Last updated: November 14, 2022
From the HABS/HAER/HALS Collection: Catalog Cards

When doing online research in the HABS/HAER/HALS Collection, click "Supplemental" to see the catalog card, if it is available.

HABS/E.E. Loving
Selected HABS Catalog Cards wi...
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) catalog cards at the Library of Congress. These cards are unique because each one includes a sketch.
Illustrated Catalog Cards
These catalog cards for HABS surveys in Louisiana were created by G. B. Drennan, E. E. Loving, and A. A. Wiegand in 1937-40. All but one of these surveys include a full-sized set of measured drawings, but the miniature sketches on each catalog card serve as both a useful preview to the survey and a beautiful touch on the otherwise utilitarian cards. The sketches of the Convent of Notre Dame's front facade and garden (pictured above) are the only drawings in the survey.
Greenwood Plantation (HABS LA-16)
Girod House (HABS LA-18-9)
Burnside Plantation (HABS LA-26)
Valery Nicholas House (HABS LA-33)
Fannie Riche Plantation (HABS LA-35)
David Olivier House (HABS LA-70)
Uncle Sam Plantation (HABS LA-74)
Bosque House (HABS LA-81)
La Rionda Cottage (HABS LA-192)
Troxler-Psayla Cottage (HABS LA-196)
Convent of Notre Dame (HABS LA-1102)
Selected HABS Catalog Cards wi...
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) catalog cards at the Library of Congress. The cards in this group provide historical information and descriptions of the sites surveyed.
Catalog Cards With Histories
These catalog cards for HABS surveys conducted in California were written by Hero E. Rensch in 1961. The surveys include photographs taken by Roger Sturtevant in 1934, but not histories, making the catalog cards a useful resource for researchers.