
Guide to the Ronald F. Lee Papers

Hampton National Historic Site, Piscataway Park, Shiloh National Military Park

This finding aid describes the Ronald F. Lee Papers, part of the NPS History Collection. To search this guide for names, places, key words, or phrases enter Ctrl F on your keyboard (command key + F key on a Mac). Request an in-person research appointment or get more information by contacting the archivist.

Ronald Lee sitting writing at his desk, looking towards the camera
NPS Chief Historian Ronald F. Lee. (NPS History Collection, HFCA 1607)

Collection Overview

Collection Number: HFCA 1645 (Series XIV.A)
Creator: Lee, Ronald F.
Title: Ronald F. Lee Papers
Dates: 1879-1985 (bulk dates: 1933-1972)
Extent of Collection: 21.5 LF
Language of Materials: English

Digital Access: The collection has not been digitized.

Conditions Governing Access: This collection is open to research use. See the NPS general copyright and restricted information here.
Provenance: Gifted to the NPS History Collection in several donations by Mrs. Jean P. Lee in the 1970s.
Processing Note: This collection was processed and described by contractors in 2012. Updated by Nancy Russell in November 2024.

Rights Statement for Archival Description: This guide is in the public domain.
Preferred Citation: Ronald F. Lee Papers, Assembled Historic Records of the NPS (HFCA 1645), NPS History Collection
Location of Repository: NPS History Collection, Harpers Ferry Center, PO Box 50, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425

Related Materials:

Biographical Note

Ronald (“Ronnie”) Freeman Lee was born in Montevideo, Minnesota, on September 18, 1905, to Ernest Powers and Maude Susan (Anthony) Lee. The family moved to Dickinson, North Dakota, where Lee attended public schools. In 1927 he received a BS in Economics from the University of Minnesota. He earned an MA in American History from the University of Chicago two years later. From 1929 to 1931, Lee taught history at LaSalle Junior College in Illinois. In 1931 he became a teaching fellow in the History Department of the University of Minnesota while pursing doctoral studies. In June 1933, Lee and several other graduate students were offered jobs with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).

Lee was assigned to a CCC camp at Shiloh National Military Park as a historical foreman. In 1934 he transferred to Washington, DC to work in the CCC State Park Group under Conrad L. Wirth. After the passage of the Historic Sites Act of 1935, he became assistant director of Historic Sites, under Chief Historian Verne Chatelain. Lee became NPS chief historian in 1938 following Chatelain’s resignation. In this role he was involved with the preservation of many historic sites, gave expert direction to the Historic Sites program, and served as principal liaison to the Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings, and Monuments. The NPS historical handbook and source book series began under Lee’s direction.

Lee joined the US Army on June 10, 1942, as a private. A few months later he married Jean Prochaska in Denver, Colorado, on October 24. He became as a staff sergeant in the US Army-Air Force in England, assigned as an instructor in the maintenance and operation of the Norden bombsight and the automatic pilot used in bombing raids. He was honorably discharged on October 1, 1945. The Lees had no children.

From 1947 to 1949 Lee was instrumental in the establishment of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. He was a trustee member of the executive committee and for many years served as secretary of the board. He was instrumental in developing the National Preservation Program, which anticipated the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. His United State Historical and Architectural Monuments (1951) became the official history of the Federal government’s historic preservation efforts.

In 1951 he became assistant director of Research and Interpretation. In 1953 a reorganization placed him in charge of a newly created Division of Interpretation. In this capacity he oversaw publications, museums, educational activities, and overall interpretation activities throughout the National Park System. He helped plan many facilities under the Mission 66 program. Additionally, he was instrumental in the establishment of the National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings in 1957, which led to the creation of the National Historic Landmarks Program.

In 1960, Lee transferred to Philadelphia to become regional director of the Northeast Region. During his tenure he joined several local societies, such as the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Society of Preservation of Landmarks. He also became interested in preservation of urban areas, seashores, and lakeshores through his involvement with groups such as the Wilderness Society and Philadelphia Conservationist.

Lee was a member many organizations including: AASLH; the International Council on Monuments and Sites; National Park Association; Society of Architectural Historians; Wilderness Society; Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Horticultural Society; Philadelphia Conservationist; Philadelphia Society of Preservation of Landmarks; Philadelphia Art Alliance; The Athenaeum of Philadelphia; Philadelphia Art Museum; Museum of Modern Art of New York City; Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; American Legion; Air Force Association; American Veterans Committee; the Print Club of Philadelphia; the Century Association of New York City; and the Cosmos Club of Washington, DC.

From 1966 to 1971 Lee was chairman of a special NPS committee on historic preservation and a member of the NPS legislative task force from 1961 to 1970. In 1947, he served as the US representative to the committee of experts on monuments of art and history, UNESCO at Paris, France. He served at various times as a trustee of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society and the Theodore Roosevelt Association; a member of the Council of the American Association of Museums; the American Planning and Civic Association; the Historic Savannah Foundation; the advisory committee of the Hagley-Eleutherian Mills Foundation; and secretary of the Old Christ Church Preservation Trust Fund.

The American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society awarded Lee the Cornelius Amory Pugsley Medal in 1952 for his accomplishments in the field of conservation and the George McAneny Medal in 1961 for his leadership in the field of historic sites preservation. Among his other accomplishments, Lee was instrumental in the establishment of Hampton National Historic Site, the first unit recognized for its architectural significance, and Piscataway National Park which preserves the viewshed from Mount Vernon.

Lee retired in 1966 but continued to serve as a special assistant to NPS Director George B. Hartzog, Jr, who called him “the sage of historic preservation.” Lee wrote several important publications during this period including 1872-2000: Public Use of the National Park System (1968) and a definitive history of The Antiquities Act of 1906 (1970). From 1966 to 1971 Lee also served a columnist for History News, a publication of the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH). The Family Tree of the National Park System was published in 1972, a week before he died. His The Origin and Evolution of the National Military Park Idea was published posthumously in 1973.

Scope and Content Note

Working files of Ronald F. Lee, including materials created during this NPS career and while working with the many historic preservation organizations and committees on which he served such as the National Trust for Historic Preservation, American Scenic and Historic Preservation, and the National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings. Records of preservation and historical activities for the NPS Northeast Region and specific parks and monuments include copies of memos and other correspondence; guidelines; ordinances; plans and draft plans; charts and inventories; brochures; announcements; photographs; slides; and copies of legislation. Correspondence with NPS and other individuals interested in historic preservation included. Draft and final speeches and publications written by Lee are also present. Personal correspondence, notes, personnel actions, correspondence, awards, and other information from Lee’s personnel file. A small number of photographs and slides are included. News clippings, pamphlets on NPS sites, and historical research published by others used by Lee in professional activities and publications is present.


Arranged alphabetically by topic.

Container List

BOX 01
Folder 01: Conferences and Committees: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Reports, 1966-1972
Folder 02: Conferences and Committees: Bureau of Public Roads Reports, undated
Folder 03: Conferences and Committees: Committee List, etc., 1962-1965
Folder 04: Conferences and Committees: Committee on Principles of Preservation, 1963-1967
Folder 05: Conferences and Committees: Conference on Natural Beauty, 1965-1966
Folder 06: Conferences and Committees: Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, 1967
Folder 07: Conferences and Committees: Friends Historical Commission, undated
Folder 08: Conferences and Committees: Historic Preservation Conference, 1967
Folder 09: Conferences and Committees: Historic Preservation Task Force, 1966-1967
Folder 10: Conferences and Committees: Historic Sites Survey Consulting Committee, 1967
Folder 11: Conferences and Committees: Legislative Task Force, 1971-1972
Folder 12: Conferences and Committees: Legislative Task Force Committee, 1969-1970 [1 of 2]

BOX 02
Folder 01: Conferences and Committees: Legislative Task Force Committee, 1969-1970 [2 of 2]
Folder 02: Conferences and Committees: Membership Committee, 1966-1970
Folder 03: Conferences and Committees: National Park Service and Historic Preservation Committee Report, 1964-1965
Folder 04: Conferences and Committees: PA Conference on Natural Beauty, 1966
Folder 05: Conferences and Committees: Public Land Law Review Commission Report, 1970-1971
Folder 06: Conferences and Committees: Regional Conferences “New Preservation”, 1967
Folder 07: Conferences and Committees: Special Committee on Historic Preservation, 1969-1972
Folder 08: Conferences and Committees: Special Committee on Historic Preservation Briefing, 1965, undated
Folder 09: Conferences and Committees: Special Committee on Historic Preservation, Correspondence, 1965
Folder 10: Conferences and Committees: Special Committee on Historic Preservation “Draft” NPS Legislation, 1965
Folder 11: Conferences and Committees: Special Committee on Historic Preservation, General, 1965-1966
Folder 12: Conferences and Committees: Special Committee on Historic Preservation, NPS Special Task Force Records, undated
Folder 14: Conferences and Committees: Special Committee on Historic Preservation Report, 1966-1967
Folder 15: Conferences and Committees: Special Committee on Historic Preservation Study Report, 1965
Folder 16: Conferences and Committees: U.S. Travel Industry Conferences, undated
Folder 17: Conferences and Committees: White House Conference on Natural Beauty, 1965-1966

BOX 03
Folder 01: Correspondence: 1961-1972
Folder 02: Correspondence: Albright, Horace M., 1962-1972
Folder 03: Correspondence: Brew, Dr. J.D., 1966-1972
Folder 04: Correspondence: Carruth, Gorton, McGraw-Hill, 1966
Folder 05: Correspondence: Case, Leland D., 1954-1963
Folder 06: Correspondence: Comments on Antiquities Act Report, 1971
Folder 07: Correspondence: Comments on Part I of Lees Project [National Military Parks], 1969-1971
Folder 08: Correspondence: Connelly, Ernest Allen, 1965-1972
Folder 09: Correspondence: Eisman, Ferdinand, 1968-1970
Folder 10: Correspondence: Evison, S. Herbert, 1971-1972
Folder 11: Correspondence: Evison, Thomas S., 1966
Folder 12: Correspondence: Finley, David E., 1962-1970
Folder 13: Correspondence: General Preservation, 1966-1971
Folder 14: Correspondence: Grant III, Major General, U.S., 1951-1957
Folder 15: Correspondence: Gugler, Eric, 1965-1972

BOX 04
Folder 01: Correspondence: Gugler, Eric, 1948-1963
Folder 02: Correspondence: Hartzog, George B., Personal, 1964-1969
Folder 03 Correspondence: Hartzog, George B., Special Field Assistant, 1966-1970
Folder 04: Correspondence: Hosmer, Dr. Charles B., 1970, undated
Folder 05: Correspondence: Johnson, Frederick, 1951-1970
Folder 06: Correspondence: Leland, Dr. Waldo, 1951-1961
Folder 07: Correspondence: Lewis, Hon. Edwin O., 1966-1969
Folder 08: Correspondence: Like, Irving, 1972
Folder 09: Correspondence: Masland, Frank E., Jr., 1961-1965
Folder 10: Correspondence: McAneny, George, 1947-1956
Folder 11: Correspondence: NPS Family Tree, 1971-1972
Folder 12: Correspondence: Osborn, Gardner, 1969-1971
Folder 13: Correspondence: Peterson, C.E., 1966-1967
Folder 14: Correspondence: Preservation Committees, 1958-1966

BOX 05
Folder 01: Correspondence: Public Land Use, 1969-1971
Folder 02: Correspondence: Shepard, Donald D., 1951-1953
Folder 03: Correspondence: Stormonth-Darling, J.D., 1964-1965
Folder 04: Correspondence: Tilden, Freeman, 1970-1971
Folder 05: Correspondence: Tolson, Hillory, 1968
Folder 06: Correspondence: Van Ravenswaay, Charles, 1969-1971
Folder 07: Correspondence: Wirth, Conrad L., 1963-1971
Folder 08: Correspondence: Woodward, Charles H., 1965-1966
Folder 09: NPS: Advisory Board, 1967
Folder 10: NPS: Antiquities Act List of Monuments, undated
Folder 11: NPS: Budget, 1966-1972
Folder 12: NPS: Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Procedures, 1968-1970
Folder 13: NPS: Centennial Philosophy Sub-Committee, 1970-1971
Folder 14: NPS: Copies of NPS Laws, 1965-1966
Folder 15: NPS: Draft of Memorandum RE Origin and Evolution of the National Military Park Idea, undated

BOX 06
Folder 01: NPS: Employees and Alumni Associations, 1967-1972 [1 of 2]
Folder 02: NPS: Employees and Alumni Association, 1967-1972 [2 of 2]
Folder 03: NPS: Enlargement of NPS Notes, undated
Folder 04: NPS: Environmental Education, 1970
Folder 05: NPS: Environmental Procedures, 1969-1970
Folder 06: NPS: Environmental Responsibilities Outline, undated
Folder 07: NPS: Evolution of NPS System by Area, undated
Folder 08: NPS: Extending National Historic Preservation Authority, 1966
Folder 09: NPS: Extension Program, undated
Folder 10: NPS: General Information, 1950-1970, undated
Folder 11: NPS: Guidelines for Environmental Statements, 1970
Folder 12: NPS: Historic American Buildings Survey, 1961-1971 [1 of 2]

BOX 07
Folder 01: NPS: Historic American Buildings Survey, 1961-1971 [2 of 2]
Folder 02: NPS: Historic American Buildings Survey Advisory Board, 1964-1966
Folder 03: NPS: Historic House Museum Concept, undated
Folder 04: NPS: Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 1967
Folder 05: NPS: Historic Preservation Issues, 1964-1969
Folder 06: NPS: Historical Sites Act, 1966
Folder 07: NPS: History and National Park Service Priorities, 1969
Folder 08: NPS: History of Historic Advisory Buildings Survey, 1942-1970
Folder 09: NPS: International Cooperation Technical Services, 1969-1970
Folder 10: NPS: Interpretive Methods Course, September 19-November 2, 1966
Folder 11: NPS: Invitations, 1959-1969

BOX 08
Folder 01: NPS: Invitations, 1955-1958
Folder 02: NPS: Land Use Planning, 1971
Folder 03: NPS: Legislative Task Force, 1969
Folder 04: NPS: Legislative Task Force Field Suggestions and Limitations, 1969, undated
Folder 05: NPS: National Environmental Policy Act, 1970
Folder 06: NPS: National Environmental Policy Act and Council on Environmental Quality, 1969-1970
Folder 07: NPS: National Environmental Policy Act Memo, 1970
Folder 08: NPS: National Memorial Concept and Its Evolution, undated
Folder 09: NPS: National Military Parks, Battlefield Sites, undated
Folder 10: NPS: National Military Park Concepts and Its Evolution, List of Battlefield Volumes, undated
Folder 11: NPS: National Park Foundation, 1968
Folder 12: NPS: Natural Areas Policies, 1968-1970
Folder 13: NPS: Notes on History Parks, undated
Folder 14: NPS: Notes on REACH Program, 1970
Folder 15: NPS: Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, 1966-1971 [1 of 2]

BOX 09
Folder 01: NPS: Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, 1966-1971 [2 of 2]
Folder 02: NPS: Organization of NPS, undated
Folder 03: NPS: Policies and Standards, 1971
Folder 04: NPS: Preservation and Management Materials, 1955-1970
Folder 05: NPS: PLLRC (Public Land Policy) NPS Assignments, 1970, undated
Folder 06: NPS: Public Lands Survey, undated
Folder 07: NPS: Publications, 1954-1981
Folder 08: NPS: Reference Purposes and Standards, undated
Folder 09: NPS: Register of Natural Landmarks, 1967-1970
Folder 10: NPS: “Reorganization” of NPS, 1971
Folder 11: NPS: Roles of NPS, 1969-1970
Folder 12: NPS: Salvage Archeology, 1948
Folder 13: NPS: Statement on the National Park Service, 1968
Folder 14: NPS: Student Conservation Program, 1969
Folder 15: NPS: Study of National Military Parks, undated
Folder 16: NPS: Theme Structures, 1970

BOX 10
Folder 01: NPS: Tourism, 1967
Folder 02: NPS: Travel Data, 1967-1971
Folder 03: NPS: Urban Historic Preservation, 1970
Folder 04: NPS: Williamsburg, undated
Folder 05: NPS: Youth and Volunteer Programs, 1969
Folder 06: NPS Areas: Ansley-Wilcox House, 1966-1968
Folder 07: NPS Areas: Casa Grande, undated
Folder 08: NPS Areas: Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park, 1972
Folder 09: NPS Areas: Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park, undated
Folder 10: NPS Areas: Cold Spring House, 1967
Folder 11: NPS Areas: Conowingo Dam Visitors Info Center, 1967
Folder 12: NPS Areas: Coventryville, 1966-1971
Folder 13: NPS Areas: Custer Battlefield, undated
Folder 14: NPS Areas: Delaware Water Gap, 1967
Folder 15: NPS Areas: Dr. Frederick Tilberg, 1957
Folder 16: NPS Areas: Ellis Island, undated
Folder 17: NPS Areas: Fort Augusta, 1966
Folder 18: NPS Areas: Fort Frederica, 1966
Folder 19: NPS Areas: Gardiner’s Island, undated
Folder 20: NPS Areas: George Rogers Clark National Historical Park, 1965-1966
Folder 21: NPS Areas: Gettysburg National Park, undated
Folder 22: NPS Areas: Grand Teton, undated
Folder 23: NPS Areas: Great Falls, 1967-1969

BOX 11
Folder 01: NPS Areas: Hamilton Grange, 1960-1967
Folder 02: NPS Areas: Hampton, 1970
Folder 03: NPS Areas: Independence National Park, 1966
Folder 04: NPS Areas: Independence Park Bicentennial, 1968
Folder 05: NPS Areas: Las Trampas, 1967
Folder 06: NPS Areas: Martha’s Vineyard, 1967
Folder 07: NPS Areas: Martha’s Vineyard, 1966
Folder 08: NPS Areas: Mesa Verde, undated
Folder 09: NPS Areas: Morristown, undated
Folder 10: NPS Areas: Mount Independence, Vermont, 1968
Folder 11: NPS Areas: Mount Vernon, undated
Folder 12: NPS Areas: National Cemeteries, undated
Folder 13: NPS Areas: Pensacola, Florida, 1966
Folder 14: NPS Areas: Revolutionary Battlefields and Sites, undated
Folder 15: NPS Areas: Revolutionary Projects in Hosmer, undated
Folder 16: NPS Areas: Roosevelt-Campobello, 1963-1965
Folder 17: NPS Areas: Robert Frost, 1963-1967 [1 of 2]

BOX 12
Folder 01: NPS Areas: Robert Frost, 1963-1967 [2 of 2]
Folder 02: NPS Areas: Saint Gaudens, 1963-1970
Folder 03: NPS Areas: San Juan NHS, 1965-1970
Folder 04: NPS Areas: Savannah, Georgia, 1965-1970
Folder 05: NPS Areas: Shiloh-Vicksburg National Military Park, undated
Folder 06: NPS Areas: St. Croix Island, 1967
Folder 07: NPS Areas: Tocks Island Regional Advisory Council, 1966-1969

BOX 13
Folder 01: NPS Areas: Theodore Roosevelt NHS Advisory Committee, 1962-1971
Folder 02: NPS Areas: Theodore Roosevelt NHS, Arts, undated
Folder 03: NPS Areas: Theodore Roosevelt NHS, Board of Trustees, 1961-1971
Folder 04: NPS Areas: U.S. Mint, San Francisco, 1966
Folder 05: NPS Areas: Valley Forge, 1971
Folder 06: NPS Areas: Yosemite, undated
Folder 07: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Abolition of Castle Pinckney, undated
Folder 08: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Antietam, undated
Folder 09: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Bandelier National Monument, undated
Folder 10: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Bennington Battle Monument, undated
Folder 11: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Bunker Hill Monuments, undated
Folder 12: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Castillo de San Marcos and Fort Matanzas National Monuments, undated
Folder 13: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Colonial National Monument, undated
Folder 14: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Concord Monument, undated
Folder 15: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Condemned Cannon for Monuments, undated
Folder 16: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Dept. of Agriculture National Monument, undated
Folder 17: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Equestrian Statue of General Washington, undated
Folder 18: NPS Memorials and Monuments: FDR Memorial, Washington, D.C., 1971-1972
Folder 19: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Fort Pulaski, Fort Sumter, Castle Pinckney, undated
Folder 20: NPS Memorials and Monuments: General History of Monuments, undated
Folder 21: NPS Memorials and Monuments: General Warren, General Mercer Monuments, undated
Folder 22: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Groton Battle Monument, 1971

BOX 14
Folder 01: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Guilford Court House, undated
Folder 02: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Interior Monuments to 1916, undated
Folder 03: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Kings Mountain, undated
Folder 04: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Lossing Monument, undated
Folder 05: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Maumee Valley Monument, undated
Folder 06: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Monmouth Monument, undated
Folder 07: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Montgomery Monument, undated
Folder 08: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Monuments for the Battlefields of the American Revolution, undated
Folder 09: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Moores Creek, undated
Folder 10: NPS Memorials and Monuments: National Monuments General, 1906-1916
Folder 11: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Notes, undated
Folder 12: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Notes on Chronology of Monuments, undated
Folder 13: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Old Ironsides, undated
Folder 14: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Princeton Battle Monument, undated
Folder 15: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Proposed Legislation for Revolutionary Monument, undated
Folder 16: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Statue of Liberty, undated
Folder 17: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Trenton Battle Monument, 1971
Folder 18: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Washington Monument –Baltimore, undated
Folder 19: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Washington Monument –DC, 1969
Folder 20: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Washington Monument –Newburgh, undated
Folder 21: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Wright Brothers National Memorial, undated
Folder 22: NPS Memorials and Monuments: Yorktown Monument, undated
Folder 23: Organizations: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 1966-1970
Folder 24: Organizations: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Panel on Environmental Conservation, undated
Folder 25: Organizations: American Association for State and Local History, 1967-1972

BOX 15
Folder 01: Organizations: American Association for State and Local History, 1966-1970 [1 of 2]
Folder 02: Organizations: American Association for State and Local History, 1966-1970 [2 of 2]
Folder 03: Organizations: American Museum of Immigration, 1968-1971
Folder 04: Organizations: American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society: Administrative, 1944-1970
Folder 05: Organizations: American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 1969
Folder 06: Organizations: American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society: Awards, 1951-1970
Folder 07: Organizations: American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society: Board of Trustees Minutes, 1952-1971

BOX 16
Folder 01: Organizations: American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society: The Octagon, 1967-1970
Folder 02: Organizations: American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society: The Octagon, 1936-1966
Folder 03: Organizations: Association for Preservation Technology, 1969
Folder 04: Organizations: Columbia University Graduate Programs, 1967
Folder 05: Organizations: Czech Preservation, undated
Folder 06: Organizations: Committee Park Service and Historic Preservation, 1964
Folder 07: Organizations: Conservation Foundation, 1967-1968

BOX 17
Folder 01: Organizations: Cosmos Club, 1951-1971
Folder 02: Organizations: Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation, 1970-1971
Folder 03: Organizations: Environmental Protection Agency Bulletins, 1971
Folder 04: Organizations: Fellows in American Studies, 1968
Folder 05: Organizations: Ford Foundation Study Group, 1967-1968 [1 of 2]
Folder 06: Organizations: Ford Foundation Study Group, 1967-1968 [2 of 2]
Folder 07: Organizations: Ford Foundation, Whitehill Committee, 1966-1967, undated
Folder 08: Organizations: France, Preservation Policies and Legislation, undated
Folder 09: Organizations: General International Preservation Policies and Legislation, 1957-1968
Folder 10: Organizations: Great Britain Preservation Policies and Legislation, 1953
Folder 11: Organizations: GSA and Historic Preservation, undated

BOX 18
Folder 01: Organizations: Heritage Plaza East Urban Renewal Area, 1966-1967
Folder 02: Organizations: Hunterdon Historical Society, 1969-1970
Folder 03: Organizations: ICOMOS U.S. Committee Travel, 1964-1971
Folder 04: Organizations: International Council on Monuments and Sites, 1969
Folder 05: Organizations: International Council on Monuments and Sites, 1964-1970 [1 of 2]
Folder 06: Organizations: International Council on Monuments and Sites, 1964-1970 [2 of 2]
Folder 07: Organizations: Joint Council on Housing and Urban Development, 1965, undated
Folder 08: Organizations: National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings, 1949-1954

BOX 19
Folder 01: Organizations: National Endowment for the Humanities, 1970-1972
Folder 02: Organizations: National Freedom Shrine Foundation, 1952-1957
Folder 03: Organizations: National Parks Centennial Advisory Committee, 1970-1972 [1 of 2]
Folder 04: Organizations: National Parks Centennial Advisory Committee, 1970-1972 [2 of 2]
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1967-1972
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Alfred Mongin, 1966

BOX 20
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Annual Meeting, 1967
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Annual Meeting, 1966-1967 [1 of 2]
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Annual Meeting, 1966-1967 [2 of 2]
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Annual Reports, 1954-1985
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Application for Membership, undated
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Awards Committee, 1967-1968
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Awards Committee, 1961-1962
Folder 08: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Awards Committee, 1960

BOX 21
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Awards Committee, 1959
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Awards Committee, 1958
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Board of Trustees, 1965-1971
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, By-laws, 1952-1967
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Committee on Public Education, undated
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Committee on Standards and Surveys, 1948-1960
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Constitution and By-laws, undated
Folder 08: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Correspondence, 1963
Folder 09: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Correspondence, 1961-1962

BOX 22
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Correspondence, 1959-1960
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Correspondence, 1957-1958
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Correspondence, 1951-1956
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Courses and Services, 1955-1966
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Cressap Report, 1959
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Criteria for Evaluation, undated
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1967

BOX 23
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1966
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1965
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1964
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1963
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1962
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1961

BOX 24
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1960
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1959
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1958
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1957
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees Minutes, 1950-1956
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Finance Committee, 1962-1966
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Finance and Members, 1956-1957

BOX 25
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Finance Committee, 1960-1961
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Financial Reports, 1954-1959
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, General File, Administrative, 1965-1966, undated
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, General File, Administrative, 1946-1964, undated
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, General File, Correspondence, 1954-1966, undated
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Guides of State Programs, 1972
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Historic Buildings Crafts Center, 1967-1968
Folder 08: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Legislation, 1947-1971

BOX 26
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Legislation, 1948-1965
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Literature, Miscellaneous, undated
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Lyndhurst, 1963-1964
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Member Directories and Conference Notes, 1958-1960
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Member Organizations, undated
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Membership and Public Relations Committee, 1964-1965
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Membership and Public Relations Committee, 1963

BOX 27
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Membership and Public Relations Committee, 1961-1962
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Membership Services and Government, 1967 [1 of 2]
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Membership Services and Government, 1967 [2 of 2]
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Memos and Reports, 1958
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, National Register, 1967-1971 [1 of 2]
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, National Register, 1967-1971 [2 of 2]
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, New Committees, 1960-1962
Folder 08: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Nominating Committee, 1962-1967
Folder 09: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Organization and Administration, 1959

BOX 28
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Pamphlets and Programs, undated
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Planning Committee, 1956-1957
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Policy and Programs, Departments of Information and Education, 1963-1964
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Principles and Guidelines, Correspondence, 1967
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Principles and Guidelines, Drafts, 1967
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Properties, undated
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Properties Committee, 1960-1964
Folder 08: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Publications, 1960
Folder 09: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Report on Principles and Guidelines, Lee Drafts, undated
Folder 10: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Report on Principles and Guidelines, Memos and Meetings, 1964-1972

BOX 29
Folder 01: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Report on Principles and Guidelines, Supporting Material, 1964
Folder 02: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Restoration Principles of Colonial Williamsburg, 1935
Folder 03: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Robert R. Garvey, Jr. 1966, undated
Folder 04: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Salem, MA, Panel, 1966
Folder 05: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Statements on Principles, 1964
Folder 06: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Wayside Inn, 1957-1960
Folder 07: Organizations: National Trust for Historic Preservation, UNESCO, 1963-1964
Folder 08: Organizations: Nature Conservancy, 1954-1963
Folder 09: Organizations: Nature Preservation, 1963-1967
Folder 10: Organizations: Netherlands, Preservation Policies and Legislation, undated
Folder 11: Organizations: New England, Historic Genealogical Society and Other Organizations, undated

BOX 30
Folder 01: Organizations: New York State Historic Preservation Trust, 1967
Folder 02: Organizations: Newcomen Society, 1968
Folder 03: Organizations: NYC Group, 1961-1971
Folder 04: Organizations: Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 1961
Folder 05: Organizations: Pennsylvania State Planning Board, undated
Folder 06: Organizations: Philadelphia Conservationists, 1969-1970
Folder 07: Organizations: Philadelphia Historic Preservation Laws and Commissions, 1970
Folder 08: Organizations: Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks, 1931-1965
Folder 09: Organizations: Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks, 1931-1934
Folder 10: Organizations: Plimoth Plantation, 1948-1970
Folder 11: Organizations: Poland, Preservation Policies and Legislation, undated
Folder 12: Organizations: Public Land Law Review Commission, 1970, undated
Folder 13: Organizations: Theodore Roosevelt Association, 1962-1972
Folder 14: Organizations: UNESCO Preservation Policies and Legislation, 1962
Folder 15: Organizations: Urban America, Inc., 1966

BOX 31
Folder 01: Organizations: Urban Renewal, undated
Folder 02: Organizations: Urban Renewal and Archeology, 1963
Folder 03: Organizations: U.S.A. Preservation Policies and Legislation, 1965-1969
Folder 04: Organizations: Vieux Carre, 1967-1969
Folder 05: Organizations: Welfare Council Open Lands Project, 1966
Folder 06: Organizations: Wilderness Society, 1966-1969
Folder 07: Organizations: Youth Conservation Corps Camps, 1971
Folder 08: Personal Papers: 1966-1971
Folder 09: Personal Papers: 1965
Folder 10: Personal Papers: 1961-1964
Folder 11: Personal Papers: Awards, 1966-1976

BOX 32
Folder 01: Personal Papers: Biography, 1951-1970, undated
Folder 02: Personal Papers: Confidential, Dr. M. Nelligan, Dr. J.D.R. Platt, 1965
Folder 03: Personal Papers: Correspondence, 1933-1960 [1 of 2]
Folder 04: Personal Papers: Correspondence, 1933-1960 [2 of 2]
Folder 05: Personal Papers: Job Sheet and Attached Memos, 1966
Folder 06: Personal Papers: Notes and Date Books, 1958-1959, 1968, undated
Folder 07: Personal Papers: Official Correspondence, 1969-1971

BOX 33
Folder 01: Personal Papers: Official Correspondence, 1966-1968
Folder 02: Personal Papers: Official Correspondence, 1965
Folder 03: Personal Papers: Official Correspondence, 1964
Folder 04: Personal Papers: Official Correspondence, 1963
Folder 05: Personal Papers: Official Correspondence, 1962

BOX 34
Folder 01: Personal Papers: Official Correspondence, 1961
Folder 02: Personal Papers: Personnel Action, 1954-1968
Folder 03: Personal Papers: Photographs, undated
Folder 04: Personal Papers: Programs and Correspondence, 1963-1966
Folder 05: Personal Papers, Slides, undated
Folder 06: Personal Papers: Travel, 1967-1971
Folder 07: Personal Papers: Travel to Harrisville, NH, 1971
Folder 08: Publications: Chapter Drafts, undated
Folder 09: Publications: Comments on NPS Family Tree, undated
Folder 10: Publications: Drafts re Policies; Regulations; Statutory Deficiencies, 1970
Folder 11: Publications: Early Protection on Antiquities, Vandalism Notes, undated
Folder 12: Publications: Family Tree of the National Park System, 1971-1972 [1 of 3]

BOX 35
Folder 01: Publications: Family Tree of the National Park System, 1971-1972 [2 of 3]
Folder 02: Publications: Family Tree of the National Park System, 1971-1972 [3 of 3]
Folder 03: Publications: Historic Preservation Study Draft, 1968
Folder 04: Publications: Movement to Preserve Prehistoric Antiquities, 1968
Folder 05: Publications: Movement to Preserve Prehistoric Antiquities, Master Copy, 1969
Folder 06: Publications: National Military Park Idea, undated
Folder 07: Publications: National Military Park Idea Drafts, undated
Folder 08: Publications: Notes on Antiquities Act, undated
Folder 09: Publications: NPS Family Tree Drafts, 1971

BOX 36
Folder 01: Publications: NPS Family Tree Drafts, undated [1 of 5]
Folder 02: Publications: NPS Family Tree Drafts, undated [2 of 5]
Folder 03: Publications: NPS Family Tree Drafts, undated [3 of 5]
Folder 04: Publications: NPS Family Tree Drafts, undated [4 of 5]

BOX 37
Folder 01: Publications: NPS Family Tree Drafts, undated [5 of 5]
Folder 02: Publications: Our National Historic Preservation Policies Drafts, 1969
Folder 03: Publications: Plan for the Complete Study Drafts, undated
Folder 04: Publications: Statement of Historic Preservation Opportunities and Problems Comments, 1964
Folder 05: Publications: Preservation Study General Concepts, 1968
Folder 06: Publications: Tales of National Monuments, 1906-1970, undated
Folder 07: References: Amendments to Antiquities Act, undated
Folder 08: References: American Anthropological Association, undated
Folder 09: References: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1945, undated
Folder 10: References: American Battlefield Monuments Commission, undated
Folder 11: References: Antiquities Act of 1906, 1968-1972

BOX 38
Folder 01: References: Antiquities Act of 1906, 1969 [1 of 2]
Folder 02: References: Antiquities Act of 1906, 1969 [2 of 2]
Folder 03: References: Antiquities Bills, 1900-1906
Folder 04: References: Archeological Institute of America, undated
Folder 05: References: Bills to Create NPS, 1911-1916
Folder 06: References: Breath of Life, by John McDermott, 1966
Folder 07: References: Bureau of American Ethnology and National Museum, 1879
Folder 08: References: Catalog Cards of NPS Legislation, undated
Folder 09: References: Clippings re: Adaptive Use, HUD, etc., 1969
Folder 10: References: Cultural Parks, undated
Folder 11: References: Current Preservation Problems, Newspaper Clippings, 1970, undated
Folder 12: References: Department of Natural Resource Bills and Environment, 1969

BOX 39
Folder 01: References: Department of Transportation, 1966-1969
Folder 02: References: Environmental Articles, 1970-1971
Folder 03: References: Executive Order RE Historic Preservation, May 13, 1971
Folder 04: References: General Bills and Records, Notes, 1971, undated
Folder 05: References: General Legislation History, Antiquities Act, 1972, undated
Folder 06: References: General Preservation Magazines, 1966, 1972
Folder 07: References: Hearings on Antiquities Act, 1904, undated
Folder 08: References: Historic Gout Buildings GSA Surplus Property, Living Monuments, undated
Folder 09: References: Historic Preservation, 1966-1970
Folder 10: References: Historic Preservation Legislation, 1966 [1 of 2]
Folder 11: References: Historic Preservation Legislation, 1966 [2 of 2]
Folder 12: References: Historic Sites Act of 1935, undated
Folder 13: References: Historical Acts, 1970, undated
Folder 14: References: History of Historic American Buildings Survey, 1963
Folder 15: References: History on the Highways, Markers, 1951
Folder 16: References: House and Senate Committee Reports on Antiquities Act, 1900-1906

BOX 40
Folder 01: References: Housing and Urban Development, 1966-1967, undated
Folder 02: References: International Preservation Drafts, 1968, undated
Folder 03: References: Investigation of Battlefields, 1926-1933
Folder 04: References: Ise’s Antiquities Act Notes, undated
Folder 05: References: Lafayette’s Visit, undated
Folder 06: References: Legislative History of Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 1965-1970
Folder 07: References: National Cultural Parks, undated
Folder 08: References: National Environmental Policy Act, 1968-1970
Folder 09: References: National Land Use Policy Act of 1970, 1971
Folder 10: References: National Military Park Concept, 1902-1912
Folder 11: References: National Monuments Established under Antiquities Act, undated
Folder 12: References: National Park Service Act, 1916
Folder 13: References: National Park System Act, 1970
Folder 14: References: National Park System Legislation, 1971
Folder 15: References: National Park Trust Fund Board, 1935
Folder 16: References: National Trust Charter, 1949
Folder 17: References: Nationalism, undated
Folder 18: References: Notes on General Land Office, undated
Folder 19: References: Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, 1966-1971

BOX 41
Folder 01: References: Origin of History Themes, NPS Service, 1929
Folder 02: References: Pending Legislation re Environment, 1970
Folder 03: References: Preliminary Plan for Scenic Highways in CA, undated
Folder 04: References: Preservation Manuals, 1964, 1967
Folder 05: References: Preservation News, 1967
Folder 06: References: Preservation Newspaper Clippings, 1968-1971
Folder 07: References: President Nixon’s 1971 Environmental Program, 1970-1971
Folder 08: References: Records of the Past, Exploration Society, undated
Folder 09: References: Reports of Secretary of Interior and Commissioner General Land Office, 1906-1916
Folder 10: References: Rescue of Independence Hall and Square, undated
Folder 11: References: Resources for the Future, 1971
Folder 12: References: Restoration of the White House, 1946
Folder 13: References: Robbins and Lawrence Armory and Machine Shop, 1968
Folder 14: References: Section 106, 1968
Folder 15: References: Smithsonian Museum Legislation, 1966
Folder 16: References: State Historic Preservation Laws and Commissions, 1957-1966
Folder 17: References: Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, undated
Folder 18: References: Transfer of Battlefields to Interior, 1933
Folder 19: References: Transfer of National Monument to Interior, undated
Folder 20: References: Underwater Archeology, 1970

BOX 42
Folder 01: References: Uniform Rules and Regulations, 1958
Folder 02: References: Urban Environment Act, 1970
Folder 03: References: Urban Parks, undated
Folder 04: References: Urban Renewal and Historic Preservation, undated
Folder 05: References: Urban Renewal Legislation, 1966-1969
Folder 06: References: War Department Bulletin #27 and #8, 1915, 1925
Folder 07: Speeches, 1959-1964
Folder 08: Speeches, 1955-1959
Folder 09: Speeches, 1956-1954
Folder 10: Speeches, undated
Folder 11: Speeches: Allagash, 1961-1962
Folder 12: Speeches: Archeological Salvage, 1947

BOX 43
Folder 01: Speeches: Commemoration and Dedication, 1941-1958, undated
Folder 02: Speeches: Comments on Gout Experience, Especially US, 1963, undated
Folder 03: Speeches: Education, 1949-1952
Folder 04: Speeches: Education Notes, 1958
Folder 05: Speeches: England, UNESCO, etc., 1949, undated
Folder 06: Speeches: Historic Sites, Notes on Social Values, Travel, etc., undated
Folder 07: Speeches: Historical and Architectural Monuments in the USA, 1950
Folder 08: Speeches: Historical Preservation, 1947-1954
Folder 09: Speeches: History Written on the Land, 1949; Bringing History to the People, 1950
Folder 10: Speeches: Institute on Preservation of Historic Buildings, 1949
Folder 11: Speeches: National Historic Landmarks, 1961-1965 [1 of 2]

BOX 44
Folder 01: Speeches: National Historic Landmarks, 1961-1965 [2 of 2]
Folder 02: Speeches: Non-Park, 1963-1966
Folder 03: Speeches: Park Planning, Historical Planning, 1952-1953
Folder 04: Speeches: Quotes on History, Travel, etc., undated
Folder 05: Speeches: Reference Material on Conservation, undated
Folder 06: Speeches: Reference Material on Education, 1929, 1954-1956, undated
Folder 07: Speeches: Reference Material on State Parks, 1950-1954
Folder 08: Speeches: Reference Material, Talks by Others, 1948-1957
Folder 09: Speeches: Reference and Samples, 1954-1968 [1 of 2]
Folder 10: Speeches: Reference and Samples, 1954-1968 [2 of 2]
Folder 11: Speeches: Regional Staff, 1960-1961
Folder 12: Speeches: Seminar on Preservation, Williamsburg, September 8-11, 1963

BOX 45
Folder 01: Speeches: Souvenirs, undated
Folder 02: Speeches: Talk Given at 1964 Annual New Jersey State Planning Conference, February 4, 1964
Folder 03: Speeches: Talk Given at Joint Meeting of National Park and Conservation Committees of the Garden Club of America, January 10, 1961
Folder 04: Speeches: Talk Given at Presentation of Deeds to State of New Jersey, August 17, 1965
Folder 05: Speeches: Talk Given at Symposium on “The Ecology of the Long Island Barrier Beach…”, June 17, 1963
Folder 06: Speeches: Talk Given before the Soil Conservation Society, August 24, 1965
Folder 07: Speeches: Tocks Island, February 6, 1965
Folder 08: Speeches: Travel, 1947
Folder 09: Speeches: Travel, Notes on Social Value, Psychology, etc., undated

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