
Lewis and Clark in Louisville, Kentucky

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail

bridge over river
Lewis and Clark Bridge, connecting Indiana and Kentucky, northeast of the Greater Louisville area.  It opened for traffic in December 2016.
One of the first objectives of Meriwether Lewis’s journey down the Ohio River in the fall of 1803 was to meet William Clark near the Falls of the Ohio. Clarksville in Indiana Territory was on the north side of the falls and Louisville, Kentucky was on the south.

There are several interesting sites in Louisville which connect you with the Lewis and Clark story:

Mulberry Hill, located in today’s George Rogers Clark Park, was the Clark family homestead where William and York lived from 1785 to 1803.

Locust Grove was the home of William Clark’s sister, Lucy and her husband, William Croghan. Here is where the Captains stopped on their way back to Washington City in November 1806.

Filson Historical Society is Kentucky’s privately supported historical organization and home to a significant Lewis and Clark collection of letters, documents, a diary, a portrait of Clark, and a bighorn sheep horn collected in the west.

An impressive statue of York stands near the waterfront in a downtown Louisville park. It’s an appropriate place to honor this member of the Corps, since York called Louisville home for most of his life.

The Lewis and Clark Experience is an immersive educational experience housed in the Frazier Kentucky History Museum – it’s great for kids of all ages!

Last updated: August 21, 2020