Article • Lewis and Clark Trail 2022 Annual Report

Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Spending and Projects Report 2022

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail

About this article: This article was originally published in the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail 2022 Annual Report.

By the Numbers

In 2022, Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail staff continued work on programs to commemorate and protect the trail and embarked on new projects with new partners. These efforts have a measurable impact.

32,000+ visitors to Lewis and Clark Trail Visitor Center in Omaha, NE
7,380 hours contributed by trail interns
92,697 views on NPS Mobile App
64,000+ hours contributed by volunteer groups across the Lewis and Clark Trail
2,700+ points of interest live on LewisandClark.Travel
10 distance learning carts sent to partners

Infographic. Lewis and Clark Trail Budget. 2022 ONPS BASE FUND $2,365,511



Funds Recieved

ONPS Base Fund: $2,365,511

Grants Recieved (PMIS, Volunteers in Parks): $15,000

5 year ONPS Base Trend:

2018: $2,022,747
2019: $2,008,032
2020: $2,103,000
2021: $2,301,138
2022: $2,365,511

Infographic of spending. Pie chart shows tht agreements and partner support make up bulk of $573K.


2022 Spending

Agreements, Contracts, and Partner Support: $298,000
Publications and Signs: $202,000
Supplies and Technology: $37,120
Travel: $35,916

Total Spending: $573,036*

Piechart (left) illustrates that, outside of Personnel Services and Salary, Agreements, Contracts, and Partner Support make up about half of spending. Publications and Signs represent a little less than half of spending, with Supplies and Tech and Grant Projects making up the rest.

*Outside of Personnel Services and Salary
Personnel Services and Salary: $1,770,475
Infographic of three projects, digital drawing of Auto Tour Route, scientific boat, and a handshake


Projects and Agreements

Auto Tour Route

6,157 miles of Auto Tour Route signed as of 2022

Panoramic Mapping

814 miles of historic river route and overland route captured with panoramic mapping

Cooperative Agreements

5 Active Cooperative Agreements with partners along the Lewis and Clark Trail

Infographic. 3 digital drawings. Junior Ranger badge, Laptop, and location pin. Numbers and text written in article.


Junior Ranger Program

13,000 Junior Ranger books & badges distributed to host sites

Natural Resource Documentation

631,849 acres of Lewis and Clark Trail Corridor under review for Presence of human impacts

Official website

901,851 page views on the Lewis and Clark Trail’s official website

Part of a series of articles titled Lewis and Clark Trail 2022 Annual Report.

Last updated: January 30, 2024