
Laboring for a Living on the Santa Fe Trail

Santa Fe National Historic Trail

From 1821-1880 the Santa Fe Trial was the workplace for thousands of people. Whether they traveled the trail themselves or provided services to those who did, many people made a living from the Santa Fe Trail. Some chose to work on the trail because it promised adventure, while others had no alternatives.

Types of jobs on the trail varied widely. Some performed challenging manual labor. Some managed difficult relationships between groups of people. Some invested their money in trade along the trail. No matter what role a person played, their labor contributed to the success of the trail as a commercial route. However, not everyone benefitted equally from the trail’s success.

Six mules pulling an historic wagon with a canvas cover and two men on the wagon
Conestoga wagon with two people, possibly laborers

Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Ware Bros. Co, photographer. (ca. 1862)

Laborers put in sun-up to sun-down physical labor that was difficult and dangerous. Like today, some workers were heavy lifters while others had trades or specialties. Unlike today, there were no labor laws to control hours worked or pay given. For many, wages were low and there were no additional benefits or protections from work-related injuries. Alternatively, some people gained excessive wealth without even traveling the trail by investing in it.

For many, their job was not a choice. Born into poverty or saddled with debts, some took whatever role they could find. Others had the chance to receive specialized training and could choose their jobs.

Find Your Role

Imagine you were working during the height of the Santa Fe Trail. Use this chart to find out your role based on your birthday. Then, read about your role below.

Graphic with text and wagon wheels. Full text included below image

Role Descriptions

  • Freighter/Fletero - A person who owned wagons and mule or oxen teams. They often carried freight across the trail through private or government contracts. Learn about Alexander Majors, a freighter.
  • Trapper - A person who sold the hides of animals they caught in the wild. Learn about Bent’s Old Fort, a trading fort where trappers sold their game.
  • Teamster – A person who handled the mules and oxen and completed other daily tasks that were needed to keep the caravans working smoothly
  • Rico – A person who was part of the New Mexican elite who used their wealth, reputation, and networks to fund business on the trail. Learn about Felipe Chavez, a rico.
  • Wagon master – A person in charge of the entire wagon train, composed of up to thirty wagons.
  • Mail carrier – A person who transported mail across the trail. Learn about the Post Office Oak in Council Grove, KS.
  • Bullwhacker/Bueyero – A person who drove ox- or mule-pulled wagons. Learn more about types of wagons driven by bullwhackers.
  • Scout – A person who travelled ahead of wagon trains to find the safest routes.
  • Ranch operator – A person who operated a business along the trail where travelers could stop for goods, food, entertainment, sleep, mail, etc. Learn about Dr. Asahel Beach and his ranch at Cow Creek Crossing.
  • Soldier – A member of the military tasked with protecting caravans on the trail from potential attack or robbery. Learn about Cathay Williams, a soldier.
  • Interpreter – A person who used their knowledge of multiple languages to help people from different cultures communicate. Learn about Mistanta (Owl Woman), an interpreter.
  • Wagon maker – A person who manufactured and repaired wagons and yokes. Learn about Hiram Young, a wagon maker.

What role would you choose?

After reading about your role on the Santa Fe Trail, are you happy with the role given to you? Are you okay with the fact that someone chose your role based on when you were born?

Whether or not you like the role chosen for you, many people would prefer to choose. If you worked on the Santa Fe Trail you might not have options. Social status, family, wealth, access to education, and more could influence your ability to pick your job. So, if given the choice, what role would you choose?

Last updated: March 10, 2022