Last updated: September 1, 2021
NPS Fashion Week 2021

NPS / Karen Ceballos
The National Park Service is dropping their 2021 collection!
Between September 8 -13, we’ll be celebrating NPS Fashion Week. Join us, as parks go face-to-face, serving looks and turning heads across social media. For this year’s green (and grey) carpet event, we’ll explore the history of the iconic ranger uniform, park-inspired beauty, and even challenge YOU to design your own park-inspired outfit!

NPS / Karen Ceballos

NPS / Karen Ceballos
Like what you see? Here is your fashion challenge!
Design an outfit inspired by your favorite national park!
Download your ranger paper doll or create your own from scratch!
Use #NPSInspired and share on social media!

NPS - Karen Ceballos.
What's up our sleeve? Check out our daily themes for the week.
Wednesday, September 8th
Beauty, Inspired by park! Patterns, shapes, colors, textures, and silhouettes can all be derived from our public lands, often requiring the viewer to slow down and take a closer look at these elements that influence our perception of beauty and harmony.
Thursday, September 9
Historical Fashion Trends: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. The intersectionality between fashion and public lands is an inconspicuous topic. As we look at past trends, we’ll shine light on everything from the revered to the catastrophic, from iconic period garb to fashion trends that proved detrimental to the flora and fauna. Garments and accessories that were once in vogue have shaped the history of our park sites, for better or for worse.
Friday, September 10th
NPS Make-Overs: What’s a fashion show without an element of transformation? From drab to fab, we’ll examine how the work of maintenance, facilities, and resources can bring out the best in our park structures and landscapes.
Saturday, September 11th
Day of remembrance and 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Sunday, September 12th
Trail Style: Truly, it’s #PlanLikeaParkRanger, but hidden in a most fashionable disguise. With a fun twist on pSAR style-messaging, parks, sites, and programs can amplify messaging on how to construct a fashionable attire that is appropriate for a park, a season, or weather.
Monday, September 13th
NPS Uniform History: The complex history of the Green and Gray has long intrigued park staff. The NPS began with strong ties to the military, informing early iterations of the park ranger uniform. Today, the iconic “class A” uniform has transcended several generations of change and still remains a classic.