Article • Joshua Tree Virtual Junior Ranger Program

Draw a Joshua tree

Joshua Tree National Park

A Joshua tree forest with boulders in the background
Use this picture of a Joshua tree forest to give you inspiration for your drawing!

Photo: NPS / Brad Sutton

The park namesake, the Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) is a member of the Agave family. The Joshua tree is a twisty and spiky tree that can seem otherworldly, like it popped out of a book!

For inspiration and guidance, you may follow these step-by-step instructions. We highly encourage creativity and want to see your version of a Joshua tree. You can add unique features and color the Joshua tree to make it your own. No two Joshua trees look alike, so you can make yours as wacky and creative as you want!

A drawing of the ground, represented as a squiggly line, with two vertical lines drawn up from it.
No one knows how old Joshua trees actually are, but some scientists think they are 150 years old, or older!

Illustration: NPS / Kelsey Graczyk

Step 1:
Draw a squiggly line for the ground. Add two vertical lines for the base of the tree.
A drawing of a tree with branches. From the previous drawing frive branches are drawn shooting off of the previously drawn tree stump,
When you see a Joshua tree it is means you are likely in the Mojave Desert.

Illustration: NPS / Kelsey Graczyk

Step 2:
Add the branches. No two Joshua trees look the same, so have fun with it!

A drawing of a tree. Adding on from the last drawing there are now five leaves drawn on the ends of each branch. The leaves resemble a star shaped pattern.
Joshua trees provide shelter for many desert critters. You might be lucky to see the yellow flash of a Scott's oriole or the slinky desert night lizard on a fallen branch.

Illustration: NPS / Kelsey Graczyk

Step 3:
Add sunbursts to the top of your branches. These will represent the funky looking leaves.
A drawing of a Joshua tree surrounded by two bolders on each side of it. the boulder on the right is larger than the boulder on the left of the tree.
The tallest Joshua trees in the park are over forty feet tall!

Illustration: NPS / Kelsey Graczyk

Step 4:
Add boulders to the sides of your Joshua tree. This will complete the desert landscape.
A pencil drawing of a Joshua tree surrounded by two boulders
Joshua trees need rain and a winter freeze to grow well. In good years, Joshua trees will grow white-green flowers in the spring.

Illustration: NPS / Kelsey Graczyk

Step 5:
Marvel at your masterpiece! You can add unique features and color the Joshua tree to make it your own.

Part of a series of articles titled Joshua Tree Virtual Junior Ranger Program.

Last updated: August 1, 2020