Last updated: November 5, 2021
Mapping Wildfire

Mapping the extent and severity of fire in important for many reasons. The knowledge gained from understanding burn patterns can inform management and planning. Monitoring burned areas provides insights into how ecosystems recover and change after fire--including varied responses related to severity. The following two papers describe different mapping methods and how they can be used.
Smith and others found that satellite-based remote imagery could create accurate burn severity maps in boreal forest ecosystems. They looked at environmental variables across different sites and their impact on burn severity. This kind of information can be used by fire managers to identify areas with the potential for high burn severity and mitigate or reduce the negative effects.
Holsinger and others also looked at burn severity using an alternative method that models the relationship between satellite-inferred severity and field-based measures of fire severity. This approach performed very well across different metrics, phenology, and time periods.This approach can capture both the inital and longer-term effects of fire. This approach can complement existing fire databases and broaden our understanding of fire-induced changes in boreal ecosystems.
Learn more from the papers linked below.
Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors: A Case Study in Interior Alaska Boreal Forest
In recent years, there have been rapid improvements in both remote sensing methods and satellite image availability that have the potential to massively improve burn severity assessments of the Alaskan boreal forest. In this study, we utilized recent pre- and post-fire Sentinel-2 satellite imagery of the 2019 Nugget Creek and Shovel Creek burn scars located in Interior Alaska to both assess burn severity across the burn scars and test the effectiveness of several remote sensing methods for generating accurate map products: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) supervised classification. We used 52 Composite Burn Index (CBI) plots from the Shovel Creek burn scar and 28 from the Nugget Creek burn scar for training classifiers and product validation. For the Shovel Creek burn scar, the RF and SVM machine learning (ML) classification methods outperformed the traditional spectral indices that use linear regression to separate burn severity classes (RF and SVM accuracy, 83.33%, versus NBR accuracy, 73.08%). However, for the Nugget Creek burn scar, the NDVI product (accuracy: 96%) outperformed the other indices and ML classifiers. In this study, we demonstrated that when sufficient ground truth data is available, the ML classifiers can be very effective for reliable mapping of burn severity in the Alaskan boreal forest. Since the performance of ML classifiers are dependent on the quantity of ground truth data, when sufficient ground truth data is available, the ML classification methods would be better at assessing burn severity, whereas with limited ground truth data the traditional spectral indices would be better suited. We also looked at the relationship between burn severity, fuel type, and topography (aspect and slope) and found that the relationship is site-dependent.
Smith, C. W., S. K. Panda, U. S. Bhatt, F. J. Meyer, A. Badola, and J. L. Hrobak. 2021. Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors: A Case Study in Interior Alaska Boreal Forest. Remote Sensing 13(10): 1966.
Improved fire severity mapping in the North American boreal forest using a hybrid composite method
Fire severity is a key driver shaping the ecological structure and function of North American boreal ecosystems, a biome dominated by large, high-intensity wildfires. Satellite-derived burn severity maps have been an important tool in these remote landscapes for both fire and resource management. The conventional methodology to produce satellite-inferred fire severity maps generally involves comparing imagery from 1 year before and 1 year after a fire, yet environmental conditions unique to the boreal have limited the accuracy of resulting products. We introduce an alternative method – the ‘hybrid composite’ – based on deriving mean severity over time on a per-pixel basis within the cloud-computing environment of Google Earth Engine. It constructs the post-fire image from satellite data composited from all valid images (i.e., clear-sky and snow-free) acquired in the time period immediately after fire through the early growing season of the following year. We compare this approach to paired-scene and composite approaches where the post-fire time period is from the growing season 1 year after fire. Validation statistics based on field-derived data for 52 fires across Alaska and Canada indicate that the hybrid composite method outperforms the other approaches. This approach presents an efficient and cost-effective means to monitor and explore trends and patterns across broad spatial domains, and could be applied to fires in other regions, especially those with frequent cloud cover or rapid vegetation recovery.
Holsinger, L. M., S. A. Parks, L. B. Saperstein, R. A. Loehman, E. Whitman, J. Barnes, and M. A. Parisien. 2021. Improved fire severity mapping in the North American boreal forest using a hybrid composite method. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.