Last updated: March 19, 2025
Climate and Water Monitoring at Guadalupe Mountains National Park: Water Year 2022

Together, climate and hydrology shape ecosystems and the services they provide, particularly in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Understanding changes in climate, groundwater, and surface water is key to assessing the condition of park natural resources—and often, cultural resources.
At Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Figure 1), Chihuahuan Desert Inventory and Monitoring Network scientists study how ecosystems may be changing by taking measurements of key resources, or “vital signs,” year after year—much as a doctor keeps track of a patient’s vital signs. This long-term ecological monitoring provides early warning of potential problems, allowing managers to mitigate them before they become worse. At Guadalupe Mountains National Park, we monitor climate, groundwater, and springs, among other vital signs.
Surface-water and groundwater conditions are closely related to climate conditions. Because they are better understood together, we report on climate in conjunction with water resources. Reporting is by water year (WY), which begins in October of the previous calendar year and goes through September of the water year (e.g., WY2022 runs from October 2021 through September 2022). This article reports the results of climate and water monitoring at Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Figure 1) in WY2022.

Climate and Weather
There is often confusion over the terms “weather” and “climate.” In short, weather describes instantaneous meteorological conditions (e.g., it’s currently raining or snowing, it’s a hot or frigid day). Climate reflects patterns of weather at a given place over longer periods of time (seasons to years). Climate is the primary driver of ecological processes on earth. Climate and weather information provide context for understanding the status or condition of other park resources.
We report on three Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS) at Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Figure 1). Dog Canyon (#DGCT2) at an elevation of 6,262 ft (1,909 m) has been operational since 2010. Pinery Texas (#PSGT2) at an elevation of 5,381 feet (1,640 m) has been operational since 2001. PX Well (#PXWT2), at an elevation of 3,873 feet (1,181 m) has been operational since 2010. These stations provide reliable climate datasets used for analyses in this climate and water report. Data from these stations are accessible through Climate Analyzer.

Results for Water Year 2022
For precipitation and temperature monitoring results, scroll down or click on a weather station here:
Precipitation and Air Temperature—Dog Canyon (RAWS)
Annual precipitation at the Dog Canyon station in WY2022 was 22.46″ (57.0 cm; Figure 2), 4.39″ (11.2 cm) more than the 2011–2020 annual average. This surplus occurred primarily during the monsoon season; June and August received 75% (1.10″; 2.8 cm) and 232% (5.95″; 15.1 cm) more rainfall than the 2011–2020 monthly averages, respectively. Rainfall in July and September was near average. December was 50% wetter (0.60″; 1.5 cm) than average. All other months, except March, received no or substantially less than average rainfall. Extreme daily rainfall events (≥ 1″; 2.54 cm) occurred on 8 days (Table 1), twice the 2011–2020 average annual frequency of 4.2 days.
The mean annual maximum temperature at Dog Canyon in WY2022 was 69.3°F (20.7°C), 0.8°F (0.5°C) above the 2011–2020 average. The mean annual minimum temperature in WY2022 was 47.4°F (8.5°C), 0.2°F (0.1°C) above the 2011–2020 average. Average monthly maximum and minimum temperatures in WY2022 differed by as much as 7.2°F (4.0°C; in December) relative to the 2011–2020 monthly averages (Figure 2). Monthly temperatures were generally warmer than or near average for most of the year. However, cooler than average temperatures were observed in February, March, and August. Extremely hot temperatures (≥ 89°F; 31.7°C) occurred on 18 days in WY2022, slightly less than the 2011–2020 average frequency of 21.6 days. Extremely cold temperatures (≤ 24°F; −4.4°C) occurred on 26 days, slightly more than the 2011–2022 average frequency of 21.6 days.
Date | Rainfall (in) | Rainfall (cm) |
31 December 2021 | 1.70 | 4.3 |
07 July 2022 | 1.14 | 2.9 |
16 August 2022 | 2.37 | 6.0 |
17 August 2022 | 1.78 | 4.5 |
20 August 2022 | 1.20 | 3.0 |
31 August 2022 | 1.11 | 2.8 |
01 September 2022 | 1.24 | 3.1 |
19 September 2022 | 2.70 | 6.9 |

Precipitation and Air Temperature—Pinery Texas (RAWS)
This station was missing precipitation data on 23 days in WY2022, primarily in October. Annual precipitation at the Pinery Texas station in WY2022 was ≥ 15.61″ (39.65 cm; Figure 3), 1.13″ (2.87 cm) less than the 2001–2020 annual average; however, the WY2022 total may be underestimated due to missing data. Amounts of rainfall in March, June, and September were similar to the 2001–2020 monthly averages. Amounts of rainfall in December and August were over double the monthly averages, 0.72″ (1.8 cm) and 3.93″ (10.0 cm) more than average, respectively. November, January, February, April, and May received no or substantially less than average rainfall. Extreme daily rainfall events (≥ 1″; 2.54 cm) occurred on 6 days (Table 2), more than the 2001–2020 average annual frequency of 3.6 days.
Mean annual maximum and minimum temperatures at this station could not be calculated because 23 days in WY2022 were missing temperature data, primarily in October. Mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures in WY2022 were generally warmer than or near average for most of the year and differed by as much as 10.6°F (5.9°C; in December) relative to the 2001–2020 monthly averages (Figure 3). However, cooler than average temperatures occurred in January, February, March, and August. Extremely hot temperatures (≥ 92°F; 33.3°C) occurred on 21 days in WY2022, the same as the 2001–2020 average frequency of 21.5 days. Extremely cold temperatures (≤ 27°F; −2.8°C) occurred on 23 days, slightly more than the 2001–2020 average frequency of 20.5 days.
Date | Rainfall (in) | Rainfall (cm) |
31 December 2021 | 1.23 | 3.1 |
21 March 2022 | 1.11 | 2.8 |
05 July 2022 | 1.16 | 2.9 |
17 August 2022 | 2.44 | 6.2 |
31 August 2022 | 1.20 | 2.8 |
01 September 2022 | 1.24 | 3.0 |
01 September 2022 | 2.05 | 5.2 |

Precipitation and Air Temperature—PX Well (RAWS)
Annual precipitation at PX Well in WY2022 was 13.39″ (34.0 cm; Figure 4), 2.22″ (5.6 cm) more than the 2010–2020 annual average. Rainfall amounts in November, December, February, and July were similar to the 2010–2020 monthly averages. June and August were very wet, receiving 259% (1.93″; 4.9 cm) and 487% (5.48″; 13.9 cm) more rainfall than average, respectively. October, March, April, May, and September received no or substantially less than average rainfall. Extreme daily rainfall events (≥ 1″; 2.54 cm) occurred on 4 days (Table 3), three times the 2010–2020 average annual frequency of 1.3 days.
The mean annual maximum temperature at PX Well in WY2022 was 80.4°F (26.9°C), 0.5°F (0.3°C) above the 2010–2020 average. The mean annual minimum temperature in WY2022 was 53.8°F (12.1°C), 0.7°F (0.4°C) below the 2010–2020 average. Mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures in WY2022 varied by up to 8.6°F (4.8°C; in December) relative to the 2010–2020 monthly averages (Figure 4). Monthly temperatures were generally warmer than or near average for most of the year. However, cooler than average temperatures were observed in February, March, and August. Extremely hot temperatures (≥ 102°F; 38.9°C) occurred on 16 days in WY2022, less than the 2010–2020 average frequency of 19 days. Extremely cold temperatures (≤ 29°F; −1.7°C) occurred on 25 days, more than the 2010–2020 average frequency of 22.4 days.
Date | Rainfall (in) | Rainfall (cm) |
19 June 2022 | 1.03 | 2.6 |
11 August 2022 | 1.66 | 4.2 |
19 August 2022 | 1.91 | 4.9 |
20 August 2022 | 1.06 | 2.7 |

Reconnaissance drought index (Tsakiris and Vangelis 2005) provides a measure of drought severity and extent relative to the long-term climate. It is based on the ratio of average precipitation to average potential evapotranspiration (the amount of water loss that would occur from evaporation and plant transpiration if the water supply was unlimited) over short periods of time (seasons to years). From the perspective of both precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, the reconnaissance drought indices for the Dog Canyon and PX Well stations indicate that WY2022 was slightly wetter than the WY2011–2022 averages (Figure 5 and Figure 6). The reconnaissance drought index for the Pinery Texas station could not be calculated due to missing data.
Reference: Tsakiris G., and H. Vangelis. 2005. Establishing a drought index incorporating evapotranspiration. European Water 9: 3–11.



Groundwater is one of the most critical natural resources of the American Southwest, providing drinking water, irrigating crops, and sustaining rivers, streams, and springs throughout the region.
Guadalupe Mountains National Park groundwater is monitored in three wells: Lemonade, PX, and Signal Peak wells (Figure 1). We have monitored the wells using automated methods since WY2010.
Recent Findings
Groundwater monitoring results for WY2022 are summarized in Table 4.
Mean depth to water at Lemonade well in WY2022 was 29.16 feet below ground surface (ft bgs; 8.89 m bgs), slightly higher than the previous year. Earlier in the monitoring record, the water level at Lemonade well was affected by leaking pipes and nearby groundwater pumping, causing temporary increases and decreases. Outside those periods, the water level has been relatively stable and shallow (Figure 7).
Mean depth to water at PX well in WY2022 was 280.71 ft bgs (85.56 m bgs), slightly lower than the previous year. The groundwater level in PX well has been gradually declining since monitoring began (Figure 8).
Mean depth to water at Signal Peak well was 1,141.53 ft bgs (347.94 m bgs), about 2 ft (0.61 m) higher than the previous year. The groundwater level in Signal Peak well has gradually declined since monitoring began in WY2010 (Figure 9). The record shows two rapid increases in water level in Fall 2014 and Fall 2021, likely a response to multiple extreme rain events during particularly intense monsoon seasons.
Table 4. Groundwater monitoring results in water year (WY) 2022, Guadalupe Mountains National Park (amsl = above mean sea level; bgs = below ground surface).
Well Name | State Well Number | Wellhead Elevation (ft amsl) |
Mean Depth to Water (ft bgs) |
Mean Water Level Elevation (ft amsl) |
Change in Elevation from WY2021 (± ft) |
Elevation Change from Earliest Recorded Water Level (± ft) |
Lemonade | 4808904 | 3,635 | 29.16 | 3,605.84 | +0.06 | −2.83 (2010) |
PX Well | 4701201 | 3,867 | 280.71 | 3,586.29 | −0.62 | −6.45 (2010) |
Signal Peak | 4710201 | 4,799 | 1,141.53 | 3,657.47 | +1.95 | −11.63 (1978) |



Springs, seeps, and tinajas (small pools in a rock basin or impoundments in bedrock) are small, relatively rare biodiversity hotspots in arid lands. They are the primary connection between groundwater and surface water and are important water sources for plants and animals. For springs, the most important questions we ask are about persistence (How long was there water in the spring?) and water quantity (How much water was in the spring?). Springs reporting is by water year (WY), which begins in October of the previous calendar year and goes through September of the current calendar year (e.g., WY2022 runs from October 2021 through September 2022). Springs sampling for WY2022 at Guadalupe Mountains National Park occurred between 17 March and 23 March 2022, except for water persistence, which is monitored continuously throughout the water year.
Chihuahuan Desert Network springs monitoring is organized into four modules, described below.
Site Characterization
This module, which includes recording GPS locations and drawing a site diagram, provides context for interpreting change in the other modules. We also describe the spring type (e.g., helocrene, limnocrene, rheocrene, or tinaja) and its associated vegetation in this module. Helocrene springs emerge as low-gradient wetlands, limnocrene springs emerge as pools, and rheocrene springs emerge as flowing streams. This module is completed once every five years or after significant hydrologic events.
Site Condition
We estimate natural and anthropogenic disturbances and the level of stress on vegetation and soils on a scale of 1–4, where 1 = undisturbed, 2 = slightly disturbed, 3 = moderately disturbed, and 4 = highly disturbed. Types of natural disturbances can include flooding, drying, fire, wildlife impacts, windthrow of trees and shrubs, beaver activity, and insect infestations. Anthropogenic disturbances can include roads, off-highway vehicle trails, hiking trails, livestock and feral animal impacts, removal of invasive non-native plants, flow modification, and other evidence of human use of the spring. We take repeat photographs from monumented locations showing the spring and its landscape context. We note the presence of certain obligate wetland plants (plants that almost always occur only in wetlands), facultative wetland plants (plants that usually occur in wetlands, but also occur in other habitats), and the non-native American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) and crayfish, and we record the density of invasive, non-native plants.
Water Quantity
We measure the persistence of surface water, amount of spring discharge, and wetted extent (area that contained water). To estimate persistence, we analyze the variance of temperature measurements taken by logging thermometers placed at or near the orifice (spring opening). Because water mediates variation in diurnal temperatures, data from a submerged sensor will show less daily variation than data from an exposed, open-air sensor; this tells us when the spring was wet or dry. Surface discharge is measured with a timed sample of water volume. Wetted extent is a systematic measurement of the physical length (up to 100 m), width, and depth of surface water. It is assessed using a technique for either standing water (e.g., limnocrene and helocrene springs) or flowing water (e.g., rheocrene springs).
Water Quality
We measure core water quality and water chemistry parameters. Core parameters include water temperature, pH, specific conductivity (a measure of dissolved compounds and contaminants), dissolved oxygen (how much oxygen is present in the water), and total dissolved solids (an indicator of potentially undesirable compounds). Discrete samples of these parameters are collected with a multiparameter meter. If the meter fails calibration checks, we do not present the data. Water chemistry is assessed by collecting surface water samples and estimating the concentration of major ions with a photometer in the field. These parameters are collected at one or more sampling locations within a spring. Data are presented only for the primary sampling location within each spring. Each perennial spring is somewhat unique, and Texas has not adopted water quality standards that would apply across the diversity of springs described here. Ongoing data collection at each spring will improve our understanding of the natural range in water quality and water chemistry parameters for a given site.
List of Springs
Scroll down or click on a spring below to view monitoring results.
Bone Spring ǀ Dog Canyon Spring ǀ Guadalupe Spring ǀ Smith Spring ǀ Upper Pine Spring

WY2022 Findings at Bone Spring
Bone Spring (Figure 10 above) is a rheocrene spring (a spring that emerges into one or more stream channels) that emerges in a boulder-strewn wash below the base of the western escarpment of the Guadalupe Mountains. The spring initially forms stagnant pools, but flow increases after about 15 m and forms a flowing stream interspersed with pools for approximately 200 m. The WY2022 visit occurred on 23 March 2022, and the spring contained water.
Site Condition
In WY2022, we noted Bone Spring was slightly disturbed by Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), as evidenced by trailing and scat at the site. Consistent with previous visits, the spring was slightly disturbed from native wildlife (tracks, trampling, game trails and scat). No other natural or human-caused disturbances were observed at Bone Spring in WY2022.
As in prior years, we did not observe invasive aquatic animals (e.g., crayfish or American bullfrog [Lithobates catesbeianus]) or invasive plants at Bone Spring in WY2022. We observed the following obligate/facultative wetland species: cattail (Typhaceae), cottonwood (Populus sp.), horsetail (Equisetum sp.), maidenhair fern (Adiantum sp.), mule-fat (Baccharis salicifolia), and rushes (Juncaceae), all of which have been observed consistently at Bone Spring since 2018. An additional obligate/facultative wetland species, lobelia (Lobelia sp.), was detected for the first time in WY2022.
Water Quantity
Temperature sensors indicated that Bone Spring was wetted (contained water) for 174 of 174 days (100%) measured up to the WY2022 visit (Figure 11). In prior water years, the spring was wetted 80.5–100% of the days measured.

Discharge was estimated at 4.5 (± 1.0) L/min (1.2 ± 0.3 gal/min) in WY2022, a value outside the low range of discharge estimates from prior years (Table 5). Wetted extent was evaluated using a method for flowing water. The total brook length was estimated at 200–500 m (656–1,640 ft) but is only measured up to 100 m. Width and depth averaged 150.6 cm (59.3 in) and 12.7 cm (5.0 in), respectively, within the first 100 m (Table 6). Compared with prior years, the brook was wider and deeper in WY2022.
Water Quality
Core water quality (Table 7) and water chemistry (Table 8) data were collected at the primary sampling location (a 2.5 m2 pool at the primary orifice). The value for pH was within the range of prior values, while dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, and specific conductivity were each higher. Water temperature was lower than previously observed. The values for alkalinity, chloride, and magnesium were within the ranges of prior observations, while calcium, potassium, and sulphate were higher.
Bone Spring Data Tables
Sampling Location | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) | Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
002 | 4.5 ± 1.0 (6.0–8.7) | 2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Measurement | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
Width (cm) | 150.6 ± 96.9 (104.3–147.2) | 2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Depth (cm) | 12.7 ± 8.1 (5.3–10.0) | 2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Length (m) | 100 (100) | 2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) | 8.38 (4.69–7.68) |
2019, 2021 (2) |
001 | Center | pH | 7.74 (7.56–8.15) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Specific conductivity (µS/cm) | 1163 (1063–1146) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Temperature (°C) | 6.2 (11.0–14.6) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Total dissolved solids (mg/L) | 756 (689–745) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Alkalinity (CaCO3) |
240 (205–250) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Calcium (Ca) |
120 (70–115) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Chloride (Cl) |
14 (8–19) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Magnesium (Mg) |
80 (40–95) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Potassium (K) |
1.4 (0.8–1.3) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Sulphate (SO4) |
380 (185–260) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |

WY2022 Findings at Dog Canyon Spring
Dog Canyon Spring (Figure 12 above) is a limnocrene spring (a spring emerging as one or more lentic pools) that emerges from a hillslope to form a 4 x 3 m pool at the edge of a dry wash. The pool is between 0.5 and 1.0 m deep and is bounded on three sides by rock walls. The northwest edge (facing the drainage) has a flat shore easily accessible by wildlife. The WY2022 visit occurred on 18 March 2022, and the spring contained water.
Site Condition
In WY2022, the spring was moderately disturbed from wildlife (scat, tracks, and an abundance of bird activity), as has been observed in previous visits. The spring was highly disturbed by human-caused flow modification (the spring flow is contained in a rock impoundment of carved and natural stone). No other natural or human-caused disturbances were observed at Dog Canyon Spring in WY2022.
Consistent with previous visits, we did not observe invasive aquatic animals (e.g., crayfish or American bullfrog [Lithobates catesbeianus]) or invasive plants at Dog Canyon Spring in WY2022. No obligate/facultative wetland plant species were detected.
Water Quantity
Temperature sensors indicated that Dog Canyon Spring was wetted (contained water) for 169 of 169 days (100%) measured up to the WY2022 visit (Figure 13). In prior water years, the spring was wetted 57.8–100% of the days measured.

As in past years, there was no measurable discharge because there was no surface flow. Wetted extent was evaluated using a method for standing water. Width averaged 3.37 m (11.06 ft), depth averaged 49.2 cm (19.4 in), and length averaged 4.46 m (14.63 ft). The WY2022 wetted width and depth were within the ranges of previous measurements, but the wetted length was greater than we observed in 2018–2021. In WY2022, the wetted area continued out of the built box and into the wash (Table 9).
Water Quality
Core water quality (Table 10) and water chemistry (Table 11) data were collected at the primary sampling location at the center of the pool. Specific conductivity, total dissolved solids, and pH were within the ranges of values previously observed, while dissolved oxygen was higher and water temperature was lower. Alkalinity, calcium, and potassium were within the ranges of prior values measured. When compared with the highest values previously measured, chloride was twice as high, and sulphate was four and a half times higher. Magnesium was also higher. Continued annual monitoring at this location will clarify if the unusually high values were due to sample processing errors, transient spikes, or a lasting shift in water chemistry at the site. The WY2022 values are presented below along with ranges of values from prior years.
Dog Canyon Spring Data Tables
Measurement | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
Width (m) | 3.37 ± 0.59 (2.90–3.50) | 2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Depth (cm) | 49.2 ± 33.3 (31.7–93.5) | 2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Length (m) | 4.46 ± 1.70 (2.73–3.27) | 2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) | 6.07 (1.65–5.30) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | pH | 7.75 (7.44–7.77) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Specific conductivity (µS/cm) | 585.0 (571.7–623.0) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Temperature (°C) | 4.1 (5.2–8.0) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Total dissolved solids (mg/L) | 380.0 (371.8–405.0) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Alkalinity (CaCO3) |
330 (310–330) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Calcium (Ca) |
46 (46–48) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Chloride (Cl) |
34 (0–17) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Magnesium (Mg) |
70 (45–50) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Potassium (K) |
1.1 (0.4–1.6) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | Sulphate (SO4) |
9 (0–2) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |

WY2022 Findings at Guadalupe Spring
Guadalupe Spring (Figure 14 above) is a rheocrene spring (a spring that emerges as a flowing stream) located in a wash beneath the east slopes of El Capitan. The spring emerges from two orifices about 2 m apart along a hillside dense with shrubs and grasses. Flow from these orifices combines to form a channel that continues over 200 m down a gently sloped drainage, supporting dense, mat-forming grasses along the stream and several wetland plant species. The consistent flow is interspersed with shallow pools. The WY2022 visit occurred on 22 March 2022, and the spring contained water
Site Condition
In WY2022, the only disturbance we noted at Guadalupe Spring was a slight disturbance from wildlife (tracks, trailing, scat and digging). No other natural or human-caused disturbances were observed at the spring during our visit.
We did not observe invasive aquatic animals (e.g., crayfish or American bullfrog [Lithobates catesbeianus]). One invasive plant, sowthistle (Sonchus asper), was observed at a low density (1–5 plants) in the immediate vicinity of the spring. We observed the following obligate/facultative wetland plants in the vicinity of the spring (all have been previously observed at Guadalupe Spring): horsetail (Equisetum sp.), lobelia (Lobelia sp.), maidenhair fern (Adiantum sp.), mule-fat (Baccharis salicifolia), rushes (Juncaceae), sedges (Carex sp.).
Water Quantity
Temperature sensors indicated that Guadalupe Spring was wetted for 173 of 173 days (100%) measured up to the WY2022 visit (Figure 15). In prior water years, the spring was wetted 91–100% of the days measured.

Discharge was estimated at 30.0 (± 1.2) L/min (7.9 ± 0.3 gal/min) in WY2022, which is within the range of previous discharge measurements (2017–2021) at Guadalupe Spring (Table 12). Wetted extent was evaluated using a method for flowing water. The total springbrook length was estimated at 100–200 m (328–656 ft) but was only measured up to 100 m (according to protocol). Width and depth averaged 53.8 cm (21.2 in) and 3.2 cm (1.3 in), respectively, within the first 100 m. Compared to prior years, the springbrook was similar in length (based on estimated length), while slightly narrower and deeper (Table 13).
Water Quality
Core water quality (Table 14) and water chemistry (Table 15) data were collected at the primary sampling location at the spring orifice. The values for pH and water temperature were within the ranges of prior observations, while dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, and total dissolved solids were slightly lower. The values for alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sulphate were all within the ranges of values previously observed, while chloride was lower. The WY2022 values are presented below along with ranges of values from prior years.
Guadalupe Spring Data Tables
Sampling Location | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) | Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
002 | 30.0 ± 1.2 (19.9–31.0) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Measurement | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
Width (cm) | 53.8 ± 32.9 (76.6–107.0) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Depth (cm) | 3.2 ± 1.9 (1.8–3.2) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Length (m) | 100 (100) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) | 6.34 (7.19–8.35) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | pH | 7.42 (7.30–7.83) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Specific conductivity (µS/cm) | 714 (731–759) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Temperature (°C) | 14.6 (14.4–19.6) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Total dissolved solids (mg/L) | 464.0 (474.5–494.0) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Alkalinity (CaCO3) |
260 (235–365) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Calcium (Ca) |
95 (70–110) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Chloride (Cl) |
b.d.l. (4–170) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Magnesium (Mg) |
39 (32–50) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Potassium (K) |
0.7 (0.3–1.3) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Sulphate (SO4) |
140 (118–160) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |

WY2022 Findings at Smith Spring
Smith Spring (Figure 16 above) is a rheocrene spring (a spring emerging into one or more stream channels) that emerges from two orifices beneath boulders and cobble to form a 100 m long springbrook in a forested drainage in the Guadalupe Mountains. The stream flow is consistent and interspersed with plunge pools, the largest of which measures 6 m across. The channel is lined with large boulders and occasional eroded and undercut banks. Wetland plants thrive along the upper portions of the system, but banks along the lower reaches have more bare and compacted soil. The WY2022 visit occurred on 21 March 2022 and the spring contained water.
Site Condition
In WY2022, we rated Smith Spring moderately disturbed by contemporary human use and hiking trails. The Smith Spring trail crosses the springbook approximately 50 m down the channel from the primary orifices. This hiking trail is popular with visitors, and social trails and trampling are evident along the banks of the spring. Some trash was observed in the area. The spring was slightly disturbed by windthrow (branches have fallen into the spring channel, mostly from snags) and wildlife (tracks and scat were observed in the vicinity). No other natural or human-caused disturbances were observed at Smith Spring in WY2022.
We did not observe invasive aquatic wildlife (e.g., crayfish or American bullfrog [Lithobates catesbeianus]) or invasive plants at Smith Spring in WY2022. As in previous years, we observed the following obligate/facultative wetland plants: maidenhair fern (Adiantum sp.), sedge (Carex sp.), and, for the first time, spikerush (Eleocharis sp.).
Water Quantity
Temperature sensors indicated that Smith Spring was wetted for 172 of 172 days (100%) measured up to the WY2022 visit (Figure 17). In prior water years, the spring was wetted 99.5–100% of the days measured.

Discharge was estimated at 294.8 (± 15.6) L/min (77.9 ± 4.1 gal/min) in WY2022 (Table 16). Because of a change in the discharge measurement location in WY2022, prior data for comparison at this sampling location are unavailable.
Wetted extent was evaluated using a method for flowing water. The total brook length was estimated at > 100 m (> 328 ft). Width and depth averaged 2.05 m (6.73 ft) and 11.4 cm (4.5 in), respectively, within the first 100 m (Table 17). The wetted extent in WY2022 was similar to prior years.
Water Quality
Core water quality (Table 18) and water chemistry (Table 19) data were collected at the primary orifice of Smith Spring. The values for pH and dissolved oxygen were within the ranges of prior values. Specific conductivity, total dissolved solids, and water temperature were slightly lower than previous values. Alkalinity, chloride, magnesium, and sulphate were within the ranges previously observed, while calcium and potassium were slightly higher. The WY2022 values are presented below along with ranges of values from prior years.
Smith Spring Data Tables
Sampling Location | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) | Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
005 | 294.8 ± 15.6 (n/a) | n/a |
Measurement | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
Width (m) | 2.05 ± 1.19 (1.61–2.07) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Depth (cm) | 11.4 ± 12.7 (3.6–27.7) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Length (m) | 100.0 (99.6–100.0) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) | 7.39 (6.98–7.46) |
2018–2019, 2021 (3) |
001 | Center | pH | 7.24 (7.24–7.68) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Specific conductivity (µS/cm) | 532.0 (532.8–535.0) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Temperature (°C) | 14.5 (14.6–15.1) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Total dissolved solids (mg/L) | 346.0 (346.4–348.0) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Alkalinity (CaCO3) |
285 (270–330) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Calcium (Ca) |
72 (54–68) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Chloride (Cl) |
6 (2–14) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Magnesium (Mg) |
31 (23–80) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Potassium (K) |
0.9 (0.0–0.6) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Sulphate (SO4) |
5 (0–5) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |

WY2022 Findings at Upper Pine Spring
Upper Pine Spring (Figure 18 above) is a rheocrene spring (a spring emerging into one or more stream channels) that emerges from two orifices inside a southeast-facing drainage near the mouth of Bear Canyon. Flow from the orifices combines to form a 60–70 m long spring channel with multiple plunge pools. The stream is lined with boulders under a canopy of oaks, pines, and junipers. The WY2022 visit occurred on 20 March 2022, and the spring contained water.
Site Condition
In WY2022, we rated Upper Pine Spring slightly disturbed from hiking trails (Frijoles Trail is < 100 m away), drying (wetted extent is smaller than previous years), fire (some charred wood and stumps), and wildlife (tracks and scat were observed). No other natural or human-caused disturbances were observed at Upper Pine Spring in WY2022.
We did not observe invasive aquatic animals (e.g., crayfish or American bullfrog [Lithobates catesbeianus]) or invasive plants at Upper Pine Spring in WY2022. The following obligate/facultative wetland plants were noted: lobelia (Lobelia sp.), maidenhair fern (Adiantum sp.), rushes (Juncaceae), sedges (Carex sp.), and spikerush (Eleocharis sp.).
Water Quantity
Temperature sensors indicated that Upper Pine Spring was wetted for 171 of 171 days (100%) measured up to the WY2022 visit (Figure 19). In prior water years, the spring was wetted 98.9–100% of the days measured.

Discharge was estimated at 1.1 (± 0.0) L/min (0.3 ± 0.0 gal/min) in WY2022 (Table 20). Because we changed the sampling location for discharge in WY2022, prior measurements at the location are unavailable. Wetted extent was evaluated using a method for flowing water. The total brook length was 40 m (131 ft) in WY2022. Width and depth averaged 64.1 cm (25.2 in) and 8.7 cm (3.4 in), respectively (Table 21). Springbrook length at Upper Pine Spring was shorter in WY2022 than in all prior years measured (2017–2021).
Water Quality
Core water quality and water chemistry data were collected at the primary sampling location in a pool near the orifice of Upper Pine Spring. The values for dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductivity, temperature, and total dissolved solids were all within the ranges of prior measurements (Table 22). Alkalinity, calcium, chloride, magnesium, and potassium were all within the ranges of values previously recorded at the site, while sulphate was slightly more than three times higher than the highest recorded value (Table 23). The WY2022 values are presented below along with ranges of values from prior years.
Upper Pine Spring Data Tables
Sampling Location | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) | Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
009 | 1.1 ± 0.0 (n/a) | n/a |
Measurement | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
Width (cm) | 64.1 ± 46.4 (62.0–99.6) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Depth (cm) | 8.7 ± 12.4 (4.0–17.0) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Length (m) | 40.1 (69.3–74.4) | 2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) | 6.85 (5.56–7.43) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | pH | 7.33 (7.27–7.58) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Specific conductivity (µS/cm) | 518.0 (512.9–533.0) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Temperature (°C) | 13.1 (12.7–15.4) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Total dissolved solids (mg/L) | 337.0 (333.4–346.0) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Sampling Location | Measurement Location (width, depth) |
Parameter | WY2022 Value (range of prior values) |
Prior Years Measured (# of measurements) |
001 | Center | Alkalinity (CaCO3) |
300 (275–310) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Calcium (Ca) |
54 (52–56) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Chloride (Cl) |
7 (2–64) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Magnesium (Mg) |
45 (1–195) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Potassium (K) |
0.2 (0.0–1.2) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
001 | Center | Sulphate (SO4) |
10 (0–3) |
2017–2019, 2021 (4) |
Report Citation
Authors: Kara Raymond, Susan Singley, Andy Hubbard
Raymond, K., S. Singley, and A. Hubbard. 2024. Climate and Water Monitoring at Guadalupe Mountains National Park: Water Year 2022. Chihuahuan Desert Network, National Park Service, Las Cruces, New Mexico.