Last updated: March 13, 2025
Nina Chambers - Science Communicator

Nina Chambers
Science Communicator
Inventory & Monitoring Program
Natural Resource Team
National Park Service-Alaska Region
MS 1993, Resource Recreation and Tourism, University of Idaho
BS 1987, Wildlife Biology, Michigan State University
Professional Experience
2015-present, Science Communicator, National Park Service, Alaska
2021-present, Public Information Officer, Alaska Complex Incident Management Team
2011-2015, Science writer/editor, freelance
1991-2013, Conservation program manager (nonprofit and consulting)
1987-1991, Peace Corps Volunteer (Honduras, Jamaica), parks and protected areas
2023 Professional Excellence in Natural Resource Research, Alaska Region, National Park Service
2021 Communication Award, Inventory & Monitoring Division, National Park Service
2020 Communication Award, Inventory & Monitoring Division, National Park Service
Editor, Contributing Editor
2015-present, Alaska Park Science, managing editor
2021-present, Park Science, editorial board member
2022, Taking the Pulse of U.S. National Parks, Frontiers for Young Minds, collection coeditor
Story Maps
2025, Songbirds in Arctic and Subarctic Alaska: Monitoring bird populations in the northernmost national parks
2023, Alaska’s Shrinking Glaciers: Monitoring glaciers in a warming world
2021, Fossil Footprints Across Our Parks
2020, How Marine Heatwaves are Changing Ocean Ecosystems
2018, Subsistence in Alaska: A way of life
2016, Hunting in Alaska National Preserves
Peer-reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
Chambers, N., M. MacCluskie, K. Bartz, B. Borg, M. Cameron, W. Deacy, G. Hilderbrand, K. Joly, A. Larsen, T. Lewis, B. Mangipane, C. McIntyre, J. Mizel, P. Owen, D. Payer, J. Schmidt, and M. Sorum. 2023. Research Review: How Wildlife are Responding to a Warming Climate. Alaska Park Science 22(1): 56-69.
Coletti, H., N. Chambers, J. Womble, and C. Gabriele. 2023. What happens when northern oceans get too warm. Alaska Park Science 22(1): 48-55.
Propst, Luther, Adam Davis, John Shepard, and Nina Chambers. 2009. Economic Incentives: Conservation that Pays. In Richard Knight and Courtney White, eds. Conservation for a New Generation: Redefining Natural Resources Management. Washington, DC: Island Press. pp. 135-154.
Mattson, David J. and Nina Chambers. 2008. Human-Provided Waters for Desert Wildlife: What Is the Problem? Journal of Policy Sciences 42:113-135.
McKendry, Jean and Nina Chambers. 2000. A Socioeconomic Atlas for Park Management. Park Science. 20(1):1, 13.
Steer, Karen and Nina Chambers. 2000. A Guide to Federal Programs for Rural Community Conservation and Economic Development Projects. In Gary Machlis and Donald Field, eds. National Parks and Rural Development: Practice and Policy in the United States. Washington, DC: Island Press. pp. 281-299.
Chambers, Nina and Sam Ham. 1995. Strengthening Regional Planning through Community Education. In Richard Saunier and Richard Meganck, eds. Conservation of Biodiversity and the New Regional Planning. Washington, DC: Organization of American States, The World Conservation Union. pp. 75-92.
Chambers, Nina. 1993. Book Review: The End of Nature by Bill McKibben. Society and Natural Resources 6: 309-310.
Editing and Design
2021, Marine Protected Areas in a Changing Arctic. Arctic Council, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment.
2021, Indigenous Food Security in the Arctic. Arctic Council, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment.
2021, Arctic-Pacific Ocean Stewardship Strategy. Ocean and Coastal Resources Program, National Park Service.
2014, Wildlife Connectivity Fundamentals for Conservation Action, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
2012, The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative Strategic Conservation Framework, Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Department of the Interior