Article • Junior Ranger - Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area

Junior Ranger - The History of Me

Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area

Three kids in a little hut made of branches, eating snacks and laughing hard.
Who are you?
What is your favorite color?
What is the name of your best friend?
What is the farthest place from home you've ever visited?
What is one crazy thing you can do that no one else can?

All these things make up the you that is you - an amazing, fabulous, beautiful person.
For this activity you are going to be making a history of you! How?
By having fun!

NOTE: Find the best way for YOU to describe YOU. These are questions that help you create your history, but the final project can be anything you want it to be.

  1. You need to decide how far back you want to go. You can describe who you are at this moment, so your history would start about five minutes ago. You can start as far back as you can remember or the day you were born. You could even start with older family or ancestors.
  2. Pick a few facts about you that you want to talk about. Is it your love of pickles? Your fabulous toes? The way you can spin on one foot in complete 360s? Maybe you're the youngest or the oldest or the tallest or the one who likes jellybeans.
  3. Think about a timeline. What came first? Was anyone else there? Is it an actual date and time, or is it just a general event, like 'the day I broke my arm jumping off the wall.' Figure out the beginning and the ending of your story.
  4. Think of at least five stories or events or things about you to talk about in your story.
  5. Come up with a title for your story. Get wild! Get imaginative! This is you!!

To finish this project, create your story: a poster, a book, a journal, a video, a podcast (audio recording), a puppet show, a play, a sculpture, a collage, a song. Pick the amazing thing that represents the amazing you!!

Well done, Junior Ranger!

Part of a series of articles titled Junior Ranger - Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area.

Last updated: April 20, 2022