Part of a series of articles titled Home and Homelands Exhibition: Loss.
Previous: Eiko Yamada's Storage Basket
Article • Home and Homelands Exhibition: Loss
Interview with Allen Pinkham, páax̣at háykatin (Five Rays of Light), Nez Perce
While moving to make a new home is a central and celebrated aspect of the American mythos, for the nimípu, nothing could be more painful than leaving one’s homeland.
Identity and place were inseparable for as far back as collective memory reached.5 It was why in the aftermath of the flight both the Nez Perce who had been captured before crossing into Canada and those who reached asylum across the border relentlessly fought to return to their homeland.
Interview with Allen Pinkham, páax̣at háykatin (Five Rays of Light), Nez Perce
NPS Photo
Interview with Allen Pinkham, páax̣at háykatin (Five Rays of Light), Nez Perce
Part of a series of articles titled Home and Homelands Exhibition: Loss.
Previous: Eiko Yamada's Storage Basket
Last updated: June 11, 2024