
Junior Ranger Bingo

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

Five columns with five squares grid with text in each block. Text at top reads: Virtual Bingo.


Using Your Senses

You have five senses you can use to explore national parks and the natural environment around you: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. In your backyard or local park, sit quietly using four of your senses (we recommend you don't taste what you don't know unless it's your lunch).

Look, listen, smell, and feel to help you complete the following activity.

The color of the sky today ____________________________

Today the air smells ______________________________________

The wind around me sounds _______________________________

The weather feels _______________________________________

Virtual Bingo

Fill out the Virtual Bingo card and list or draw natural things you find. Print off several copies and play with your family and friends to see who can get BINGO first. Try to find all the squares to “cover all.”

Last updated: July 11, 2020